
venerdì 2 giugno 2017

# s-behav: the multifactorial relationship system evolved in Blenny

AA << investigate the evolution of fangs, venom, and mimetic relationships in reef fishes from the tribe Nemophini (fangblennies) >>

Nicholas R. Casewell, Jeroen C. Visser, et al. The Evolution of Fangs, Venom, and Mimicry Systems in Blenny Fishes. Current Biology. Vol 27, Issue 8, p1184–1191, 24 Apr 2017

<<  It’s a good venom story >> Rich Pyle.

Christie Wilcox. Beware the blenny’s bite: scientists uncover the toxins in fang blenny venom.  Mar 30, 2017

<< Si tratta del fang blenny, o blennide dalle zanne (..) noto anche come "senza paura", perche' non sembra temere troppo i predatori >>

Gli oppioidi del blennide. Le Scienze vol 586 p 24 Giu 2017

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