
venerdì 4 dicembre 2015

# s-astrophys: a large-scale distribution of matter, with filaments and knots ...

<< Matter known as ordinary, which makes up everything we know, corresponds to only 5% of the Universe. >>

<<  (..) the majority of the missing ordinary matter is found in the form of a very hot gas associated with intergalactic filaments >>

Dominique Eckert, Mathilde Jauzac, et al. Warm–hot baryons comprise 5–10 per cent of filaments in the cosmic web. Nature, 2015; 528 (7580): 105 DOI: 10.1038/nature16058

giovedì 3 dicembre 2015

# s-age-lifespan: metformin, survival up to 40% in mice

<< This  would  be  the  most important  medical  intervention  in the  modern  era,  an  ability  to slow  ageing >>

Dr  Jay  Olshansky,  University  of Illinois  Chicago

ulteriori letture accreditate circa "metformin" si ottengono compulsando:

* la bibliografia biomedica NCBI ...

* la agenzia del farmaco statunitense FDA ...

* la agenzia del farmaco europea EMA ...

* la agenzia del farmaco italiana AIFA ...

* una  "bibbia" del farmaco ...

mercoledì 2 dicembre 2015

# rmx-s-phys: controlling evaporative patterning transitions

<< The primary mechanism behind evaporative patterning has long been known (..) But how does the transition between different types of patterning occur? >>

C. Nadir Kaplan, Ning Wu, et al, "Dynamics of evaporative colloidal patterning." Physics of Fluids. Sept 29, 2015 (DOI: 10.1063/1.4930283).

Estendendo l'analisi ad altri livelli di complessita' (vale a dire ad altri contesti) e ridefinendo opportunamente il termine "evaporation", l'immagine "evaporative patterning transitions" potrebbe evocare scenari interessanti, anche generati da dinamiche con all'interno componenti di ... sdrucciolamento ... per dire: l'ipotetica entita' da uno stato stazionario "sdrucciola" , poi "liquefa", e infine "evapora" in sequenzialita' a struttura  multi-forcata ... ma questa e' solo fantasia ...

# s-sleep: immunological data store during deep sleep

<< Later studies have shown that slow-wave sleep, often referred to as deep sleep, is important for transforming fragile, recently formed memories into stable, long-term memories. Now (..) researchers propose that deep sleep may also strengthen immunological memories of previously encountered pathogens >>

<< We consider our approach toward a unifying concept of biological long-term memory formation, in which sleep plays a critical role, a new development in sleep research and memory research. >>

Jürgen Westermann, Tanja Lange, et al. System Consolidation During Sleep – A Common Principle Underlying Psychological and Immunological Memory Formation

# s-behav: psycho behavioural approach to 'introduce' taxation ...

<< If income information is automatically entered into our tax return, we may be less likely to alter it to something that is incorrect once it's there. >>

<< Prof. Mazar has already been in discussions with the Canadian revenue agency about how her research may apply to tax collection issues. >>

# rmx-s-tech-chem: danze rotanti in nanoscala

Manuel Guentner, Monika Schildhauer, et al. Sunlight-powered kHz rotation of a hemithioindigo-based molecular motor
Nature Communications 6, Article number: 8406 doi:10.1038/ncomms9406

martedì 1 dicembre 2015

# s-brain: behaviour vs. gut e-coli: twenty minutes after

<< Twenty minutes after a meal, gut microbes produce proteins that can suppress food intake in animals >>

<<  (..) gut bacteria may help control when and how much we eat >>

<< The new evidence coexists with current models of appetite control, which involve hormones from the gut signalling to brain circuits when we're hungry or done eating. >>

Jonathan Breton, Naouel Tennoune, et al.  Gut Commensal E. coli Proteins Activate Host Satiety Pathways following Nutrient-Induced Bacterial Growth. Cell Metabolism, 2015; DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2015.10.017