
sabato 11 novembre 2017

# brain: your brain needs to process quickly whether the sound is coming from, say, a bear or a chipmunk ...

<< When you are out in the woods and hear a cracking sound, your brain needs to process quickly whether the sound is coming from, say, a bear or a chipmunk >>

AA << has a new interpretation for an old observation, debunking an established theory in the process >>

Beth Miller. Bear or chipmunk? WashU Engineer finds how brain encodes sounds. Nov 7, 2017.

AA found that << Dense and sparse coding may (..) work together dynamically in order to represent complex, temporally overlapping sensory content >>

Wensheng Sun, Dennis L. Barbour. Rate, not selectivity, determines neuronal population coding accuracy in auditory cortex. PLoS Biol 15(11): e2002459. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.2002459 Nov 1, 2017.

venerdì 10 novembre 2017

# soc: four plausible scenarios: if this is the scorecard after (#1, #2), what will (#3) democracy look like after (#4) years of (#5), by Brian

<< If this is the scorecard after 10 months (#1, #2), what will American (#3) democracy look like after four (#4) years of Trump(#5)? Will it be recognizable? As I see it, there are four plausible scenarios, ranging from the hopeful to the catastrophic >> Brian Klaas

1. The Trump Vaccine [..]
2. Democratic Decay [..]
3. The Forerunner [..]
4. American Authoritarianism [..]
>> Brian Klaas

Brian Klaas. The four futures of Trump (and American democracy). Nov 9, 2017


ipoteticamente i 4 scenari ("four plausible scenarios") indicati da Brian Klaas potrebbero essere riconducibili e anche individuabili attraverso ipotetiche  'traiettorie' generate da  componenti strutturali che gia' sono presenti, attivi e coesistono 'in nuce',  sottotraccia, in quel tessuto sociale (e altrove); di volta in volta, in funzione delle caratteristiche del sistema al tempo 't' (e anche per componenti  casuali, fluttuanti, oppure per autoamplificazione di una singolarita' che interferisca  all'interno e all'intorno), un 'ramo' della dinamica emerge, si stabilizza e predomina transitoriamente sulle altre tre in una specie di danza tra stati stazionari (di meta-stabilita') e oscillaz periodiche e aperiodiche; in prima approx la soluzione (1.) potrebbe dipendere dalla velocita' e dalla efficacia  dell'immunizzazione individuale; la (2.) dalle specifiche caratteristiche del tessuto economico sociale culturale al tempo 't'; la (3.) dalla esistenza nel contesto di 'adatta entita'' immediatamente operativa (l'adatto attrattore disponibile); la (4.) dal complesso intrecciato di problematiche assai male/mai risolte e/o assai male/mai impostate dalle classi dirigenti che hanno preceduto l'ineffabile Donald;


'acicliche', in poetiche quasistocastiche:

'onda', in poetiche quasistocastiche:

chissa' quanti interessanti 'paper' si potrebbero 'generare' partendo da queste 'semplici' considerazioni, inveroe' ed anzicheforse ...

giovedì 9 novembre 2017

# chem: Van der Waals' bonds: to measure the tensile strength and the force required to pull the crystal until it breaks

<< Van der Waals' are weak electric forces that attract atoms to one another through subtle shifts in the atom's electron configurations >>

AA << grew and compared three different types of crystals: one pure gallium selenide, one with 0.6 percent tellurium and one with 10.6 percent tellurium. To test the effect on the tellurium on interlayer bonding, [AA] invented the equivalent of a crystal sandwich opener. Their system is able to measure with exquisite detail the tensile strength, the force required to pull the crystal until it breaks >>

Opening the Van der Waals' Sandwich. Oct 31, 2017

Tadao Tanabe, Shu Zhao, et al. Effect of adding Te to layered GaSe crystals to increase the van der Waals bonding force featured. Journal of Applied Physics  2017; 122 (16) doi: 10.1063/1.4986768

mercoledì 8 novembre 2017

# gst: more light on 'zombie' phenomena

<< Various parasite-host interactions that involve adaptive manipulation of host behavior display time-of-day synchronization of certain events. One example is the manipulated biting behavior observed in Carpenter ants infected with Ophiocordyceps unilateralis sensu lato >>

AA << hypothesized that biological clocks play an important role in this and other parasite-host interactions >>

Charissa de Bekker, Ian Will, et al. Daily rhythms and enrichment patterns in the transcriptome of the behavior-manipulating parasite Ophiocordyceps kimflemingiae.  PLOS ONE 12(11): e0187170. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0187170. Nov 3, 2017

Allison Hurtado, Rachel Williams. Biological Clock Found in Fungal Parasite Sheds More Light on ‘Zombie Ants’ Phenomenon. Nov 6, 2017.

martedì 7 novembre 2017

# gst: the intriguing dynamics of a crack

<< Cracks develop intricate patterns on the surfaces that they create >>

<< Although fracture mechanics predict that slow crack fronts should be straight and form mirror-like surfaces, facet-forming fronts propagate simultaneously within different planes separated by steps >>

Itamar Kolvin, Gil Cohen & Jay Fineberg. Topological defects govern crack front motion and facet formation on broken surfaces.  Nature Materials. doi: 10.1038/nmat5008 Oct 16, 2017

Novel technique reveals the intricate beauty of a cracked glass. Oct 31, 2017

Intricate beauty of a cracked glass
Physics, math and special gels explain the formation of fracture patterns in brittle materials. Oct 31, 2017

lunedì 6 novembre 2017

# astro: so strong concentration of 'dust pebbles' ultimately leads to a collapse

<<  'dust pebbles' are concentrated so strongly by an instability in the solar nebula that their joint gravitational force ultimately leads to a collapse >>

Comet mission reveals 'missing link' in our understanding of planet formation. Oct 25, 2017

Jurgen Blum, Bastian Gundlach, et al. Evidence for the formation of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko through gravitational collapse of a bound clump of pebbles. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, stx2741 doi: 10.1093/mnras/stx2741 Oct 25, 2017

domenica 5 novembre 2017

# game: Kel'Thuzad e' il Lich responsabile

<< Kel'Thuzad e' il Lich responsabile di aver diffuso la piaga dei non-morti nel regno di Lordaeron ma e' probabilmente piu' conosciuto dai fan per essere il signore della necropoli di Naxxramas e dunque il boss finale dell'omonimo dungeon. Apparsa inizialmente in World of Warcraft, Naxxramas fu poi riutilizzata nella seconda espansione, Wrath of the Lich King, poiche' quasi nessuno era riuscito a raggiungere il livello necessario per provare il raid la prima volta >>

I FAN DI Blizzard DI IGN! I migliori 25 personaggi creati da Blizzard. Nel bel mezzo della BlizzCon 2017, una classifica per appassionati e curiosi. 04 Nov 2017