domenica 8 dicembre 2024

# gst: apropos of puddles, how to design and stabilize a Leidenfrost puddle

<< Leidenfrost puddles exhibit erratic bubble bursts that release vapor trapped beneath the liquid, becoming amorphous and unstable. (AA) report a method to stabilize and design a Leidenfrost puddle. >>

<< When a thin hydrophilic layer with a suitable design is placed over the liquid, the puddle adopts the layer shape due to adhesive forces and becomes stable. (AA) show a variety of puddle designs with the required layer dimensions to avoid vapor accumulation, as well as wetting and buoyancy conditions. >>

<< With the layer, the puddle evaporation rate increases significantly and can be modified by varying the layer dimensions. Finally, an illustrative use of this method in a cooling process is presented. >>️

F. Pacheco-Vázquez, M. Aguilar-González, L. Victoria-García. Designing Leidenfrost Puddles. Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 234001. Dec 4, 2024. 

Also: drop, bubble, instabilitytransition, in 

Keywords: gst, drops, bubbles, instability, transition

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