sabato 28 dicembre 2024

# gst: bent and reverse bent solitons; obliquely interacting solitary waves and wave wakes in free-surface flows.

This AA paper << investigates the weakly nonlinear isotropic bi-directional Benney-Luke (BL) equation, which is used to describe oceanic surface and internal waves in shallow water, with a particular focus on soliton dynamics. Using the Whitham modulation theory, (AA) derive the modulation equations associated with the BL equation that describe the evolution of soliton amplitude and slope. By analyzing rarefaction waves and shock waves within these modulation equations, (AA) derive the Riemann invariants and modified Rankine-Hugoniot conditions. These expressions help characterize the Mach expansion and Mach reflection phenomena of bent and reverse bent solitons. >>

<< Furthermore, as a far-field approximation for the forced BL equation - which models wave and flow interactions with local topography - the modulation equations yield a slowly varying similarity solution. This solution indicates that the precursor wavefronts created by topography moving at subcritical or critical speeds take the shape of a circular arc, in contrast to the parabolic wavefronts observed in the forced KP equation. >>

Lei Hu, Xudan Luo, Zhan Wang. Obliquely interacting solitary waves and wave wakes in free-surface flows. arXiv: 2412.05034v1 [nlin.PS]. Dec 6, 2024. 

Also: waves, soliton, in 

Keywords: gst, waves, solitons

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