martedì 17 dicembre 2024

# gst: vortex-pair dance and oscillation

       Fig. 4

This AA study << focuses on fundamental dynamics of vortex-pair fields, specifically known as vortex-pair beams (VPBs) in optics. VPBs have gained increasing attention due to their unique properties, including vortex attraction and repulsion. Here, (AA)  explore the dynamics of pure-phase VPBs (PPVPBs) and observe intriguing helical and intertwined behaviors of vortices, resembling a vortex-pair dance. >>

They << uncover the oscillation property of the intervortex distance for PPVPBs in free space. The observed dancing and oscillation phenomena are intricately tied to the initial intervortex distance and can be explained well in the hydrodynamic picture. Notably, the vortex dancing and oscillation alter the process of vortex-pair annihilation, extending the survival range for opposite vortices. >>

<< This discovery enhances our understanding of vortex interactions and sheds light on the intricate dynamics of both vortex-vortex and vortex-antivortex interactions. >>

Dadong Liu, Lai Chen, Li-Gang Wang. Observation of vortex-pair dance and oscillation. arXiv: 2412.06634v1 [physics.optics]. Dec 9, 2024.

Also: vortex, dance, in 

Keywords: gst, vortex, dance 

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