sabato 8 marzo 2025

# gst: 'jazzy' intermittency, its onset and multiscaling in active turbulence.

<< Recent results suggest that highly active, chaotic, nonequilibrium states of living fluids might share much in common with high Reynolds number, inertial turbulence. (AA) now show, by using a hydrodynamical model, the onset of intermittency and the consequent multiscaling of Eulerian and Lagrangian structure functions as a function of the bacterial activity. (Their) results bridge the worlds of low and high Reynolds number flows as well as open up intriguing possibilities of what makes flows intermittent. >>️

AA << believe that (Their) work significantly understands the dynamics of dense bacterial suspensions in ways which isolates the truly turbulent effects from those stemming from simpler chaotic motion. More intriguingly, and at a broader conceptual framework, this study yet again underlines that intermittency can be an emergent phenomena in flows where the nonlinearity does not, trivially, dominate the viscous damping. Indeed, there is increasing evidence of intermittency emerging in systems which are not turbulent in the classical sense. Examples include flows with modest Reynolds number of∼O(10e2) showing intermittent behaviour characteristic of high Reynolds turbulence, self-propelling active droplets with intermittent fluctuations, active matter systems of self-propelled particles, which undergo a glass transition, with an intermittent phase before dynamical arrest, and perhaps most pertinently, in elastic turbulence. Thus, (AA) believe, (Their) work will contribute further to understanding what causes flows to turn intermittent. Answers to such questions will also help in understanding fundamental questions in high Reynolds number turbulence. >>️

Kolluru Venkata Kiran, Kunal Kumar, et al. Onset of Intermittency and Multiscaling in Active Turbulence. Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 088302. Feb 28, 2025. 

Also: intermittency, transition, fluctuations, drop, droplet, droploid, elastic, turbulence, chaos, jazz, in 

Keywords: gst, intermittency, transitions, fluctuations, drops, droplets, droploids, elasticity, turbulence, chaos, jazz

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