giovedì 6 marzo 2025

# gst: turbulence-induced fluctuating interfaces in heterogeneously-active suspensions.

AA << investigate the effects of heterogeneous (spatially varying) activity in a hydrodynamical model for dense bacterial suspensions, confining ourselves to experimentally realizable, simple, quenched, activity patterns. (They) show that the evolution of the bacterial velocity field under such activity patterning leads to the emergence of hydrodynamic interfaces separating spatially localized turbulence from jammed frictional surroundings. (They) characterise the intermittent and multiscale fluctuations of this interface and also investigate how heterogeneity influences mixing via the residence times of Lagrangian tracers. >>

This AA work << reveals how naturally occurring heterogeneities could decisively steer active flows into more complex configurations than those typically studied, opening up parallels to droplet dynamics, front propagation and turbulent mixing layers. >>️

Siddhartha Mukherjee, Kunal Kumar, Samriddhi Sankar Ray. Turbulence-Induced Fluctuating Interfaces in Heterogeneously-Active Suspensions. arXiv: 2502.16443v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Feb 23, 2025. 

Also: fluctuations, turbulence, vortex, in 

Keywords: gst, fluctuations, vortices, turbulence, turbulent and quiescent flows

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