sabato 16 settembre 2017
# age: autophagy inactivation (e.g. in neurons) to reverse the effects of age (50% extension of life) in the whole old body (post-reproductive C. elegans)
AA << identified that the inactivation of genes governing the early stages of autophagy up until the stage of vesicle nucleation, such...
venerdì 15 settembre 2017
# websec: post-quantum cryptography, all of today's secrets will be lost (!)
AA << analyze the options available for a post-quantum cryptography future >> << The expectation is that quantum computer...
giovedì 14 settembre 2017
# behav: scratch, also to socialize
<< Primates (including humans) scratch when stressed >> << scratching could potentially have social function >> Ja...
mercoledì 13 settembre 2017
# gene-evol: behind interactions among organisms: causality more than just correlation
<< Organisms engage in extensive cross-species molecular dialog, yet the underlying molecular actors are known for only a few interact...
lunedì 11 settembre 2017
# qubit: the flip-flop quantum processor, the begin
AA << introduce the flip-flop qubit, a combination of the electron-nuclear spin states of a phosphorus donor that can be controlled by...
sabato 9 settembre 2017
# behav: even more devious than previously thought
<< The common cuckoo, notorious for evading parental duty by hiding her eggs in the nests of other brooding birds, is even more deviou...
venerdì 8 settembre 2017
# behav: a kind of pulsatile motivation: believing is right even when it's wrong
<< people generally ignore new information that counters their beliefs, even though doing so costs them financially >> <<...
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