venerdì 31 maggio 2019
# physio: bioclocks: liver knows what time it is.
Two studies << analyze the network of internal clocks that regulate metabolism. Although researchers had suspected that the body's...
giovedì 30 maggio 2019
# life: a case of extreme swing: clearly "He is not not" or vice versa "He is yes yes"
Jonathan Chait. Mueller: Trump Is Not Not a Criminal. 12:03 P.M. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/05/mueller-trump-is-not-not-a-criminal...
martedì 28 maggio 2019
# gst: to create standing waves induced by mismatches
<< In work recently published (..), the mismatch of electronic momentum across domain walls (i.e., regions with a different orientatio...
lunedì 27 maggio 2019
# game: a pulsating, sadistic search for "disinformation", by John.
<< What this shows is that disinformation, which is ignorance of the truth, is simple to impose, even if logic denies it. What is even...
sabato 25 maggio 2019
# brain: negative emotional contagion and cognitive bias (in ravens, Corvus corax).
<< after witnessing a conspecific in a negative state, ravens perform in a negatively biased manner on a judgment task. >> AA &...
venerdì 24 maggio 2019
# phys: it could be used to completely remove all noise from a noisy channel
AA << have proposed a second level of quantization, in which both the information carriers and the channels can be in quantum superpos...
giovedì 23 maggio 2019
# ai: apropos of black box approach in machine learning algorithms
<< A black box is a machine learning program that does not explain how it reaches its conclusions, either because it is too complicate...
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