giovedì 17 dicembre 2015
# s-pnei: placebo, a question mark
Marjorie Woollacott, The Placebo Effect: Harnessing the Healing Power of the Mind
Posted: 12/04/2015 5:10 pm EST Updated: 12/04/2015 5:59 pm EST
# s-pnei: placebo: increase in placebo perceptions (only in the US)
Alexander H. Tuttle, Sarasa Tohyama, et al. Increasing placebo responses over time in U.S. clinical trials of neuropathic pain. PAIN, 2015; 1 DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000000333
# s-pnei: placebo: persistence of conditioned placebo analgesia
Scott M. Schafer, Luana Colloca, Tor D. Wager. Conditioned Placebo Analgesia Persists When Subjects Know They Are Receiving a Placebo. The Journal of Pain, 2015; 16 (5): 412 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpain.2014.12.008
mercoledì 16 dicembre 2015
# s-gene: shorter than 18 nt
<< (..) current approaches underestimate reproducibly detected RNAs that are shorter than 18 nt [ units of nucleotides ] and theoretical considerations suggest that such shorter RNAs could be used for sequence-specific gene regulation in organisms like C. elegans that have small genomes >>
Blumenfeld AL, et al. Reproducible features of small RNAs in C. elegans reveal NU RNAs and provide insights into 22G RNAs and 26G RNAs. RNA. 2015.
poeticamente, si potrebbe anche azzardare: << piu' piccolo e' il messaggio, piu' alta sara' la cuspide dell'onda generata ... >> Anonymous, XX e.V.
rmx-s-acad-music: Enzo Jannacci, per Paolo Conte
<< Ho avuto la fortuna di trovare per "Messico e nuvole" un interprete come Enzo Jannacci che per me rimane, storicamente parlando, il piu' grande cantautore che l'Italia abbia mai espresso. Jannacci e' il personaggio (..) con una dose di visibile follia geniale, manifestata al momento della registrazione della canzone, alla quale io ero presente, poiche' l'ha cantata per tutto il tempo coricato per terra con il microfono in mano, completamente disteso sul pavimento, agitando le gambe per aria, urlando e sgambettando come solo lui sa fare, da saltimbanco intellettuale >>
Massimo Cotto "Fammi una domanda di riserva. Paolo Conte in parole sue" . Mondadori (2015), pag. 117
# rmx-s-brain: options open: galaxy vs iphone (or others) smartphones, where the choice is made ...
A new << (..) research confirmed what savvy marketers already know: the longer you look at one of two objects, the more likely you’ll choose that object even if you initially valued the other one more >>
<< (..) dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (PFC) plays a critical role in mediating the balance between prior value assessment and an object’s immediate appeal >>
<< The significance of the dorsomedial PFC came as a surprise because of its relative neglect in the decision neuroscience literature >>
<< Much work on value-based decision-making has focussed rather on the ventral-frontal and orbitofrontal cortex >>
This << findings suggest that, in the healthy brain, the dorsomedial PFC is also important in decision-making, helping to recall the value of objects that are not directly in view so that you can keep your options open >>
<< We’re trying to decompose the different aspects of decision-making. People have this idea that their preferences and value judgments are consistent and rational but, in fact, we’re heavily influenced by factors that are not apparent to us >>
Avinash R. Vaidya, Lesley K. Fellows. Testing necessary regional frontal contributions to value assessment and fixation-based updating. Nature Communications, 2015; 6: 10120 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10120
# e-web-media: 'bubble effect' in information consumption
<< people who seek out news and information from social media are at higher risk of becoming trapped in a "collective social bubble" compared to using search engines >>
Dimitar Nikolov, Diego F.M. Oliveira, et al. Measuring online social bubbles. PeerJ Computer Science, 2015; 1: e38 DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.38