
sabato 19 dicembre 2015

# rmx-s-brain: connectome inside an academic brain

<< Stanford researcher scans his own brain for a year and a halfthe most studied in the world >>

Russell A. Poldrack,  Timothy O. Laumann et al. Long-term neural and physiological phenotyping of a single human. Nature Communications 6, Article number: 8885 doi:10.1038/ncomms9885. 09 December 2015 (open access)

# rmx-s-chem: a bizarre material

<< lanthanum aluminate film on a strontinum titanate crystal >> ... plus water

<< (..) a mysterious material emits ultraviolet light and has insulating, electrical conducting, semiconducting, superconducting, and ferromagnetic propertiesall controlled by surface water >>

Mohammad A. Islam, Diomedes Saldana-Greco,  et al.  Surface Chemically Switchable Ultraviolet Luminescence from Interfacial Two-Dimensional Electron Gas. Nano Letters, 2015; DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b04461

# rmx-s-ecol: stabilizing climate: primates, tapirs, toucans ...

<< (..) a decline in fruit-eating animals such as large primates, tapirs and toucans could have a knock-on effect for tree species >>

Bello C., Galetti M., et  al.  Defaunation affects carbon storage in tropical forests. Science Advances, 2015, december 18

# rmx: fuzzy forecasts

<< quello che un umano fa a una cavia, oggi, la stessa cosa una macchina potra' fare ad un umano, domani ... e' cosi' che funziona ... >> Anonymous, XX e.V.

rmx-s-brain: working like a radio, deep inside and in the "zona incerta"

<< (...) central thalamus works like a radio dial that tunes the brain to different states of activity and arousal >>

<< Located deep inside the brain the thalamus acts as a relay station sending neural signals from the body to the cortex >>

<< High frequency stimulation of 40 or 100 pulses per second [ flashed laser pulses ]    woke rats. In contrast, low frequency stimulation of 10 pulses per second sent rats into a state reminiscent of absence seizures that caused them to stiffen and stare before returning to sleep >>

<< Damage to neurons in the central part of the thalamus may lead to problems with sleep, attention, and memory >>

Jia Liu, Hyun Joo Lee, et al. Frequency-selective control of cortical and subcortical networks by central thalamus. eLife, 2015; 4 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09215

venerdì 18 dicembre 2015

# rmx-s-ai: about 'fuzzing' autonomous entities at intersections ...

<< This project "AIM"s to create a scalable, safe, and efficient multiagent framework for managing autonomous vehicles at intersections >>

University of Texas, Austin’s AIM traffic management simulator

Gord Hotchkiss. A new definition of order
December 8, 2015, 2:15 PM

# s-astrophys: a deficiency in angular momentum to cause low stabilities

<< (..) spin is fundamental to explaining why early galaxies are gas-rich and lumpy while modern galaxies display beautiful symmetric patterns >>

Danail Obreschkow, Karl Glazebrook, et al. Low Angular Momentum in Clumpy, Turbulent Disk Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal, 14th December, 2015