
domenica 10 gennaio 2016

sabato 9 gennaio 2016

# p-trade: waiting for new colored beads ...

<< It was much easier to launch back in the 1990s, when there were more market inefficiencies,” says Troy Gayeski of SkyBridge Capital, a fund of hedge funds. “Now there isn’t nearly as much low-hanging fruit in the majority of strategies as there was then.” >>

Miles Johnson. Goldman stars fall back down to earth. June 9, 2014

# p-trade: Moto(rola)

<< Motorola gave wireless its start. But its name will soon disappear from products as a new brand label comes to life called "Moto by Lenovo.">>

Roger Cheng. Goodbye, Moto(rola). Iconic brand name to be phased out. January 7, 201612:47 PM PST

# rmx-s-gene-behav: flexibility through methylation

<< Stanford researchers have demonstrated how flexible gene expression can enable male cichlid fish to achieve higher social status >>

Kapa Lenkov, Mi H. Lee, et al. Epigenetic DNA Methylation Linked to Social Dominance

# s-phys: creating gravitational fields ...

<< (..) device with which to create detectable gravitational fields >>

<< until now, a scientific advance like this was a dream of science fiction >>

A. Fuzfa. General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology. How current loops and solenoids curve space-time. arXiv:1504.00333 [gr-qc]

venerdì 8 gennaio 2016

# s-age-brain: negative age stereotypes vs Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers

<< holding negative attitudes towards the elderly (ageism) is correlated with the later development of neurobiological changes, or biomarkers, linked to Alzheimer’s >>

<< scores on the Attitudes Toward Old People Scale (AOPS) questionnaire predicted later hippocampal atrophy, as measured with structural MRI (n=52), and with the levels of neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques present in the brain post mortem (n=74) >>

<< the authors don’t discuss the possibility that both of these phenomena are caused by a third, confounding factor – a covariate that wasn’t controlled for >>

<< For example, socioeconomic status or income could explain these results >>

Levy BR, Ferrucci L, et al. (2015). A Culture-Brain Link: Negative Age Stereotypes Predict Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers. Psychology and Aging PMID: 26641877

mercoledì 6 gennaio 2016

# e-sec: please, what time is it (among other)?

<< By their very nature of being wearable, these devices [wristband and armband devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers], however, provide a new pervasive attack surface threatening users privacy, among others >>

Tony Beltramelli, Sebastian Risi. Deep-Spying: Spying using Smartwatch and Deep Learning. (Submitted on 17 Dec 2015)


David Glance,  New ways your smartwatch (and phone) may be spying on you. University Of Western Australia, The Conversation. January 6, 2016