
domenica 10 luglio 2016

# e-sec: brainjacking in medical implants

<< Here  are  some  real  examples  of  what  can  be  achieved  if  you  have  access  to  somebody’s  DBS [Deep Brain Stimulation] electrodes.  You  can  induce  mania,  hypersexuality,  and  even  pathological  gambling.  You  can modify  emotions.  Patients  undergoing  DBS  therapy  have  sometimes  experienced  pathological crying  and  inappropriate  laughter,  "likely  due  to  off-target  stimulation,"  says  the  paper.  Strong sensations  of  fear  and  panic  have  also  been  observed. >>

Charlie  Sorrel.  Brainjacking,  Or  How  Hackers  Can  Remote Control  Your  Medical  Implants. 06.29.16 11:46  AM

Laurie Pycroft, Sandra G. Boccard, et al. Brainjacking: Implant Security Issues in Invasive Neuromodulation. DOI: Published Online: May 13, 2016

venerdì 8 luglio 2016

# s-gst: fractals to approach wigglies

<< (..) or narrow down forecasts for "wiggly" problems—those that involve rapid erratic behavior with seemingly unpredictable movements, including real-world issues like the stock market or climate change. >>

Beautiful fractals help solve 'wiggly' problems. July 5, 2016

mercoledì 6 luglio 2016

# p-eu-gb: BRexiteers, on the wave of anger

<< Many Brexiteers built their campaign on optimism. Outside the European Union, Britain would be free to open up to the world.  But what secured their victory was anger >>

<< Proponents of globalisation, including this newspaper, must acknowledge that technocrats have made mistakes and ordinary people paid the price >>

Liberalism  after  Brexit. The  politics  of  anger. The  triumph  of  the  Brexit  campaign  is  a  warning  to  the  liberal  international  order.  Jul  2nd  2016.

FonT: qui si e' accennato alla rabbia dei perdenti,  ma anche di qualche vincente (sempre relativo) quando si accorge che i suoi giochi in prospettiva non entrano affatto bene ...

martedì 5 luglio 2016

# n-trade: three dates to worry about, by Sandy

<< The man who accurately predicted four market crashes to the exact date each time has told Business Insider about three more dates to worry about. >>

<< He now warns that the following dates spell trouble for the Dow Jones in the US that could spread to other markets.

1. Between August 26 and August 30, 2016.
2. September 26, 2016.
3. October 20, 2016. >>

<< Technical analysts use historical charts to spot patterns in the markets.They cannot tell you what event will move the markets.  They can only tell you when a shift is likely to happen. >>

Lianna  Brinded. Jun. 18, 2016, 7:30 AM

Alberto  Battaglia. 4  luglio  2016.

lunedì 4 luglio 2016

# p-socsci: you bet it could happen also in US, by Bernie

<<  Surprise, surprise (..) Could this rejection of the current form of the global economy happen in the United States?  You bet it could. >>

Bernie  Sanders. Democrats  Need  to  Wake  Up. June 28, 2016.

domenica 3 luglio 2016

# s-astro: the thinning of an atmosphere to flash on track of sand

<< We think Mars had a thicker atmosphere in the past that might have formed smaller wind-drag ripples or even have prevented their formation altogether. Thus, the size of preserved wind-drag ripples, where found in Martian sandstones, may have recorded the thinning of the atmosphere >>

Guy  Webster, Robert  Perkins. NASA Rover's  Sand-Dune  Studies  Yield  Surprise. June 30,  2016.

M. G. A. Lapotre, R. C. Ewing, et al. Large wind ripples on Mars: A record of atmospheric evolution. Science. 01 Jul 2016:Vol. 353, Issue 6294, pp. 55-58DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf3206

sabato 2 luglio 2016

# s-phyto-behav: Pea (Pisum sativum), a gambler plant

<< pea plants can demonstrate sensitivity to risk - namely, that they can make adaptive choices that take into account environmental variance, an ability previously unknown outside the animal kingdom >>

<< Alex Kacelnik (..) said: "To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of an adaptive response to risk in an organism without a nervous system. We do not conclude that plants are intelligent in the sense used for humans or other animals, but rather that complex and interesting behaviours can theoretically be predicted as biological adaptations - and executed by organisms - on the basis of processes evolved to exploit natural opportunities efficiently >>

Pea  plants  demonstrate  ability  to  'gamble'—a  first in  plants. June  30,  2016

Efrat Dener, Alex Kacelnik, Hagai Shemesh. Pea Plants Show Risk Sensitivity. In Press. DOI: