
sabato 4 marzo 2017

# s-gst: when a destabilized soliton surprisingly generates a puff of sound waves ...

<< Solitons in the land of ultracold atoms are intriguing (..) because they are as close as you can get to observing the interface between quantum effects and the ordinary physics of everyday life >>

Joint  Quantum  Institute. Destabilized solitons perform a disappearing act. Feb. 27,  2017.

Lauren M. Aycock, Hilary M. Hurst et al. Brownian motion of solitons in a Bose–Einstein condensate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Mar. 4,  2017. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1615004114

giovedì 2 marzo 2017

# s-pharma: the alternative pack of the Conus regius, a small marine cone snail of the Caribbean Sea

<< Conus regius, a small marine cone snail common to the Caribbean Sea, packs a venomous punch, capable of paralyzing and killing its prey >>

<< a compound isolated from snail's venom, Rg1A, acts on a pain pathway distinct from that targeted by opioid drugs >>

Stacy  W.  Kish. An  alternative  to  opioids? Compound  from marine  snail  is  potent  pain  reliever.  Feb. 20,  2017

mercoledì 1 marzo 2017

# s-gene: epigenetic 'cis' and 'trans' memories

<< How epigenetic memory is stored and inherited is an on-going debate (..). In so-called  ‘cis  memory’, epigenetic information is proposed to be physically stored in local chromatin states that are associated, for example, with DNA methylation or histone modifications. By contrast, in  ‘trans  memory’, epigenetic information is stored in the concentration of a diffusible factor such as a transcriptional repressor. >>

Caroline Dean. What holds epigenetic memory? Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology Volume: 18, Page: 140 Year published: (2017) DOI: doi:10.1038/nrm.2017.15 Published online 21 February 2017


lunedì 27 febbraio 2017

# art-moda: creazione collezione autunno-inverno 2017-??

<< Il 22 febbraio è iniziata la #Milano Fashion Week che andrà avanti fino al 28. In foto una modella con una creazione della collezione autunno-inverno di Moschino. Photo: REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini >>

lunedì 20 febbraio 2017

# n-soc: fake news, by slow or/and fast catalysis, everyday, everywhere, in all ages

<< The rise of fake news has dominated the world of politics (..) But fake news is not at all new in the world of science >>

<< Fake news about science has always existed >>

<< What has changed now is social media and the potential to disseminate this kind of news much faster among social networks >>

Dominique Brossard. Communications expert explains  how science should respond to  fake news.  Feb. 18,  2017.

False Information Labeled “A Cancer” On Enlightened Democracy. Feb. 18,  2017

venerdì 17 febbraio 2017

# s-brain: reiterating perspectives: the Silhouette Illusion

<< If the foot touching the ground is perceived to be the left foot, the dancer appears to be spinning clockwise (if seen from above); >>

<< if it is taken to be the right foot, then she appears to be spinning counterclockwise >>

<< the way people perceive the Silhouette Illusion , a popular illusion that went viral and has received substantial online attention, has little to do with the viewers' personality, or whether they are left- or right-brained, despite the fact that the illusion is often used to test these attributes in popular e-quizzes >>

<< Niko Troje says that a reported preference for seeing the silhouette spinning clockwise rather than counter-clockwise is dependent upon the angle at which the viewer is seeing the image >>

<< Our visual system, if it has a choice, seems to prefer the view from above >>

New study debunks myth about popular optical illusion (Update). Dec. 21, 2010

Nikolaus F Troje, Matthew McAdam. The Viewing-from-Above Bias and the Silhouette Illusion. Jan. 1, 2010
