
mercoledì 10 maggio 2017

# art-poe: poetiche del quarto tipo

Le tre forme di poesia per Ferlinghetti: << la poesia sdraiata, la poesia seduta, la poesia in piedi (...) il poeta in piedi e' il sovversivo che attacca pacificamente il barbaro status quo >>

America tra le righe. Controcultura. Episodio 6. RAI5. May 10, 2017 h02:30

<< Dopo un memorabile incontro (..) arriva alla Costa del Pacifico, al Golden Gate e a San Francisco per conoscere Lawrence Ferlinghetti >>


geniale, ispirato Ferlinghetti; alla sua tipologia si puo' aggiungere un quarto tipo di poesia: la poetica "quasistocastica", poetica che puo' contenere comodamente le tre da Lui citate piu' qualcos'altro ...

Una intelligenza artificiale forse anche di "media forza" questa cosa qui la "penetrera'"  in una manciata di nanosec, I suppose ...

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Poetica quasistocastica

martedì 9 maggio 2017

# n-soc: facing a cross-border crimes

<< Estonia wants to clear beaver dams from its border with Russia to prevent smugglers and other illegal activity >>

<< On average, 30 beaver dams are removed from the border every year >>

The entity supporting crimes (photo)

News From Elsewhere. Estonia faces cross-border beaver problem. 8 May 2017.


<< la minima deviazione ti porta fuori strada di mille miglia >>

Yung Chia Hsuan Chueh. Cheng tao ko. In: Sheng -Yen. La poesia dell'illuminazione. Astrolabio. Ubaldini Ed. Roma.  (2001) p.83.

lunedì 8 maggio 2017

s-ecol: inflatable poo emojis (onto Lake Ohakuri) to underline new standards

<< Protesters from the Action Station group launched 50 inflatable poo emojis onto Lake Ohakuri on the Waikato River near to where the ruling National Party was holding a conference, to highlight new standards which it says would mean more contaminants in freshwater, the New Zealand Herald reports >>

'Poo protest' against New Zealand government. 7 May 2017

Russell Blackstock. Flotilla of  inflatable poos launched by water protesters. Sat. 06  May 2017.

sabato 6 maggio 2017

# s-astro: a Stephen "prophecy" (update): not 1000 but 100 years only to abandon ...

<< Professor Stephen Hawking will present his predictions that the human race only has one hundred years before we need to colonise another planet >>

Tomorrow's World. BBC and partners launch year of science and technology. Date: 02.05.2017     Last updated: 02.05.2017 at 12.48

venerdì 5 maggio 2017

# s-food: hunter-gatherers revisited: eating crickets and mealworms

<< Replacing half of the meat eaten worldwide with crickets and mealworms would cut farmland use by a third, substantially reducing emissions of greenhouse gases >>

Edible insects could play key role in cutting harmful emissions. May 4, 2017.

Peter Alexander, Calum Brown, et al. Could consumption of insects, cultured meat or imitation meat reduce global agricultural land use? Global Food Security. 22 Apr. 2017. doi:10.1016/j.gfs.2017.04.001

giovedì 4 maggio 2017

# s-brain: Dr. Albert revisited (2): Psychedelic Science 2017

<< At Psychedelic Science 2017, the international scientific community came together at the Oakland Marriott City Center in Oakland, Calif., to explore new research into the benefits and risks of MDMA, LSD, psilocybin, ayahuasca, ketamine, ibogaine, medical marijuana, and more >>

Apr. 19-24, 2017. Oakland, California, USA.

Maurizio  Martucci. Dagli  Usa  arriva  la  conferma:  le sostanze  psichedeliche  sono  curative.  3  Mag.  2017.


# s-brain: 70-years after; Dr. Albert revisited. 22 Ago. 2016.

mercoledì 3 maggio 2017

# s-phys: a fuzzy matter: dancing with fuzzy multistate haloes, a hypothesis.

<< the fuzzy dark matter model may be a viable alternative to cold dark matter >>

Is dark matter 'fuzzy'? April 28, 2017.

<< One alternative to the cold dark matter (CDM) paradigm is the scalar field dark matter (SFDM) model >>

<< If the dark matter is indeed an ultra-light boson, our results imply that the DM [dark matter] haloes of galaxies and galaxy clusters may not be fully BEC [Bose-Einstein condensates ] systems. In contrast, agreement with observations at different mass scales is achievable for multistate SFDM configurations >>

Tula Bernal, Victor H. Robles and Tonatiuh Matos. Scalar field dark matter in clusters of galaxies. arXiv:1609.08644v3  [astro-ph.CO]  30 Apr 2017. Preprint 2nd May 2017.