<< A new proof by SFI Professor David Wolpert sends a humbling message to would-be super intelligences: you can't know everything all the time >>
<< "What if Epimenides had said 'the probability that a Cretan is a liar is greater than x percent?'" Moving from impossibility to probability could tell us whether knowing one thing with greater certainty inherently limits the ability to know another thing. According to Wolpert, "we are getting some very intriguing results." >>
Jenna Marshall. New proof reveals fundamental limits of scientific knowledge. Santa Fe Institute. May 3, 2018.
"(...) the probability that a Cretan is a liar is greater than x percent?". In tal caso se, per approcciare il paradosso di Epimenide, ci si affida preliminarmente, in prima approx, all'esito di lancio di moneta, ci si predispone a una sorta di sperimentale, al buio, pulsatile "car spinning" all'interno di scenari caratterizzati da dinamiche (anche) bi- multiforcate. Un approccio funzionale al reale ignoto, per dire, liberati da iniziali disdicevoli pre- giudizi ...
"soniche a ramulo"
"ramificata tinnula"
"never boring with chaos and tit-for-tat theories"