AA << have proposed a second level of quantization, in which both the information carriers and the channels can be in quantum superposition. In this new paradigm of communication, the information carriers can travel through multiple channels simultaneously. >>
AA << formulated a quantum communications model that can be used to compute the amount of information that can be reliably transmitted when using a given number of channels in a quantum superposition. (..) for certain types of noise, the superposition of channels, along with the ability to switch a channel with itself, could be used to completely remove all noise. This opens up the possibility of obtaining perfect quantum communication in a noisy channel. >>
Lisa Zyga. Physicists propose a second level of quantization for quantum Shannon theory. Phys.org May 22, 2019.
Giulio Chiribella, Hler Kristjansson.
Quantum Shannon theory with superpositions of trajectories. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. doi: 10.1098/rspa.2018.0903 May 8, 2019.