
venerdì 11 dicembre 2015

# rmx-s-behav: to sense environment, then dipping

<< On its surface, a bacterium has thousands of receptors that scan the environment and then tell it what to do >>

<< The receptors on the surface of a bacterial cell detect light, chemicals, edible things and poisonous things, and transmit that information to a deeper layer of proteins, called kinases, which interpret this data and translate it into a simple choice: “Keep going” or “Change direction!” >>

<< (..) one region of a kinase called CheA, changes its orientation in relation to the other proteins, in a motion called “dipping.” >>

C Keith Cassidy, Benjamin A Himes,  et al. CryoEM and computer simulations reveal a novel kinase conformational switch in bacterial chemotaxis signaling. eLife, 2015; 4 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.08419

# rmx-s-evol: concerning north-central Texas (bush) pterosaur

<< Phylogenetic analysis suggests that Cimoliopterus dunni and Cimoliopterus cuvieri, from the Cenomanian Grey Chalk Subgroup in Kent, England, are basal pteranodontoids that are closely related to Aetodactylus halli from the middle Cenomanian Tarrant Formation of north Texas >>

Timothy S. Myers. First North American occurrence of the toothed pteranodontoid pterosaur Cimoliopterus. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2015; 35 (6): e1014904 DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2015.1014904

# rmx: scanning inside ...

<< siamo tutti canarini in una miniera di carbone >>

<< e su quel poco che conosceremo, quel poco sara' sbagliato >>

"A scanner darkly", Regia Richard Linklater,  Soggetto Philip K. Dick, USA 2006

# s-zen-brain: exercise may enhance ...

<< (..) moderate levels of physical activity enhance neuroplasticity in the visual cortex of adult humans >>

Lunghi C.,  Sale A. A cycling lane for brain rewiring. Current Biology, December 2015 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2015.10.026

# rmx: perceptions about with or without a period in text messaging ...

<<  If you don’t want to send the wrong message, watch how you punctuate your texts. Text messages that end with a period are perceived to be less sincere than messages that do not >>

Danielle N. Gunraj, April M. Drumm-Hewitt, et al. Texting insincerely: The role of the period in text messaging. Computers in Human Behavior, 2016; 55: 1067 DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2015.11.003

# rmx-s-behav: cooperative vs. opportunistic bacteria

<< bacteria, which do not actively contribute to metabolite production, can be excluded from the cooperative benefits. The research team demonstrated that cooperative cross-feeding interactions that grow on two-dimensional surfaces are protected from being exploited by opportunistic, non-cooperating bacteria. Under these conditions, non-cooperating bacteria are spatially excluded from the exchanged amino acids. This protective effect probably stabilizes cooperative cross-feeding interactions in the long-run. >>

Samay Pande, Filip Kaftan, et al. Privatization of cooperative benefits stabilizes mutualistic cross-feeding interactions in spatially structured environments. The ISME Journal, 2015; DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2015.212

# rmx-s-astrophys: a blue straggler star

<< Birth of a blue straggler star. (..) A normal star in a binary system pulls in matter from an aging companion star that has swelled to a bloated red giant. (..) After a couple hundred million years, the red giant star has burned out and collapsed to the white dwarf that shines intensely in ultraviolet wavelengths. The companion star has become much hotter, brighter and bluer >>

Natalie M. Gosnell, Robert D. Mathieu, et al.  Implications for the formation of blue straggler stars from HST ultraviolet observations of NGC 188. The Astrophysical Journal, 2015; 814 (2): 163 DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/814/2/163;