
sabato 1 luglio 2017

# s-chem: more on the anomalous properties of water

<< Most of us know that water is essential for our existence on planet Earth. It is less well-known that water has many strange or anomalous properties and behaves very differently from all other liquids >>

<< Some examples are the melting point, the density, the heat capacity, and all-in-all there are more than 70 properties of water that differ from most liquids >>

<< These anomalous properties of water are a prerequisite for life as we know it >>

<< "The new remarkable property is that we find that water can exist as two different liquids at low temperatures where ice crystallization is slow" >> Anders Nilsson.

Water exists as two different liquids. June 26, 2017.

Fivos Perakisa, Katrin Amann-Winkela, et al. Diffusive dynamics during the  high-to-low density transition in amorphous ice. PNAS 2017 doi: 10.1073/pnas.1705303114.

venerdì 30 giugno 2017

# p-usa: #POTUS Donald, a black eye at a sensitive moment ...

<< The resignations are a black eye at a sensitive moment for the news organization, which has emerged as a regular target of Mr. Trump and his supporters >>

<< Thomas Frank, a veteran reporter who wrote the story; Lex Haris, executive editor of investigations; and Eric Lichtblau, an investigative editor and reporter hired from The New York Times in April, submitted resignations on Monday morning. >>

Michael M. Grynbaum. 3 CNN Journalists Resign After Retracted Story on Trump Ally. June 26, 2017

La Cnn inciampa sulla "fake news" su Trump: si dimettono in 3 e The Donald esulta: "Wow! - Falso scoop di tre giornalisti di punta su presunti legami con il Cremlino assesta un duro colpo alla reputazione della rete all-news. 27/06/2017.

<< Wow, CNN had to retract big story on "Russia," with 3 employees forced to resign. >> 12:33 PM · 27 giu 2017


giovedì 29 giugno 2017

# s-astro: a wicked list in the dino-killing range; waiting for new entries

<< Throughout its 4.5-billion-year history, Earth has been repeatedly pummelled by space rocks that have caused anything from an innocuous splash in the ocean to species annihilation. >>

<< It may not happen in our lifetime (..) but "the risk that Earth will get hit in a devastating event one day is very high." >>

<< "We are not ready to defend ourselves" against an Earth-bound object (..) "We have no active planetary defence measures.". Rolf Densing.

Mariette Le Roux. Are asteroids humanity's 'greatest challenge'? June 28, 2017


Qui una poetica (quasistocastica) sul "ciottolo Apophis"

mercoledì 28 giugno 2017

# s-phyto: they may selectively kill part of the self

<< Plants adopt different strategies to survive the changing temperatures of their natural environments. This is most evident in temperate regions where forest trees shed their leaves to conserve energy during the cold season. In a new study, a team of plant biologists found that some plants may selectively kill part of their roots to survive under cold weather conditions >>

Plants sacrifice “daughters” to survive chilly weather. 23 June 2017

Jing Han Hong, Maria Savina, et al. A Sacrifice-for-Survival Mechanism Protects Root Stem Cell Niche from Chilling Stress. Cell 2017; doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.06.002 Publ. June 22, 2017

FonT: una sorta di "Novacula Occami" ...

lunedì 26 giugno 2017

# s-evol: Burmese python, mechanisms underlying post-feeding regenerations

<< A research team at the University of Texas at Arlington (..)  has been exploring the genomes of snakes and lizards to answer critical questions about these creatures' evolutionary history >>

<< For instance, how did they develop venom?

How do they regenerate their organs?

And how do evolutionarily-derived variations in genes lead to variations in how organisms look and function? >>

Aaron Dubrow. How Pythons Regenerate their Organs and Other Secrets of the Snake Genome. Publ. June 22, 2017

Audra L. Andrew, Blair W. Perry, et al. Growth and stress response mechanisms underlying post-feeding regenerative organ growth in the Burmese python. BMC Genomics 2017 18:338 doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-3743-1 Publ. 2 May 2017

venerdì 23 giugno 2017

# s-gst: coupled solitons jiggle like molecules

<< The first direct observations of how "molecules of light" can vibrate have been made by >> AA << who have characterized the motions of soliton laser pulses that interact with each other in an optical fibre >>

Hamish Johnston. 'Molecules' of light wiggle and jiggle. Jun 19, 2017.

AA << map the internal motion of a soliton pair molecule [..] revealing different categories of internal pulsations, including vibrationlike and phase drifting dynamics >>

AA results << agree well with numerical predictions and bring insights to the analogy between self-organized states of lights and states of the matter >>

Katarzyna Krupa, K. Nithyanandan, et al. Real-Time Observation of Internal Motion within Ultrafast Dissipative Optical Soliton Molecules. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 243901 doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.243901 Publ. 13 June 2017.

giovedì 22 giugno 2017

# e-bot: mimicking the structure of the "powdery alligator-flag" (Thalia dealbata)

<< Versatile, light-weight materials that are both strong and resilient are crucial for the development of flexible electronics, such as bendable tablets and wearable sensors. Aerogels are good candidates for such applications, but until now, it's been difficult to make them with both properties. Now, researchers report in ACS Nano that mimicking the structure of the "powdery alligator-flag" plant [Thalia dealbata] has enabled them to make a graphene-based aerogel that meets these needs. >>

Plant inspiration could lead to flexible electronics. June 21, 2017

Miao Yang, Nifang Zhao, et al. Biomimetic Architectured Graphene Aerogel with Exceptional Strength and Resilience. ACS Nano
doi: 10.1021/acsnano.7b01815 Publ. June 21, 2017