
lunedì 12 novembre 2018

# climate: AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation) slowdown debate.

<< A few weeks ago, [AA] argued [..] that the Atlantic overturning circulation (sometimes popularly dubbed the Gulf Stream System) has weakened significantly since the late 19th Century, with most of the decline happening since the mid-20th Century >>

<< But there were also some questions and criticisms in the media, so [they would like] to present a forum for discussing these questions >>

If you doubt that the AMOC [Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation] has weakened, read this. stefan @ 28 May 2018.

L. Caesar, S. Rahmstorf, et al. Observed fingerprint of a weakening Atlantic Ocean overturning circulation. Nature. 556 191–196 (2018).

venerdì 9 novembre 2018

# psych: birds of a feather flock together; why there are dysfunctional politicians.

“If we have dysfunctional politicians, it’s because we have a dysfunctional electorate,"

Paul Ratner. Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains Why We Have Dysfunctional Politicians. March 10, 2017.  


<< A study found that people with psychopathic traits are more likely to be attracted to others on the same psychopathic spectrum. >>

<< Psychopathic qualities include lack of empathy, lack of remorse, and other antisocial traits. >>

<< Psychopathic traits aren't that attractive to non-psychopathic individuals. >>

Mike Colagrossi. Psychopaths are attracted to other psychopaths. New psychological research suggests that psychopaths are attracted to others with their same disposition. Nov 2, 2018.

Ashley L. Watts  Jessica C. Rohr, et al. Do psychopathic birds of a feather flock together? Psychopathic personality traits and romantic preferences. Journal of Personality. April 16, 2018. doi: 10.1111/jopy.12394.

mercoledì 7 novembre 2018

# astro: the strange behavior of Oumuamua (Hawaiian for "scout")

<<  'Oumuamua (1I/2017 U1) is the first object of interstellar origin observed in the Solar system. >>

AA << discuss the possible origins of such an object including the possibility that it might be a lightsail of artificial origin. >>

Shmuel Bialy, Abraham Loeb. Could Solar Radiation Pressure Explain 'Oumuamua's Peculiar Acceleration? arXiv:1810.11490 [astro-ph.EP]. Oct 30, 2018.

Robby Berman. Harvard scientists suggest 'Oumuamua is an alien device. It's an asteroid, it's a comet, it's actually a spacecraft? Nov 6, 2018.

NASA utd about 'Oumuamua:

Calla Cofield. NASA Learns More About Interstellar Visitor 'Oumuamua. Nov. 14, 2018.

martedì 6 novembre 2018

# gst: how a bubble pops

<< After a bubble bursts at a liquid surface, the collapse of the cavity generates capillary waves, which focus on the axis of symmetry to produce a jet. >>

AA << show that the time-dependent profiles of cavity collapse (..) and jet formation (..) both obey a  inviscid scaling, which results from a balance between surface tension and inertia forces. >>

Ching-Yao Lai, Jens Eggers, and Luc Deike. Bubble Bursting: Universal Cavity and Jet Profiles. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 144501. Oct 2, 2018  

John Sullivan. Math describes how bubbles pop. Princeton University. Oct 31, 2018.

lunedì 5 novembre 2018

# rmx: on the rock called "della Carega", another singular surviving pine tree

<< In mezzo alla devastazione della mareggiata del 29 ottobre 2018 che ha distrutto porti e strade, il piccolo pino di Aleppo, cresciuto sullo scoglio detto della Carega, a forma di sedia, davanti alla strada per Portofino, ha retto. >>

Onde 10 metri, ma pino su scoglio resiste. Cresciuto su roccia tra Santa Margherita Ligure e Portofino. ANSA  GENOVA. 01 Nov 2018 18:22


2157 - il pino di takata matsubara. Apr 01, 2011.

Sara Malm. The miracle pine: Tree that survived 2011 Japanese tsunami before dying six months ago is rebuilt as monument to 19,000 victims of the disaster. Mar 11, 2013.  

sabato 3 novembre 2018

# behav: to avoid zombification (among humble cockroaches)

<< The emerald jewel wasp (Ampulex compressa) is renowned for its ability to zombify the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) with a sting to the brain. >>

<< many cockroaches deter wasps with a vigorous defense. Successful cockroaches elevated their bodies, bringing their neck out of reach, and kicked at the wasp with their spiny hind legs, often striking the wasp's head multiple times (..) >>

<< Thus, for a cockroach not to become a zombie, the best strategy is: be vigilant, protect your throat, and strike repeatedly at the head of the attacker. >>

Catania K.C. How Not to Be Turned into a Zombie. Brain Behav Evol. 1-15 Oct 31, 2018.  doi: 10.1159/000490341

Karate kicks keep cockroaches from becoming zombies, wasp chow. Vanderbilt University. Oct 31, 2018.


<< cockroaches aren’t a nuisance. They’re "gregarious insects" that can teach us about how groups approach collective decision-making. >>

Erin Blakemore. Cockroaches Have Personalities, Too. Feb 4, 2015.

venerdì 2 novembre 2018

# qucpu: a quantum computer in a silicon chip seems closer to reality

AA << demonstrate an integrated device platform incorporating a silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor double quantum dot that is capable of single-spin addressing and control via electron spin resonance, combined with high-fidelity spin readout in the singlet-triplet basis. >>

M. A. Fogarty, K. W. Chan, et al. Integrated silicon qubit platform with single-spin addressability, exchange control and single-shot singlet-triplet readout. Nature Comm. volume 9, Article number: 4370  Oct 30, 2018.

Tests show integrated quantum chip operations possible. University of New South Wales. Oct 30, 2018.