
giovedì 29 novembre 2018

# gst: predicting tornadoes 3 weeks in advance

<< While meteorologists and computer models do reasonably well in forecasting severe thunderstorm activity up to a week in advance, their forecasts are less reliable in the 2‐ to 5‐week time frame. >>

AA << develop a technique that can accurately forecast severe thunderstorm activity in this time frame by using knowledge of the current state of weather in the tropics (the Madden ‐ Julian Oscillation). >>

Anne Manning. Researchers rise to challenge of predicting hail, tornadoes three weeks in advance. Colorado State University. Nov 29, 2018.

Cory F. Baggett, Kyle M. Nardi, et al.  Skillful Subseasonal Forecasts of Weekly Tornado and Hail Activity Using the Madden‐Julian Oscillation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. Nov 12, 2018 doi: 10.1029/2018JD029059  

The Madden–Julian oscillation

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