
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Neanderthals. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Neanderthals. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 9 agosto 2021

# art: Nomadic masters; Neanderthals created art.

AA << analysed samples of red residues collected from the flowstone surface and compared them with iron oxide-rich deposits in the cave. They concluded that the ochre-based pigment was intentionally applied, i.e. painted -- by Neanderthals, as modern humans had yet to make their appearance on the European continent -- and that, importantly, it had probably been brought to the cave from an external source. >>

<< variations in pigment composition between samples were detected, corresponding to different dates of application, sometimes many thousands of years apart. Thus, it seems that many generations of Neanderthals visited this cave and coloured the draperies of the great flowstone formation with red ochre. >>

<< This behaviour indicates a motivation to return to the cave and symbolically mark the site, and it bears witness to the transmission of a tradition down through the generations. >>

Neanderthals indeed painted Andalusia’s Cueva de Ardales. CNRS. 
Aug 2, 2021. 

Africa Pitarch Marti, Joao Zilhao, et al. The symbolic role of the underground world among Middle Paleolithic Neanderthals. PNAS. 118 (33) e2021495118; doi: 10.1073/ pnas.2021495118. Aug 17, 2021. 

giovedì 30 aprile 2020

# evol: traces of proto harpist players, 40k year old evidence that Neanderthal's wove strings (three bundles of twisted fibres).

AA << show direct evidence of fibre technology in the form of a 3-ply cord fragment made from inner bark fibres on a stone tool recovered in situ from the same site (Abri du Maras Paleolithic site). Twisted fibres provide the basis for clothing, rope, bags, nets, mats, boats, etc. which, once discovered, would have become an indispensable part of daily life. Understanding and use of twisted fibres implies the use of complex multi-component technology as well as a mathematical understanding of pairs, sets, and numbers. Added to recent evidence of birch bark tar, art, and shell beads, the idea that Neanderthals were cognitively inferior to modern humans is becoming increasingly untenable. >>

B. L. Hardy, M.-H. Moncel, et al. 
Direct evidence of Neanderthal fibre technology and its cognitive and behavioral implications.  Sci Rep 10, 4889. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-61839-w. Apr 9, 2020.

40,000 year old evidence that Neanderthals wove string. CNRS. Apr 9, 2020.


non per essere frainteso sulla prima parte del titolo di questo post ('traces of proto harpist players'), ma quando approccio dissertazioni circa argomenti che trattano 'corde', per associazione (a senso unico) richiamo  in modo automatico, meccanico,  immagini relative alla musica (e al caos); ognuno ha i suoi limiti ...


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