
Visualizzazione post con etichetta subjective wellbeing. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta subjective wellbeing. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 25 marzo 2024

# brain: the hypothesis of the genetic link between present moment attention and subjective wellbeing.

<< Considerable evidence supports the role of present-moment attention, a central feature of mindfulness, in subjective wellbeing maintenance and enhancement. >>️

<< Consistent with the “generalist genes hypothesis” and prior evidence, (AA) hypothesized that presence and subjective wellbeing would show a substantial genetic correlation and smaller environmental correlation. >>️

<< This study provides the first evidence known to us showing that present-centered attention, a primary component of mindfulness, has both genetic and environmental overlap with subjective wellbeing. >>️

Kirk Warren Brown, Fazil Aliev, et al. A multivariate twin study of the genetic association between present moment attention and subjective wellbeing. Sci Rep 13, 17456 (2023). doi: 10.1038/ s41598-023-42810-x.

Also: brain, Zen, in 

Keywords: present moment attention, mindfulness, subjective wellbeing, generalist genes hypothesis.