
giovedì 18 maggio 2017

# s-gst: emerging mixed-dimensional weak heterostructures

<< The isolation of a growing number of two-dimensional (2D) materials has inspired worldwide efforts to integrate distinct 2D materials into van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures >>

<< the vdW heterostructure concept can be extended to include the integration of 2D materials with non-2D materials that adhere primarily through non-covalent interactions >>

Deep Jariwala, Tobin J. Marks & Mark C. Hersam.  Mixed-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures. Nature Materials 16, 170–181 (2017) doi:10.1038/nmat4703.


teoria dei sistemi prevede, senz'altro in prima approx, il trasferimento, l'esportazione di concetti e modelli tra differenti contesti, anche lontani tra loro ...

cfr:  Ludwig von Bertalanffy. General System Theory (1969). Teoria generale dei sistemi. Arnoldo Mondadori Editore SpA Milano (1983).

mercoledì 17 maggio 2017

# n-lang: this is not a question of grammatical punctiliousness; time as a container to be filled

<< Shortest versus smallest isn’t actually a question of grammatical punctiliousness. Different languages frame time differently. Swedish and English speakers, for example, tend to think of time in terms of distance—what a long day, we say. Time becomes an expanse one has to traverse. Spanish and Greek speakers, on the other hand, tend to think of time in terms of volume—what a full day, they exclaim. Time becomes a container to be filled >>

Kendra Pierre-Louis. The language you speak changes your perception of time. TIME  IS  RELATIVE. May 9, 2017.

<< These results reveal the malleable nature of human time representation as part of a highly adaptive information processing system >>

Bylund  E , Athanasopoulos  P. The Whorfian Time Warp: Representing Duration Through  the Language Hourglass. J  Exp  Psychol  Gen. 2017  Apr  27.  doi:  10.1037/xge0000314.

martedì 16 maggio 2017

# s-chem: hydrogen bonding, the strength in the middle ...

<< Hydrogen bonds are much weaker than chemical bonds, but stronger than intermolecular van der Waals interactions >>

<< With this study, [AA] have opened up new ways to identify three-dimensional molecules such as nucleic acids or polymers via observation of hydrogen atoms >>

Hydrogen bonds directly detected for the first time. May 12, 2017

Shigeki Kawai, Tomohiko Nishiuchi, et al. Direct quantitative measurement of the C═O⋅⋅⋅H–C bond by atomic force microscopy. Science Advances. 12 May 2017:Vol. 3, no. 5, e1603258 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1603258

lunedì 15 maggio 2017

# s-brain: nonlinear (chaotic) approach to model psycho dynamics

<< it will be illustrated how some common factors of psychotherapeutic change and psychological hypotheses on motivation, emotion regulation, and information processing of the client's functioning can be integrated into a comprehensive nonlinear model of human change processes >>

Schiepek GK, Viol K, et al.  Psychotherapy Is Chaotic-(Not Only) in a Computational World. Front Psychol. 2017 Apr 24; 8: 379. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00379.eCollection 2017.

domenica 14 maggio 2017

# s-astro: it is possible that FRBs are much more common than has been shown

<< The mysterious nature of FRBs (fast radio burst) has led to a host of theories regarding their nature, from supernova to intelligent alien communications >>

<< In any event, study of FRBs is likely to increase as the mystery deepens and new telescope technology emerges—some have even suggested that it is possible that FRBs are much more common than has been shown, and that once they are observed more regularly, researchers can focus on looking at patterns >>

Bob Yirka. Latest fast radio burst adds to mystery of their source. May 12, 2017

E. Petroff, S. Burke-Spolaor, et al
A polarized fast radio burst at low Galactic latitude. arXiv:1705.02911. May 8, 2017

sabato 13 maggio 2017

# s-behav: modulating doses of bitcrushing

<< Admittedly, large doses of bitcrushing can be hard to swallow. But applied judiciously,  the effect can animate an arrangement with unexpected colors and quirky rhythmic glitches >>

<< Bitcrushing is the hydrochloric acid of audio >>

Joe Gore. The Recording Guitarist: Breaking Bits. May 11, 2017


<< But applied judiciously >> osserva Joe; giusto quello che si dovrebbe tenere a mente se, per ipotesi, in modo piu' o meno in-consapevole, si intendessero manifestare serialita' "bitcrushing" in contesti altri ...

giovedì 11 maggio 2017

# s-acad: they are most likely to stick around longer

<< 65 percent of children just now beginning school will find themselves working jobs as adults that don't exist today >>

<< technology could automate 45 percent of the tasks people are currently paid to do >>

<< Jobs requiring higher-order skills, such as creativity, emotional intelligence and analytical thinking are more difficult to automate and are most likely to stick around longer >>

<< educators need to focus on three core 21st-century skills: complex problem solving, critical thinking and collaboration >>

Raya Bidshahri. These 5 Big Tech Trends Are Changing the Way We Learn. May 02, 2017.