
lunedì 31 dicembre 2018

# astro: sources of ripples of spacetime: a brief history of black holes

<< The history of (..) hunt for these enigmatic objects traces back to the 18th century, but the crucial phase took place in a suitably dark period of human history - World War II. >>

Carla Rodrigues Almeida. A brief history of black holes. Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. Dec 27, 2018.

sabato 29 dicembre 2018

# gst: images of hypothetical realities; expansion of bubbles in extra dimensions (of tiny, vibrating "string- like" entities)

<< According to string theory, all matter consists of tiny, vibrating "string-like" entities. >>

AA << proposes a new structural concept, including dark energy, for a universe that rides on an expanding bubble in an additional dimension. >>

<< The researchers also show that expanding bubbles of this kind can come into existence within the framework of string theory. It is conceivable that there are more bubbles than ours, corresponding to other universes. >>

Our universe: An expanding bubble in an extra dimension. Uppsala University. Dec 28, 2018.

Souvik Banerjee, Ulf Danielsson, et al.  Emergent de Sitter Cosmology from Decaying Anti–de Sitter Space. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 261301. Dec 27, 2018.

domenica 23 dicembre 2018

# phys: here an immersive tour of the biggest Collider (LHC) ... now shutted down - e.g. Disneyland at rest, by Dennis - for two years of upgrades

<< The largest machine ever built is shutting down for two years of upgrades. Take an immersive tour of the collider and study the remnants of a Higgs particle in augmented reality. >>

It's Intermission for the Large Hadron Collider. NYT. Dec 21, 2018

<< If you're a physicist this is better than Disneyland >>

Dennis Overbye (@overbye). Dec 21, 2018.


<<  N. sulla reticella zenana dall' Efodi ritmici  / ...  ritmici a s-tecche velaccine nell' eprom sonde / montate monatte in perifrastiche coll' adatti snodi dove s' addensano a metastrati l'epistrofi (..)  >>

2153 - cracker tendenziali (around a matter-sucking maelstrom). Apr 04, 2008.

sabato 22 dicembre 2018

# gst: a theory of consciousness; shared vibrations among entities, resonances, spontaneous self-organization

Tam Hunt and Jonathan Schooler << have developed a "resonance theory of consciousness" that suggests that resonance-another word for synchronized vibrations-is at the heart of not only human consciousness but of physical reality more generally. >>

Tam Hunt. The Hippies Were Right: It's All about Vibrations, Man! A new theory of consciousness. Dec 5, 2018.

Ephrat Livni. The science of "vibes"  shows how everything is connected.
Dec 11, 2018.

giovedì 20 dicembre 2018

# gst: Life as a fuzzy experiment; the approach of quantum biology

<< Quantum biology is usually considered to be a new discipline, (..) However, although the most significant findings have emerged in the past two decades, the roots of quantum biology go much deeper-to the quantum pioneers of the early twentieth century. >>

Johnjoe McFadden, Jim Al-Khalili.
The origins of quantum biology. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. Dec 12, 2018 doi: 10.1098/rspa.2018.0674

The real history of quantum biology.
University of Surrey. Dec 12, 2018 ,

lunedì 17 dicembre 2018

# life: nomadism revisited: the lifestyle of the grey nomads

<< They are two of tens of thousands of retired adults travelling independently across the continent at any given time in search of adventure, warmer weather and camaraderie after a lifetime of hard work. These part-time nomadic adventurers, or grey nomads, have recast the image of Australia’s ageing population. Rather than being inert and conservative, or in need of care, these older Australians are champions of a radical type of urbanism: dwellings are mobile, infrastructure is portable or pluggable, social networks are sprawled, and adherents are on the move daily or weekly. >>

Timothy Moore. Grey nomad lifestyle provides a model for living remotely.
Monash University. Dec 9, 2018. 

sabato 15 dicembre 2018

# gst: the complex world of Bacteria; collective oscillations via discontinuous transitions, chemical quorum sensing and brainlike bursts of electricity to communicate.

<< collective oscillations in cell populations can emerge suddenly with nonzero amplitude via a discontinuous transition. >>

Rosa Martinez-Corral, Jintao Liu, et al. Bistable emergence of oscillations in growing Bacillus subtilis biofilms. PNAS Sep 4, 2018;  115 (36) E8333-E8340.  doi: 10.1073/pnas.1805004115 

<< As in all communities, cohabiting bacteria need ways to exchange messages. Biologists have known for decades that bacteria can use chemical cues to coordinate their behavior. >>

AA << are now finding that bacteria in biofilms can also talk to one another electrically. Biofilms appear to use electrically charged particles to organize and synchronize activities across large expanses. This electrical exchange has proved so powerful that biofilms even use it to recruit new bacteria from their surroundings, and to negotiate with neighboring biofilms for their mutual well-being. >>

<< Step by step we find that all the things we think bacteria don’t do, they actually do, [..] It’s displacing us from our pedestal. >> Ned Wingreen.

Gabriel Popkin. Bacteria Use Brainlike Bursts of Electricity to Communicate. With electrical signals, cells can organize themselves into complex societies and negotiate with other colonies. Sep 5, 2017


Gurol M. Suel publ.


intrigante qui l'idea di una Intelligenza Artificiale che, dalle relativamente comode e veloci osservazioni sull'evoluzione di colonie batteriche sotto differenti condizioni, sia in grado di circoscrivere pattern comportamentali di interesse per la modellizzazione (e previsione)  di comunita' altre ...