
domenica 23 dicembre 2018

# phys: here an immersive tour of the biggest Collider (LHC) ... now shutted down - e.g. Disneyland at rest, by Dennis - for two years of upgrades

<< The largest machine ever built is shutting down for two years of upgrades. Take an immersive tour of the collider and study the remnants of a Higgs particle in augmented reality. >>

It's Intermission for the Large Hadron Collider. NYT. Dec 21, 2018

<< If you're a physicist this is better than Disneyland >>

Dennis Overbye (@overbye). Dec 21, 2018.


<<  N. sulla reticella zenana dall' Efodi ritmici  / ...  ritmici a s-tecche velaccine nell' eprom sonde / montate monatte in perifrastiche coll' adatti snodi dove s' addensano a metastrati l'epistrofi (..)  >>

2153 - cracker tendenziali (around a matter-sucking maelstrom). Apr 04, 2008.

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