
sabato 8 dicembre 2018

# chem: an "auxetic" stretching property: it becomes thicker as it is stretched

AA << discovered a new non-porous material that has unique and inherent "auxetic" stretching properties. >>

<< There are materials in nature that exhibit auxetic capabilities, such as cat skin, the protective layer in mussel shells and tendons in the human body.  (..) When we stretch conventional materials, such as steel bars and rubber bands they become thinner. Auxetic materials on the other hand get thicker. >>

A bit of a stretch... material that thickens as it's pulled. University of Leeds. Dec 4, 2018.

D. Mistry, S. D. Connell, et al. Coincident molecular auxeticity and negative order parameter in a liquid crystal elastomer. Nature Comm. Volume 9, Article number: 5095. Dec 4, 2018.

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