
domenica 9 dicembre 2018

# gst: fingerprints of reality: water drops that vibrate, flames that oscillate, and viscous fluids that form rivulets ...

<< In one of this year’s three winning videos, a drop of blue-dyed water at the bottom of an anise-oil and alcohol mixture begins to grow and shake, eventually pinching off a fragment that floats up. The process repeats several times. Created by now four-time Gallery-of-Fluid-Motion winner Oscar Enríquez of Carlos III University of Madrid and his colleagues, the visuals are accompanied by a soundtrack featuring a musical improvisation by a trio consisting of Enríquez on percussion, a violinist, and a clarinetist. Each instrument in the trio represents one of the three fluids. >>

Award-Winning Fluid Videos. APS. Physics 11, 121. Nov 21, 2018.

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