
domenica 27 dicembre 2015

# e-web-trade: in-consapevoli riserve

<< 400 milioni di spettri si aggirano per l'Europa: sono gli utenti del web e dei social network, invisibili fantasmi, nella loro incorporea presenza online, che formano oggi l'esercito di riserva del capitalismo digitale >>

<<  I selfie delle vacanze su Facebook e le battute che twittiamo civettuoli sono sì attività piacevoli ma niente affatto improduttive. Perlomeno per noi. Valgono infatti, nel loro insieme, miliardi di dollari >>

Giuliano Aluffi, laRepubblica

# s-behav-web: Facebook dependency

<< What drives you to Facebook? News? Games? Feedback on your posts? The chance to meet new friends?
If any of these hit home, you might have a Facebook dependency >>


<< personality traits common among specific types of Facebook users >>

Erin E. Hollenbaugh, Amber L. Ferris
Predictors of honesty, intent, and valence of Facebook self-disclosure. Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 50, September 2015, Pages 456-464

Erin E. Hollenbaugh, Amber L. Ferris
Facebook self-disclosure: Examining the role of traits, social cohesion, and motives. Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 30, January 2014, Pages 50-58

# s-brain-behav: charitable amigdala

<< The amygdala, a small structure at the front end of the brain’s temporal lobe, has long been associated with negative behaviors generally, and specifically with fear >>

Steve Chang et al. << shows this collection of nuclei can also influence positive social functions like kindness and what might be called charitable giving in humans >>

Steve W. C. Chang, Nicholas A. Fagan, et al. Neural mechanisms of social decision-making in the primate amygdala. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015; 201514761 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1514761112

# s-age: longevity: 4 loci identified

<< Genetic studies so far have only identified a single gene (APOE, known to be involved in Alzheimer’s disease) that is different in centenarians versus normal agers >>

<<  [AA] found eight SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphismsmolecular variations at different locations on the gene) that are significant for the centenarians they studied, and they were able to validate four of these in replication studies of long-lived subjects. The four “longevity loci” (gene locations) along with the APOE gene may provide clues about physiological mechanisms for successful aging. These loci are known to be involved in various processes including cell senescence, autoimmunity, and cell signaling, and also with Alzheimer’s disease >>

Kristen Fortney, Edgar Dobriban, et al.  Genome-Wide Scan Informed by Age-Related Disease Identifies Loci for Exceptional Human Longevity. PLOS Genetics, 2015; 11 (12): e1005728 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005728 (open access)

sabato 26 dicembre 2015

# rmx: ... just a jazz peak

<< I'd like to apologise to the lady I just called by mistake saying 'Hello, is this planet Earth?' - not a prank call...just a wrong number! >>

3:04 PM - 24 Dec 2015

giovedì 24 dicembre 2015

# s-trade-behav: "harbinger of failure" (human) scanners

<< (..) customers, termed “Harbingers of failure,” who systematically purchase new products that flop. Their early adoption of a new product is a strong signal that a product will fail—the more they buy, the less likely the product will succeed >>

Eric Anderson, Song Lin, et al. Harbingers of Failure. Journal of Marketing Research, 2015; 52 (5): 580 DOI: 10.1509/jmr.13.0415

mercoledì 23 dicembre 2015

# s-brain: subjectiveness can override reality in learned maze navigation environments

<<  the activity patterns in the parietal regions reflect participants' expectations even when they are wrong, demonstrating that subjective belief can override objective reality >>

<< view expectation is subjectively represented in human brain, and the fronto-parietal network is involved in integrating external cues and prior knowledge during spatial navigation >>

Yumi Shikauchi, Shin Ishii. Decoding the view expectation during learned maze navigation from human fronto-parietal network. Scientific Reports, 2015; 5: 17648 DOI: 10.1038/srep17648