
martedì 14 maggio 2024

# gst: quantum jamming on the macroscopic scale

 << In the presence of kinetic constraints, quasiparticles describing the behavior of an ordered arrangement of quantum spins can get “stuck” as their density increases. Because of its similarity to the formation of amorphous solids, this situation can be interpreted as the quantum analog of jamming. Jammed states are intrinsically unstable and small perturbations produce unusual nonequilibrium dynamics. >> 

 AA << show that quantum jamming is a mechanism to make microscopic phenomena visible at a macroscopic scale: A single impurity produces a permanent change in the state, and a few impurities leave an imprint of their scattering properties and bound states. >> 

Maurizio Fagotti. Quantum Jamming Brings Quantum Mechanics to Macroscopic Scales. Phys. Rev. X 14, 021015. Apr 23, 2024.

Also: particle, jamming, in 

Keywords: gst, particle, jamming

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