
sabato 25 maggio 2024

# gst: exotic geometries, a Janus trefoil knot, which rotates as it swims forwards.

AA << present an asymptotic theory for solving the dynamics of slender autophoretic loops and knots. >>️

They << elucidate the behavior of many exotic active particle geometries, such as a bumpy uniformly active torus that spins and a Janus trefoil knot, which rotates as it swims forwards. >>️

Panayiota Katsamba, Matthew D. Butler, et al. Slender phoretic loops and knots. Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 054201. May 10, 2024. 

Also: keywords janus, knots, particle, in FonT

Keywords: janus, loops & knots, particles

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