
martedì 21 maggio 2024

# gst: relativistic chaotic scattering, scaling laws for trapped trajectories.

AA << study different types of phase space structures which appear in the context of relativistic chaotic scattering. By using the relativistic version of the Hénon-Heiles Hamiltonian, (They) numerically study the topology of different kind of exit basins and compare it with the case of low velocities in which the Newtonian version of the system is valid. >>

<< In all cases, fractal structures are present, and the escaping dynamics is characterized. In every case a scaling law is numerically obtained in which the percentage of the trapped trajectories as a function of the relativistic parameter β and the energy is obtained. >>

Their << work could be useful in the context of charged particles which eventually can be trapped in the magnetosphere, where the analysis of these structures can be relevant. >>️

Fernando Blesa, Juan D. Bernal, et al. Relativistic chaotic scattering: Unveiling scaling laws for trapped trajectories. Phys. Rev. E 109, 044204. Apr 5, 2024.

Also: chaos, chaotic, escape, particle, in 

Keywords: gst, chaos, chaotic, escape, escape trajectories

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