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Visualizzazione post con etichetta particles. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 20 novembre 2023

# gst: collective patterns generated by capillary surfers.

<< Millimeter-sized “surfers” can self-propel across a vibrating liquid surface, interacting with other surfers to create collective patterns. >>

<< Self-propelled objects can move in mesmerizing patterns. The collective movements of groups of such objects typically occur in one of two flow regimes: the inertial regime—think swirling schools of fish in water—or the viscous regime—think swarming colonies of bacteria in mucus. Some self-propelled objects can travel in both flow regimes, a possibility that is less explored. >>️

AA << have studied the motion of a new system of self-propelled objects that move in this intermediate regime, finding that the objects organize into several distinct and tunable motion patterns. >>️️

<< Pairs of self-propelled surfers observed by the team move in one of seven different patterns (the video shows five). These include the “orbit,” where a pair of surfers rotate around a central point; the “tailgate,” where one surfer closely follows another, head to tail in a linear path; and the “jackknife,” where a pair of perpendicular surfers rotate stern to stern around their collision point. >>

<< When only one surfer was present, these mismatched amplitudes propelled the surfer in the direction of its bow. When there were two surfers close to each other, interactions among the waves caused the surfers to either repel each other so that they moved in opposite directions or to come together so that they collectively traced one of seven distinct patterns. >>️
Maggie Hudson. Synchronized Surfing of Self-Propelled Particles. Physics 16, s156. Nov 7, 2023. 

Ian Ho, Giuseppe Pucci, Anand U. Oza, Daniel M. Harris. Capillary surfers: Wave-driven particles at a vibrating fluid interface. Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, L112001. Nov 7, 2023.

Anand U. Oza, Giuseppe Pucci, Ian Ho, Daniel M. Harris. Theoretical modeling of capillary surfer interactions on a vibrating fluid bath. Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, 114001. Nov 7, 2023.

Also: waves, particle, swarm, in:

Keywords: gst, waves, wave-wave, capillary waves, particles, self-propelled particles, fluid-particle interactions, wave-particle interactions

lunedì 2 ottobre 2023

# gst: anisotropic active depletion around a self-propelled non-interactive colloids; three characteristic states could be identified.

<< Active colloids in a bath of inert particles of smaller size cause anisotropic depletion. >>️

Here AA << combine mesoscale hydrodynamic simulation as well as theoretical analysis to examine the physical origin for the active depletion around a self-propelled noninteractive colloid. >>️

Their << results elucidate that the variable hydrodynamic effect critically governs the microstructure of the depletion zone. Three characteristic states of anisotropic depletion are identified, depending on the strength and stress of activity. >>️

<< Furthermore, (AA) demonstrate that such depletion in nonequilibrium results in various clusters with ordered organization of squirmers, which follows a distinct principle contrary to that of the entropy scenario of depletion in equilibrium. >>
Lijun Dai, Haixiao Wan, et al. Hydrodynamic Anisotropy of Depletion in Nonequilibrium. Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 134002. Sep 27, 2023. 

Also: particle, colloids, in

Keywords: gst, particles, colloids, depletion, squirmers, self-propulsion systems

martedì 12 settembre 2023

# gst: tuning of Janus particles under flows

<< Active colloidal systems with nonequilibrium self-organization constitute a long-standing, challenging area in material sciences and biology. To understand how hydrodynamic flow may be used to actively control self-assembly of Janus particles (JPs), (AA)  developed a model for the many-body hydrodynamics of amphiphilic JPs suspended in a viscous fluid with imposed far-field background flows. >>

They << alter the hydrophobic distribution on the JP-solvent interface to investigate the hydrodynamics that underlies the various morphologies and rheological properties of the JP assembly in the suspension. (They) find that JPs assemble into unilamellar, multilamellar, and striated structures. >>

AA << characterize the effective material properties of the JP structures and find that the unilamellar structure increases orientation order under shear flow, the multilamellar structure behaves as a shear thinning fluid, and the striated structure possesses a yield stress. >> ️

Szu-Pei Fu, Rolf Ryham, Bryan Quaife, and Y.-N. Young. Effects of tunable hydrophobicity on the collective hydrodynamics of Janus particles under flows. Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, 050501. May 11, 2023.

Also: particle, self-assembly, in:

Keywords: particles, Janus, Janus particles, self-organization, self-assembly

giovedì 27 aprile 2023

# gst: like the slender body theory, the effect of curvature on the diffusion of colloidal bananas.

<< Anisotropic colloidal particles exhibit complex dynamics which play a crucial role in their functionality, transport, and phase behavior.  >>️

AA << investigate the two-dimensional diffusion of smoothly curved colloidal rods—also known as colloidal bananas—as a function of their opening angle α >>️

<< the experimental results are consistent with slender body theory, indicating that the dynamical behavior of the particles arises primarily from their local drag anisotropy. These results highlight the impact of curvature on the Brownian motion of elongated colloidal particles, which must be taken into account when seeking to understand the behavior of curved colloidal particles. >>️

Justin-Aurel Ulbrich, Carla Fernández-Rico, et al. Effect of curvature on the diffusion of colloidal bananas. Phys. Rev. E 107, L042602. April 21, 2023.

Also: gst, particle, in

Keywords: gst, colloids, particles, behavior

martedì 28 febbraio 2023

# gst: flocking transitions of unfriendly species.

AA consider << two kinds of self-propelled particles, A and B, that tend to align with particles from the same species and to antialign with the other. The model shows a flocking transition (..) it has a liquid-gas phase transition and displays micro-phase-separation in the coexistence region where multiple dense liquid bands propagate in a gaseous background. >>

<< The interesting features (..) are the existence of two kinds of bands, one composed of mainly A particles and one mainly of B particles, the appearance of two dynamical states in the coexistence region: the PF (parallel flocking) state in which all bands of the two species propagate in the same direction, and the APF (antiparallel flocking) state in which the bands of species A and species B move in opposite directions. When PF and APF states exist in the low-density part of the coexistence region they perform stochastic transitions from one to the other. The system size dependence of the transition frequency and dwell times show a pronounced crossover that is determined by the ratio of the band width and the longitudinal system size. >>

AA << work paves the way for studying multispecies flocking models with heterogeneous alignment interactions. >>

Swarnajit Chatterjee, Matthieu Mangeat, et al. Flocking of two unfriendly species: The two-species Vicsek model. Phys. Rev. E 107, 024607. Feb 14, 2023


keyword 'swimmers' in FonT

Keywords: gst, flocking, particles, self-propelled particles, swimmers,  microswimmers

martedì 20 dicembre 2022

# gst: slow dynamics of a interacting mobile impurity (in a bath of localized particles)

AA << investigate dynamics of a single mobile impurity immersed in a bath of Anderson localized particles and focus on the regime of relatively strong disorder and interactions. In that regime, the dynamics of the system is particularly slow, suggesting, at short times, an occurrence of many-body localization. Considering longer time scales, (AA) show that the latter is a transient effect and that, eventually, the impurity spreads sub-diffusively and induces a gradual delocalization of the Anderson insulator. The phenomenology of the system in the considered regime of slow dynamics includes a sub-diffusive growth of mean square displacement of the impurity, power-law decay of density correlation functions of the Anderson insulator and a power-law growth of entanglement entropy in the system. (AA) observe a similar regime of slow dynamics also when the disorder in the system is replaced by a sufficiently strong quasi-periodic potential. >>

Piotr Sierant, Titas Chanda, Maciej Lewenstein, Jakub Zakrzewski. Slow dynamics of a mobile impurity interacting with an Anderson insulator. arXiv: 2212.07107v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn]. Dec 14, 2022. 


keyword 'particle' | 'quasiparticle' in FonT

keyword 'particelle' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, particles, impurity, disorder, sub-diffusive growth, transition, entanglement entropy

giovedì 8 luglio 2021

# gst: apropos of 'disordered interactions', localization and dissociation of bound states and mapping to chaotic billiards concerning two particles on a chain

AA << consider two particles hopping on a chain with a contact interaction between them. At strong interaction, there is a molecular bound state separated by a direct gap from a continuous band of atomic states. Introducing weak disorder in the interaction, the molecular state becomes Anderson localized (exponential localization of all energy eigenstates,). At stronger disorder, part of the molecular band delocalizes and dissociates due to its hybridization to the atomic band. (AA) characterize these different regimes by computing the density of states, the inverse participation ratio, the level-spacing statistics and the survival probability of an initially localized state.  >>️

<< The atomic band is best described as that of a rough billiard for a single particle on a square lattice that shows signatures of quantum chaos. In addition to typical ``chaotic states'', (AA) find states that are localized along only one direction. These ``separatrix states'' are more localized than chaotic states, and similar in this respect to scarred states, but their existence is due to the separatrix iso-energy line in the interaction-free dispersion relation, rather than to unstable periodic orbits. >> 

Hugo Perrin, Janos K. Asboth, et al.  Two particles on a chain with disordered interaction: Localization and dissociation of bound states and mapping to chaotic billiards. arXiv: 2106.09603v1. Jun 17, 2021. 

sabato 26 settembre 2020

# gst: how small particles could reshape an asteroid

<< In January 2019, NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft was orbiting asteroid Bennu when the spacecraft's cameras caught something unexpected: Thousands of tiny bits of material, some just the size of marbles, began to bounce off the surface of the asteroid—like a game of ping-pong in space. Since then, many such particle ejection events have been observed at Bennu's surface. >>

AA have been studying << asteroids for a long time, and no one had ever seen this phenomenon before—these little particles getting shot off of the surface  (..) such seemingly small occurrences may add up over time—perhaps even helping to give the asteroid its telltale shape, which is often compared to a spinning top. >>

<< basic orbital calculations suggest that all of these particles should do one of two things: Jump off the surface and fall right back down or escape from Bennu's gravity and never come back. >>

<< When particles eventually land on Bennu's surface, many appear to disproportionately fall near its equator where the asteroid has a distinct bulge. As a result, these events could be reshaping the asteroid over thousands or millions of years by moving mass from its north and south to its middle. >>

Daniel Strain. How small particles could reshape Bennu and other asteroids. University of Colorado at Boulder. Sep 9, 2020.

McMahon Jay W, Scheeres Daniel J, et al. Dynamical Evolution of Simulated Particles Ejected From Asteroid Bennu. J Geophys Res: Planets. 125 (8). doi: 10.1029/ 2019JE006229. May 18, 2020.

Scheeres Daniel J, McMahon Jay W, et al. Particle Ejection Contributions to the Rotational Acceleration and Orbit Evolution of Asteroid (101955) Bennu. 
J Geophys Res: Planets. 125 (3). doi: 10.1029/ 2019JE006284. March 11, 2020. 

mercoledì 21 agosto 2019

# gst: tracking tiny particles

<< Kymographs are graphical representations of spatial position over time, which are often used in biology to visualise the motion of fluorescent particles, molecules, vesicles, or organelles moving along a predictable path. >>

AA << developed KymoButler, a Deep Learning-based software to automatically track dynamic processes in kymographs. (They) demonstrate that KymoButler performs as well as expert manual data analysis on kymographs with complex particle trajectories from a variety of different biological systems. >>

Maximilian AH Jakobs, Andrea Dimitracopoulos, Kristian Franze.  KymoButler, a deep learning software for automated kymograph analysis.
eLife. doi: 10.7554/eLife.42288.  Aug 13, 2019.

<< We hope our tool will prove useful for others involved in analysing small particle movements, whichever field they may work in, >> Kristian Franze

Machine learning tool improves tracking of tiny moving particles. eLife. Aug 13, 2019.