
sabato 20 luglio 2024

# gst: tracking four-way coupled particles in turbulence

<< In many natural and industrial applications, turbulent flows encompass some form of dispersed particles. Although this type of multiphase turbulent flow is omnipresent, its numerical modeling has proven to be a remarkably challenging problem. >>

AA << present an efficient method for point-based simulation of particles in turbulence that are four-way coupled. In contrast with traditional one-way coupled simulations, where only the effect of the fluid phase on the particle phase is modeled, this method additionally captures the back-reaction of the particle phase on the fluid phase, as well as the interactions between particles themselves. >>

AA << focus on the most challenging case of very light particles or bubbles, which show strong clustering in the high-vorticity regions of the fluid. >>
Xander M. de Wit, Rudie P. J. Kunnen, et al. Efficient point-based simulation of four-way coupled particles in turbulence at high number density. Phys. Rev. E 110, 015301. Jul 1, 2024. 

Also: particle, bubble, turbulence, in 

Keywords: gst, particles, bubbles, turbulence

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