
venerdì 12 luglio 2024

# gst: apropos of the transition of order from chaos, a universal behavior near a critical point.

<< As the Reynolds number is increased, a laminar fluid flow becomes turbulent, and the range of time and length scales associated with the flow increases. Yet, in a turbulent reactive flow system, as we increase the Reynolds number, (AA) observe the emergence of a single dominant timescale in the acoustic pressure fluctuations, as indicated by its loss of multifractality. >>️

AA << study the evolution of short-time correlated dynamics between the acoustic field and the flame in the spatiotemporal domain of the system.   >>️

<< the susceptibility of the order parameter, correlation length, and correlation time diverge at a critical point between chaos and order. (AA) results show that the observed emergence of order from chaos is a continuous phase transition (..) the critical exponents characterizing this transition fall in the universality class of directed percolation. >>️

The << paper demonstrates how a real-world complex, nonequilibrium turbulent reactive flow system exhibits universal behavior near a critical point. >>️

Sivakumar Sudarsanan, Amitesh Roy, et al. Emergence of order from chaos through a continuous phase transition in a turbulent reactive flow system. Phys. Rev. E 109, 064214. Jun 20, 2024. 

Also: order, chaos, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, order, chaos, transition 

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