
sabato 13 luglio 2024

# game: flocking by turning away.

<< Flocking, as paradigmatically exemplified by birds, is the coherent collective motion of active agents. As originally conceived, flocking emerges through alignment interactions between the agents. >>️

AA << report that flocking can also emerge through interactions that turn agents away from each other. >>

<< Whereas repulsion often leads to motility-induced phase separation of active particles, here it combines with turn-away torques to produce flocking. Therefore, (AA) findings bridge the classes of aligning and nonaligning active matter. (Their) results could help to reconcile the observations that cells can flock despite turning away from each other via contact inhibition of locomotion.  >>️

AA << work shows that flocking is a very robust phenomenon that arises even when the orientational interactions would seem to prevent it. >>️
Suchismita Das, Matteo Ciarchi, Ziqi Zhou, Jing Yan, Jie Zhang, Ricard Alert. Flocking by Turning Away. Phys. Rev. X 14, 031008. Jul 12, 2024.

Also: Janus, in FonT 

Also: game, flock, in 

Keywords: game, flock, Janus

FonT: an approach of this type could hypothetically generate intriguing, bizarre, unexpected game scenarios in various other contexts ...

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