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Visualizzazione post con etichetta network. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 21 febbraio 2025

# gst: apropos of nuanced dependencies in intricately coupled network, attractive-repulsive challenge in swarmalators with time-dependent speed.

AA << examine a network of entities whose internal and external dynamics are intricately coupled, modeled through the concept of ``swarmalators'' as introduced by O'Keeffe et al. (Nat. Commun., 8(1):1–13, 2017). (They) investigate how the entities' natural velocities impact the network's collective dynamics and path to synchronization. >>

<< Specifically, (AA) analyze two scenarios: one in which each entity has an individual natural velocity, and another where a group velocity is defined by the average of all velocities. >> 

Their << findings reveal two distinct forms of phase synchronization -- static and rotational -- each preceded by a complex state of attractive-repulsive interactions between entities. This interaction phase, which depends sensitively on initial conditions, allows for selective modulation within the network. By adjusting initial parameters, (AA) can isolate specific entities to experience attractive-repulsive interactions distinct from the group, prior to the onset of full synchronization. >>

<< This nuanced dependency on initial conditions offers valuable insights into the role of natural velocities in tuning synchronization behavior within coupled dynamic networks. >>️

Steve J. Kongni, Thierry Njougouo, et al. Attractive-repulsive challenge in swarmalators with time-dependent speed. arXiv: 2501.06048v1 [nlin.AO]. Jan 10, 2025. 

Also: swarm, network, in 

Keywords: gst, swarm, swarmalators, network

lunedì 27 gennaio 2025

# gst: phenomenology of cracks in thin colloidal films (undergoing desiccation)

<< A number of geometric and topological properties of samples of crack-template based conductive films are examined to assess the degree to which Voronoi diagrams can successfully model structure and conductivity in such networks. >>

AA << analysis suggests that although Poisson-Voronoi diagrams are only partially successful in modeling structural features of real-world crack patterns formed in films undergoing desiccation, such diagrams can nevertheless be useful in situations where topological characteristics are more important than geometric ones. A phenomenological model is proposed that is more accurate at capturing features of the real-world crack patterns. >>️

Yuri Yu. Tarasevich, Andrei V. Eserkepov, et al. Phenomenological model of crack patterns in thin colloidal films undergoing desiccation. arXiv: 2501.07303v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn]. Jan 13, 2025.

Also: crack, particle, network, in 

Keywords: gst, crack, particles, network, crack pattern networks, Voronoi tessellations 

venerdì 20 dicembre 2024

# gst: apropos of transitions, towards a theory for the formation of chimera patterns in complex networks

This AA work << formalizes a systematic method by evoking pattern formation theory to explain the emergence of chimera states in complex networks. >>

They << show that the randomness of network topology, as reflected in the localization of the graph Laplacian eigenvectors, determines the emergence of chimera patterns, underscoring the critical role of network structure. In particular, this approach explains how amplitude and phase chimeras arise separately and explores whether phase chimeras can be chaotic or not. (AA) findings suggest that chimeras result from the interplay between local and global dynamics at different time scales. >>

Malbor Asllani, Alex Arenas. Towards a Theory for the Formation of Chimera Patterns in Complex Networks. arXiv: 2412.05504v1 [nlin.AO]. Dec 7, 2024.

Also: chimera, network, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, chimera, network, transition

sabato 14 dicembre 2024

# gst: self-organized chimera states in pulse-coupled oscillator systems.

<< Coupled oscillator systems can lead to states in which synchrony and chaos coexist. These states are called “chimera states.” >>
AA << study a variation of a pulse-coupled oscillator (PCO) model that has been shown to produce chimera states, demonstrate that it reproduces several of the expected chimera properties, like the formation of multiple heads and the ability to control the natural drift that Kuramoto's chimera states experience in a ring, and explain how chimera states emerge. >>️

<< Three notable aspects of chimeras in our PCO networks (with time-discrete coupling) are the absence of firing events from the tail (which still almost synchronize their phases), the reliable onset of the phenomenon from virtually any initial configuration, and the lack of a superimposed structure (e.g., artificially splitting the population into subgroups) and thus the self-organized nature of the phenomenon. >>️

Arke Vogell, Udo Schilcher, et al. Chimera states in pulse-coupled oscillator systems. Phys. Rev. E 110, 054214. Nov 26, 2024.

Also: chimera, self-assembly, chaos, network,  in 

Keywords: gst, chimera, self-assembly, chaos, network 

lunedì 2 dicembre 2024

# gst: apropos of diffusive anomalies, anomalous diffusion of active Brownian particles in responsive elastic gels.

Here, AA << examine via extensive computer simulations the dynamics of SPPs (self-propelled particles) in deformable gellike structures responsive to thermal fluctuations. (AA) treat tracer particles comparable to and larger than the mesh size of the gel. (They) observe distinct trapping events of active tracers at relatively short times, leading to subdiffusion; it is followed by an escape from meshwork-induced traps due to the flexibility of the network, resulting in superdiffusion. >>

AA << thus find crossovers between different transport regimes. (They) also find pronounced nonergodicity in the dynamics of SPPs and non-Gaussianity at intermediate times. The distributions of trapping times of the tracers escaping from “cages” in (..)  quasiperiodic gel often reveal the existence of two distinct timescales in the dynamics. At high activity of the tracers these timescales become comparable. >>

<< Furthermore, (AA) find that the mean waiting time exhibits a power-law dependence on the activity of SPPs (in terms of their Péclet number). (Their) results additionally showcase both exponential and nonexponential trapping events at high activities. Extensions of this setup are possible, with the factors such as anisotropy of the particles, different topologies of the gel network, and various interactions between the particles (also of a nonlocal nature) to be considered. >>

Koushik Goswami, Andrey G. Cherstvy, et al. Anomalous diffusion of active Brownian particles in responsive elastic gels: Nonergodicity, non-Gaussianity, and distributions of trapping times. Phys. Rev. E 110, 044609. Oct 29, 2024.

Also: particle, random, escape, network, in 

Keywords: gst, particle, random, random walks, escape, network

venerdì 22 novembre 2024

# gst: protected chaos in a topological lattice.

<< The erratic nature of chaotic behavior is thought to erode the stability of periodic behavior, including topological oscillations. However, (AA) discover that in the presence of chaos, non-trivial topology not only endures but also provides robust protection to chaotic dynamics within a topological lattice hosting non-linear oscillators. >>

<< Despite the difficulty in defining topological invariants in non-linear settings, non-trivial topological robustness still persists in the parametric state of chaotic boundary oscillations. (AA) demonstrate this interplay between chaos and topology by incorporating chaotic Chua's circuits into a topological Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) circuit. >>

<< By extrapolating from the linear limit to deep into the non-linear regime, (AA) find that distinctive correlations in the bulk and edge scroll dynamics effectively capture the topological origin of the protected chaos. (Their)  findings suggest that topologically protected chaos can be robustly achieved across a broad spectrum of periodically-driven systems, thereby offering new avenues for the design of resilient and adaptable non-linear networks. >>️

Haydar Sahin, Hakan Akgün, et al. Protected chaos in a topological lattice. arXiv: 2411.07522v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]. Nov 12, 2024.

Also: chaos, random, instability, transition, network, ai (artificial intell), in 

Keywords: gst, chaos, random,  instability, transition, network, AI, Artificial Intelligence

sabato 16 novembre 2024

# gst: apropos of transverse instabilities, from chimeras to extensive chaos

<< Populations of coupled oscillators can exhibit a wide range of complex dynamical behavior, from complete synchronization to chimera and chaotic states. We can thus expect complex dynamics to arise in networks of such populations. >>️

Here AA << analyze the dynamics of networks of populations of heterogeneous mean-field coupled Kuramoto-Sakaguchi oscillators, and show that the instability that leads to chimera states in a simple two-population model also leads to extensive chaos in large networks of coupled populations. >>️

Pol Floriach, Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo, Pau Clusella. From chimeras to extensive chaos in networks of heterogeneous Kuramoto oscillator populations. arXiv: 2407.20408v2 [nlin.CD]. Oct 11, 2024.

Also: chimera, instability, chaos, network, in 

Keywords: gst, chimera, instability, chaos, network

sabato 2 novembre 2024

# gst: apropos of noise-assisted phenomena, self-organized transport in noisy dynamic networks.

AA << present a numerical study of multicommodity transport in a noisy, nonlinear network. The nonlinearity determines the dynamics of the edge capacities, which can be amplified or suppressed depending on the local current flowing across an edge. (AA) consider network self-organization for three different nonlinear functions: For all three (They) identify parameter regimes where noise leads to self-organization into more robust topologies, that are not found by the sole noiseless dynamics. Moreover, the interplay between noise and specific functional behavior of the nonlinearity gives rise to different features, such as (i) continuous or discontinuous responses to the demand strength and (ii) either single or multistable solutions. (AA) study shows the crucial role of the activation function on noise-assisted phenomena. >>️

Frederic Folz, Kurt Mehlhorn, Giovanna Morigi. Self-organized transport in noisy dynamic networks. Phys. Rev. E 110, 044310. Oct 21, 2024. 

Also: network, noise, behavior, self-assembly, instability, in 

Keywords: gst, network, noise, behavior, self-assembly, stability 

venerdì 25 ottobre 2024

# life: fast-and-flexible decision-making with modulatory interactions

<< Multi-agent systems in biology, society, and engineering are capable of making decisions through the dynamic interaction of their elements. Nonlinearity of the interactions is key for the speed, robustness, and flexibility of multi-agent decision-making. >>

AA << introduce modulatory, that is, multiplicative, in contrast to additive, interactions in a nonlinear opinion dynamics model of fast-and-flexible decision-making. (..) Modulatory interactions introduce an extra source of nonlinearity that greatly enriches the model decision-making behavior in a mathematically tractable way. >>

AA << model provides new tools to understand the role of these interactions in networked decision-making and to engineer them in artificial systems. >>

Rodrigo Moreno-Morton, Anastasia Bizyaeva, et al. Fast-and-flexible decision-making with modulatory interactions. arXiv: 2410.00798v1 [math.DS]. Oct 1, 2024.

Also: behav, network, ai (artificial intell), in 

Keywords: life, decision-making, modulatory interactions, behavior, behaviour, network, ai, artificial intelligence

giovedì 24 ottobre 2024

# game: aperiodic Parrondo (behavior based on the binary Fibonacci, Thue–Morse and Rudin–Shapiro sequences); persistence and heterogeneity effects.

AA << study the effectiveness of employing archetypal aperiodic sequencing -- namely Fibonacci, Thue-Morse, and Rudin-Saphiro -- on the Parrondian effect. From a capital gain perspective, (their) results show that these series do yield a Parrondo's Paradox with the Thue-Morse based strategy outperforming not only the other two aperiodic strategies but benchmark Parrondian games with random and periodical (AABBAABB…) switching as well. The least performing of the three aperiodic strategies is the Rudin-Shapiro. >>

AA << analyze the cross-correlation between the capital generated by the switching protocols and that of the isolated losing games. This analysis reveals that a pronounced anti-correlation (below -0.95) with both isolated games is typically required to achieve a robust manifestation of Parrondo's effect. >>

About << the influence of the sequencing on the capital using the lacunarity and persistence measures (AA) observe that the switching protocols tend to become less performing in terms of the capital as one increases the persistence and thus approaches the features of an isolated losing game. >>

Respect to << lacunarity, a property related to heterogeneity, (AA) notice that for small persistence the performance increases with the lacunarity with a maximum (..). In respect of this, (AA) work shows that  the optimisation of a switching protocol is strongly dependent on a fine tune between persistence and heterogeneity. >>

Marcelo A. Pires, Erveton P. Pinto, et al. Parrondo's effects with aperiodic protocols. arXiv: 2410.02987v1 [physics.soc-ph]. Oct 3, 2024.

Also: Parrondo, tit-for-tat, game, behav, network, in 

Keywords: Parrondo, tit-for-tat, game, behavior, behaviour, network

martedì 22 ottobre 2024

# game: apropos of Parrondo's paradox, winning with losses driven by reputation and reciprocity

AA << investigate two such social behaviors, reputation and reciprocity, and their role in explaining Darwin’s survival of the fittest, examining how these fundamental principles govern individual interactions and shape broader social dynamics. >>

<< Current theories hint at two main facets of social interaction, reputation and reciprocity, as potential drivers behind this cooperative evolution. Reputation revolves around building and sustaining trust, social worth, and overall community standing. Conversely, reciprocity governs the mutual exchange of actions or benefits, influencing our choices. >>

<< One intriguing concept explored in this domain is Parrondo’s paradox: combining or switching between two losing strategies might surprisingly achieve a winning outcome. The role of Parrondo’s paradox in complex systems has sparked key research into chaotic many-body, quantum, and algorithmic network applications, where combining elements yields opposing beneficial results. Similarly, social physicists aim to uncover hidden mechanisms that govern societal phenomena by integrating the paradox’s counterintuitive principles. >>️

<< The game-theoretic Parrondo’s paradox emerges through multiple iterations of these interactions (..) A naive observation might conclude that in either scheme the chance of individuals losing to the environment is higher than gaining from the environment. For the reputation scheme, one is rewarded with a singular capital from the environment but is punished with two. Similarly, the reciprocity scheme only allows for the redistribution of capital or loss of capital. In reality, diverse schemes can be adopted by different individuals. Thus, (AA) suggest two forms of switching: (1) stochastic switching, where the individual randomly selects one of two schemes to employ with equal probability, and (2) rule-based switching, where the individual only selects the reputation scheme if it passes the reputation threshold ρ; otherwise, it employs the reciprocity scheme. >>

AA << also performed simulations on other network topologies (..) Parrondo’s paradox is strongly observed in small-world networks, weakly in the Erdős-Rényi network, and absent in scale-free networks. >>

To conclude, some of these observations << underscore the profound capability of rule-based switching mechanisms inherent in Parrondo’s paradox to emulate and forecast key aspects of real-world social phenomena. Such insights are invaluable for developing sophisticated models and strategies in various fields, ranging from social sciences to policy making, where accurate predictions of social behavior and dynamics are crucial. >>

Joel Weijia Lai, Kang Hao Cheong. Winning with Losses: The Surprising Success of Negative Strategies in Social Interaction Behavior. Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 167401. Oct 16, 2024. 

Also: Parrondo, tit-for-tat, game, behav, network, in 

Keywords: Parrondo, tit-for-tat, game, behavior, behaviour, network

sabato 5 ottobre 2024

# brain: time delay in 'reservoir brain' as a reservoir network, a hypothesis

<< Both the predictive power and the memory storage capability of an artificial neural network called a reservoir computer increase when time delays are added into how the network processes signals, according to a new model. >>️

<< They also suggest that incorporating time delays could offer advantages to living neural networks (such as those found in human and animal brains). Such a finding would be tantalizing, as time delays are known to decrease performance in living systems. For example, for a baseball player facing an oncoming ball, a longer time delay between perception and action (which is learned from experience) will decrease the likelihood they hit a home run. Are there instead cases in which time delays increase an organism’s ability to perform some task? Has evolution shaped our brains, which could perhaps be thought of as a collection of reservoir computers, so that the time delay between one neuron sending a signal and a second receiving it is exactly the right length for understanding the visual and audio that constantly impinge upon our eyes and ears? Does adding time delays impact the number of neurons the brain needs to operate correctly? Further work is needed to answer these questions, but such work could lead to a new understanding of how biological organism’s function.  >>️

Sarah Marzen. Time Delays Improve Performance of Certain Neural Networks. Physics 17, 111. July 22, 2024. 

Also: pause, silence, jazz, network, brain, ai (artificial intell), in 

Keywords: gst, brain, network, neural network, reservoir network, reservoir computer, time delay, ai, artificial intelligence

venerdì 30 agosto 2024

# gst: apropos of 'filamentous' and 'fibrous' scenarios, criticality enhances the reinforcement of disordered networks by rigid inclusions.

<< The mechanical properties of biological materials are spatially heterogeneous. Typical tissues are made up of a spanning fibrous extracellular matrix in which various inclusions, such as living cells, are embedded. >>️

<< Recent work has shown that, in isolation, such networks exhibit unusual viscoelastic behavior indicative of an underlying mechanical phase transition controlled by network connectivity and strain. How this behavior is modified when inclusions are present is unclear. >>

AA << present a theoretical and computational study of the influence of rigid inclusions on the mechanics of disordered elastic networks near the connectivity-controlled central force rigidity transition. >>️

<< Combining scaling theory and coarse-grained simulations, (AA) predict and confirm an anomalously strong dependence of the composite stiffness on inclusion volume fraction, beyond that seen in ordinary composites. (..) this enhancement is a consequence of the interplay between inter-particle spacing and an emergent correlation length, leading to an effective finite-size scaling imposed by the presence of inclusions. >>

AA << show that this enhancement is a consequence of the interplay between inter-particle spacing and an emergent correlation length, leading to an effective finite-size scaling imposed by the presence of inclusions. >>️

AA << discuss potential experimental tests and implications for (their)  predictions in real systems. >>
Jordan L. Shivers, Jingchen Feng, Fred C. MacKintosh. Criticality enhances the reinforcement of disordered networks by rigid inclusions. arXiv:  2407.19563v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Jul 28, 2024. 

Also: network, transition, disorder, elastic, in 

Keywords: gst, network, transition, disorder, elasticity, rigidity, criticality, bifurcations

sabato 17 agosto 2024

# gst: networks of pendula with diffusive interactions, chaotic regime seems to emerge at low energies.

AA << study a system of coupled pendula with diffusive interactions, which could depend both on positions and on momenta. The coupling structure is defined by an undirected network, while the dynamic equations are derived from a Hamiltonian; as such, the energy is conserved. >>️

<< The behaviour observed showcases a mechanism for the appearance of chaotic oscillations in conservative systems. For Hamiltonians with two degrees of freedom, it has been shown how chaos can emerge near a saddle-centre equilibrium possessing a homoclinic orbit. (AA) have seen that higher-dimensional systems having mixed equilibria, i.e., generalisations of a saddle-center where the eigenvalues are only imaginary and reals, also show chaotic behaviour close to those points.  >>️

AA << complement the analysis with some numerical simulations showing the interplay between bifurcations of the origin and transitions to chaos of nearby orbits. A key feature is that the observed chaotic regime emerges at low energies. >>
Riccardo Bonetto, Hildeberto Jardón-Kojakhmetov, Christian Kuehn. Networks of Pendula with Diffusive Interactions. arXiv: 2408.02352v1 [math.DS]. Aug 5, 2024.

Also: pendulum, network, transition, chaos, in 

Keywords: gst, pendulum, network, transition, chaos, bifurcation

venerdì 26 luglio 2024

# gst: Resonancelike emergence of chaos in complex networks of damped-driven nonlinear systems.

AA << solve a critical outstanding problem in this multidisciplinary research field: the emergence and persistence of spatiotemporal chaos in complex networks of damped-driven nonlinear oscillators in the significant weak-coupling regime, while they exhibit regular behavior when uncoupled. >>

They << uncover and characterize the basic physical mechanisms concerning both heterogeneity-induced and impulse-induced emergence, enhancement, and suppression of chaos in starlike and scale-free networks of periodically driven, dissipative nonlinear oscillators. >>️

Ricardo Chacon, Pedro J. Martínez. Resonancelike emergence of chaos in complex networks of damped-driven nonlinear systems. Phys. Rev. E 110, 014209. Jul 19, 2024. 

Also: network, chaos, in 

Keywords: gst, network, resonance, chaos

martedì 9 luglio 2024

# gst: discontinuous transition to chaos in a canonical random neural network

AA << study a paradigmatic random recurrent neural network introduced by Sompolinsky, Crisanti, and Sommers (SCS). In the infinite size limit, this system exhibits a direct transition from a homogeneous rest state to chaotic behavior, with the Lyapunov exponent gradually increasing from zero. (AA)  generalize the SCS model considering odd saturating nonlinear transfer functions, beyond the usual choice 𝜙⁡(𝑥)=tanh⁡𝑥. A discontinuous transition to chaos occurs whenever the slope of 𝜙 at 0 is a local minimum [i.e., for 𝜙′′′⁢(0)>0]. Chaos appears out of the blue, by an attractor-repeller fold. Accordingly, the Lyapunov exponent stays away from zero at the birth of chaos. >>

In the figure 7 << the pink square is located at the doubly degenerate point (𝑔,𝜀)=(1,1/3). >>️️

Diego Pazó. Discontinuous transition to chaos in a canonical random neural network. Phys. Rev. E 110, 014201. July 1, 2024.

Also: chaos, random, network, transition, neuro, in 

Keywords: gst, chaos, random, network, transition, neuro

mercoledì 3 luglio 2024

# gst: when generalized diffusion could result from stochastic processes.

<< Despite the success of fractional Brownian motion (fBm) in modeling systems that exhibit anomalous diffusion due to temporal correlations, recent experimental and theoretical studies highlight the necessity for a more comprehensive approach of a generalization that incorporates heterogeneities in either the tracers or the environment. >>

AA present << a modification of Lévy's representation of fBm for the case in which the generalized diffusion coefficient is a stochastic process. (They) derive analytical expressions for the autocovariance function and both ensemble- and time-averaged mean squared displacements. Further, (AA)  validate the efficacy of the developed framework in two-state systems, comparing analytical asymptotic expressions with numerical simulations. >>️

Adrian Pacheco-Pozo, Diego Krapf. Fractional Brownian motion with fluctuating diffusivities. Phys. Rev. E 110, 014105. Jul 1, 2024.

Also: disorder, fluctuations, network, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, fractional Brownian motion, fBm, Lévy, disorder, fluctuations, anomalous, network, transition

lunedì 1 luglio 2024

# gst: the strangeness of networks, the hypothesis of a connection between the kinetics of networks and anomalous transport theory.

<< Many real-world networks change over time. Think, for example, of social interactions, gene activation in a cell, or strategy making in financial markets, where connections and disconnections occur all the time. >>

AA team << has gained groundbreaking insights into this problem by recasting the discrete dynamics of a network as a continuous time series (..). In doing so, the researchers have discovered that if the breaking and forming of links are represented as a particle moving in a suitable geometric space, then its motion is subdiffusive—that is, slower than it would be if it diffused normally. What’s more, the particles’ motions are well described by fractional Brownian motion, a generalization of Einstein’s classic model. This feat establishes a profound connection between the kinetics of time-varying or “temporal” networks and anomalous transport theory, opening fresh prospects for developing predictive equations of motion for networks. >>️

Ivan Bonamassa. Strange Kinetics Shape Network Growth. Physics 17, 96. Jun 17, 2024.

Evangelos S. Papaefthymiou, Costas Iordanou, Fragkiskos Papadopoulos. Fundamental Dynamics of Popularity-Similarity Trajectories in Real Networks. Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 257401. Jun 17, 2024. 

Also: network, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, network, transition

lunedì 18 marzo 2024

# gst: near the Hopf boundary, Intermittency and chimera states.

AA << study collective dynamics of networks of mutually coupled identical Lorenz oscillators near a subcritical Hopf bifurcation. Such systems exhibit induced multistable behavior with interesting spatiotemporal dynamics including synchronization, desynchronization, and chimera states. >>️

<< For analysis, (AA) first consider a ring topology with nearest-neighbor coupling and find that the system may exhibit intermittent behavior due to the complex basin structures and dynamical frustration, where temporal dynamics of the oscillators in the ensemble switches between different attractors. Consequently, different oscillators may show a dynamics that is intermittently synchronized (or desynchronized), giving rise to intermittent chimera states. The behavior of the intermittent laminar phases is characterized by the characteristic time spent in the synchronization manifold, which decays as a power law. >>

<< Such intermittent dynamics is quite general and is also observed in an ensemble of a large number of oscillators arranged in variety of network topologies including nonlocal, scale-free, random, and small-world networks. >>️

Anjuman Ara Khatun, Yusra Ahmed Muthanna, et al. Collective dynamics of coupled Lorenz oscillators near the Hopf boundary: Intermittency and chimera states. Phys. Rev. E 109, 034208. March 15, 2024.

Also: transition, intermittency, chaos, chimera, network, in

Keywords: gst, transition, intermittency, chaos, chimera, network

venerdì 23 febbraio 2024

# gst: soft and stiff modes in colloidal particle networks

<< Floppy microscale spring networks are widely studied in theory and simulations, but no well-controlled experimental system currently exists. >> 

AA << show that square lattices consisting of colloid-supported lipid bilayers functionalized with DNA linkers act as microscale floppy spring networks. (AA) extract their normal modes by inverting the particle displacement correlation matrix, showing the emergence of a spectrum of soft modes with low effective stiffness in addition to stiff modes that derive from linker interactions. >>

<< Evaluation of the softest mode, a uniform shear mode, reveals that shear stiffness decreases with lattice size. >>

 AA << results reveal the importance of entropic steric effects. >>
Julio Melio, Silke E. Henkes, Daniela J. Kraft. Soft and Stiff Normal Modes in Floppy Colloidal Square Lattices. Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 078202. Feb 14, 2024. 

Also: particle, nano, colloids, network, in

Keywords: gst, particle, nano, colloids, network, colloidal network