
Visualizzazione post con etichetta transitions. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta transitions. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 24 febbraio 2025

# gst: when homogeneous systems meet dissipation and disorder.

AA << investigate the localization and topological properties of the non-equilibrium steady state (NESS) in a one-dimensional homogeneous system. (Their) results demonstrate that, despite the absence of disorder in the initial system, the NESS can exhibit localization under bond dissipation. >>

<< Conversely, for an initially flat-band system with compactly localized wave functions, the NESS is delocalized. >>

<< Furthermore, (They) find that the initial localization characteristics of the system significantly influence the localization properties of the NESS. Drawing upon the concept of Bose-Einstein condensate broadening in cold-atom experiments, along with experimental data, (AA) systematically characterize the impact of disorder on the localization and topological properties of the NESS. >>

<< The phase diagram reveals that the NESS can be topologically non-trivial even when the initial state is topologically trivial, and that the topological triviality of the initial state weakens the topological non-triviality of the NESS. >>

Xixi Feng, Ao Zhou, et al. When Homogeneous Systems Meet Dissipation and Disorder. arXiv: 2502.11383v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn]. Feb 17, 2025. 

Also: order, disorder, disorder & fluctuations, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, order, disorder, disorder & fluctuations, transitions

lunedì 17 febbraio 2025

# gst: intrinsic disorder bars intruders (from biomolecular condensates)

<< It was recently discovered that eukaryotic cells are host to a multiplicity of biomolecular condensates. These condensates typically contain protein and/or RNA components with intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs). While IDRs have been proposed and demonstrated to play many roles in condensate biology, (AA) suggest here an additional crucial role of IDRs, which is to exclude unwanted “intruders” from condensates. This exclusion effect arises from the large conformational entropy of IDRs; i.e., there is a high free-energy cost to occupying space that would otherwise be available to the IDRs. By combining polymer theory with sticker-spacer simulations, (They) show that the relevant insertion free energy increases with the concentration of IDRs in the condensate as well as with intruder size, attaining a linear scaling with surface area for large intruders. >>

AA << find that at realistic IDR concentrations, particles as small as the size of an average protein (4 nm in diameter) can be 97% excluded from condensates. To overcome this entropic barrier, molecules must interact favorably with condensate components to be recruited as clients. Application of the developed size-exclusion theory to biological condensates suggests that condensate IDRs may play a generic exclusionary role across organisms and types of condensates. >>️

Vladimir Grigorev, Ned S. Wingreen, Yaojun Zhang. Conformational Entropy of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Bars Intruders from Biomolecular Condensates. PRX Life 3, 013011. Feb 14, 2025.

Also: order, disorder, disorder & fluctuations, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, order, disorder, disorder & fluctuations, transitions

lunedì 3 febbraio 2025

# gst: limit cycles and chaos in planar hybrid systems.

<< The main inspiration of (this AA) work is the paper of Llibre and Teixeira (Nonlinear Dyn. 91, No. 1, 249-255, 2018) about Filippov systems formed by two linear centers and having x = 0 as discontinuity line. One of the main conclusions of the paper is that such systems cannot have limit cycles. Actually, either it does not have periodic orbits or every orbit is periodic. Therefore, its dynamics is relatively simple. Inspired by this work and the raising notion of hybrid systems, (AA) wondered what could happen if we allow jumps on the discontinuity line. As a result, (They) discovered not only that limit cycles are allowed with arbitrarily small “perturbations” in the jump, (..), but also that such systems allow chaotic dynamics. Therefore, (AA) conclude that hybrid systems with simple formulation can have rich dynamics. (They) also observe that a complete characterization of the dynamics of X ∈ Xn depends on the characterization of its first return map, which is a piecewise polynomial map on the real line. This, together with the fact that the systems studied here are a generalization of the Filippov systems (..), illustrates that hybrid systems can be seen as a three-fold bridge connecting continuous, piecewise continuous and discrete dynamical systems. >>️

Jaume Llibre, Paulo Santana. Limit cycles and chaos in planar hybrid systems. arXiv: 2407.05151v2 [math.DS]. Oct 1, 2024. 

Also: chaos, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, limit cycles, chaos, transitions, small perturbations, jumps  

mercoledì 29 gennaio 2025

# gst: wake interference effects on flapping dynamics of elastic inverted foil.

AA << study the self-induced flapping dynamics of an inverted elastic foil when placed in tandem with a stationary circular cylinder. The effect of wake interference on the inverted foil's coupled dynamics is examined at a fixed Reynolds number (Re) as a function of nondimensional bending rigidity (𝐾B) and the structure-to-fluid mass ratio (𝑚*). >>

AA << results show that there exists a critical 𝐾B (..), above which the downstream foil is synchronized with the unsteady wake, and the cylinder controls the flapping response and the wake vortex dynamics. During synchronization, two additional flapping modes, namely, the small- and moderate-amplitude flapping mode, are observed as a function of decreasing 𝐾B. Below 𝐾B,Cr, the downstream foil undergoes self-induced large-amplitude flapping (LAF) similar to that of an isolated foil counterpart. >>

<< When the dynamics of the downstream foil are analyzed for a range of 𝑚*, (AA) can characterize the response dynamics into two regions: low and high sensitivity. The high-sensitivity region is observed when the dynamics are controlled by the cylinder vortex shedding, i.e., for foils with high stiffness. In this regime, the foil dynamics is negatively correlated with 𝐾B and 𝑚*. >>

<< The low-sensitivity region is observed when the downstream foil is no longer synchronized with the wake and undergoes an LAF response, with dynamics that are weakly correlated with 𝐾B. A nondimensional parameter is proposed that combines the effect of the foil's inertia and elastic forces and can capture the foil's response when it is subjected to wake interference effects. >>

Aarshana R. Parekh, Rajeev K. Jaiman. Wake interference effects on flapping dynamics of elastic inverted foil. Phys. Rev. Fluids 10, 014702. Jan 16, 2025.

Also: vortex, elastic, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, self-induced flapping dynamics, vortex, elasticity, transitions

giovedì 16 gennaio 2025

# gst: chaotic dynamics creates and destroys branched flow.

<< The phenomenon of branched flow, visualized as a chaotic arborescent pattern of propagating particles, waves, or rays, has been identified in disparate physical systems ranging from electrons to tsunamis, with periodic systems only recently being added to this list. >>

Here, AA << explore the laws governing the evolution of the branches in periodic potentials. On one hand, (They) observe that branch formation follows a similar pattern in all nonintegrable potentials, no matter whether the potentials are periodic or completely irregular. Chaotic dynamics ultimately drives the birth of the branches. >>

<< On the other hand, (AA) results reveal that for periodic potentials the decay of the branches exhibits new characteristics due to the presence of infinitely stable branches known as superwires. Again, the interplay between branched flow and superwires is deeply connected to Hamiltonian chaos. >>

Alexandre Wagemakers, Aleksi Hartikainen, et al. Chaotic dynamics creates and destroys branched flow. Phys. Rev. E 111, 014214. Jan 7, 2025.
arXiv: 2406.12922v2 [nlin.PS]. 

Also: chaos, waves, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, chaos, waves, branched flows, superwires, transitions

martedì 14 gennaio 2025

# gst: dynamics of swarmalators in the presence of a contrarian.

<< Swarmalators are entities that combine the swarming behavior of particles with the oscillatory dynamics of coupled phase oscillators and represent a novel and rich area of study within the field of complex systems. >>

<< Unlike traditional models that treat spatial movement and phase synchronization separately, swarmalators exhibit a unique coupling between their positions and internal phases, leading to emergent behaviors that include clustering, pattern formation, and the coexistence of synchronized and desynchronized states, etc. >>

This AA paper << presents a comprehensive analysis of a two-dimensional swarmalator model in the presence of a predatorlike agent that (They) call a contrarian. The positions and the phases of the swarmalators are influenced by the contrarian and (They)  observe the emergence of intriguing collective states. >>

AA find << that swarmalator phases are synchronized even with negative coupling strength when their interaction with the contrarian is comparatively strong. Through a combination of analytical methods and simulations, (They) demonstrate how varying these parameters can lead to transitions between different collective states. >>

Gourab Kumar Sar, Sheida Ansarinasab, et al. Dynamics of swarmalators in the presence of a contrarian. Phys. Rev. E 111, 014209. Jan 7, 2025.

Also: swarm, swarmalators, transition, behav, in 

Keywords: gst, swarm, swarmalators, transitions, behavior, behaviour

sabato 4 gennaio 2025

# gst: floating droplets excited with Faraday waves

<< The Faraday instability has been extensively studied in bounded containers but only recently has research on this phenomenon in flexible domains been conducted. (AA) study floating liquid droplets with Faraday waves excited on their surface, which undergo a slow time evolution toward a stable noncircular shape. (AA) develop a theoretical model for the evolution of the boundary of the droplet, thus allowing to simulate its full transient motion toward steady state. >>

<< By changing the forcing frequency and amplitude of (the) system, (They) observe a variety of stable droplet shapes. (..) Interesting transient behavior such as hysteresis is also discussed, where the final droplet shape depends on its previous shape. Finally, (They) touch upon droplets that do not reach a steady state shape, instead oscillating periodically in time or rotating at a constant angular velocity. >>️

L. Mazereeuw. Theoretical and experimental investigation of the shapes formed by floating droplets excited with Faraday waves. Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 124404. Dec 19, 2024.

Also: drop, waves, instability, transition, in 

Keywords: drops, droplets, droploids, waves, instability, Faraday instability, transitions   

giovedì 2 gennaio 2025

# gst: self-organized critical dynamic on the Sierpinski carpet.

<< Self-organized criticality is a dynamical system property where, without external tuning, a system naturally evolves towards its critical state, characterized by scale-invariant patterns and power-law distributions.  >>️

In this paper, AA << explored a self-organized critical dynamic on the Sierpinski carpet lattice, a scale-invariant structure whose dimension is defined as a power law with a noninteger exponent, i.e., a fractal. To achieve this, (They) proposed an Ising–bond-correlated percolation model as the foundation for investigating critical dynamics.  >>️

<< Within this framework, (AA) outlined a feedback mechanism for critical self-organization and followed an algorithm for its numerical implementation. The results obtained from the algorithm demonstrated enhanced efficiency when driving the Sierpinski carpet towards critical self-organization compared to a two-dimensional lattice.  >>️

Viviana Gomez, Gabriel Tellez. Self-organized critical dynamic on the Sierpinski carpet. Phys. Rev. E 110, 064141. Dec 20, 2024.

Also: self-assembly, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, self-assembly, criticality, self-organized critical dynamics, transitions.

giovedì 2 marzo 2023

# gst: when science meets poetry, an image of three-dimensional stepped cracks (bistability, and their transition to simple cracks)

<< Slow cracks may be simple, with no internal structure. The leading edge of a simple crack, the crack front, forms a single fracture plane in its wake. Slow cracks may also develop segmented crack fronts, each segment propagating along a separate fracture plane. These planes merge at locations that form steps along fracture surfaces. Steps are not stationary, but instead propagate within a crack front. Real-time measurements of crack front structure and energy flux reveal that step dynamics significantly increase energy dissipation and drastically alter crack dynamics. Simple and stepped cracks are each stable. By extending the use of energy balance to include 3D crack front structure, (AA) find that, while energy balance is obeyed, it is insufficient to select the energetically favorable crack growth mode. Transitions from stepped cracks to simple cracks occur only when their in-plane front lengths become equal and a perturbation momentarily changes step topology. Such 3D crack dynamics challenge our traditional understanding of fracture. >>

Meng Wang, Mokhtar Adda-Bedia, Jay Fineberg. Dynamics of three-dimensional stepped cracks, bistability, and their transition to simple cracks. Phys. Rev. Research 5, L012001. Jan 9, 2023. 


keyword 'crack' in FonT

keyword 'rottura' | 'crepa' | 'frattura' | 'rugosa' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keywords 'meets poetry' in FonT

Keywords:  gst, transitions, dynamical phase transitions, crack, cracking,   fracture, roughness

lunedì 6 febbraio 2023

# gst: multiphase transitions and existence of bistable modes; how morphoelastic donuts get their wrinkles

<< Many biological structures are toroidal, or donut shaped. These structures often contain intricate wrinkling patterns that change as the object grows or contracts. >>

<< The team found that toroidal structures with large holes typically develop surface wrinkles close to the hole, whereas ones with smaller holes tend to form them away from the hole. Additionally, soft structures often have localized dimples, while stiff ones have bidirectional stripes or a mixture of spiral and axisymmetric stripes. Lastly, moderate-stiffness structures are typically adorned with periodic hexagonal patterns or a combination of hexagonal and labyrinth-like patterns. (AA) also found that their theory can predict wrinkling patterns in some nontoroidal structures, suggesting that it could be applied to a diverse range of objects. >>

Ryan Wilkinson. How Nature’s Donuts Get Their Wrinkles. Physics 16, s5. Jan 25, 2023. 

T. Wang et al. Curvature-regulated multiphase patterns in tori. Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 048201. Jan 25, 2023.


keyword 'transition' | 'transitional' in FonT

keyword 'transition' | 'transizion*' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, morphogenesis, transitions, multiphase transitions, bistability, pattern formation, elastic deformation, mechanical deformation

sabato 17 dicembre 2022

# gst: transitions, how two saddles can increase the transient times.

FIG. 8. Attractor and chaotic saddles (..) amplified around three bands of the chaotic attractor.  The global chaotic saddle is colored blue, and the local chaotic saddle is colored red. The attractors are colored black. 

AA << consider a dissipative version of the standard nontwist map. Nontwist systems present a robust transport barrier, called the shearless curve, that becomes the shearless attractor when dissipation is introduced. This attractor can be regular or chaotic depending on the control parameters. Chaotic attractors can undergo sudden and qualitative changes as a parameter is varied. These changes are called crises, and at an interior crisis the attractor suddenly expands. Chaotic saddles are nonattracting chaotic sets that play a fundamental role in the dynamics of nonlinear systems, they are responsible for chaotic transients, fractal basin boundaries, chaotic scattering and they mediate interior crises. >>

<< In this work (AA) discuss the creation of chaotic saddles in a dissipative nontwist system and the interior crises they generate. (They) show how the presence of two saddles increase the transient times and analyze the phenomenon of crisis induced intermittency. >>️

Rodrigo Simile Baroni, Ricardo Egydio de Carvalho, et al. Chaotic saddles and interior crises in a dissipative nontwist system. arXiv: 2211.06921v1 [nlin.CD]. Nov 13, 2022. 


keyword 'intermittency' in FonT

keyword 'dissipation' in FonT

keyword 'saddle' in FonT

keyword 'chaos' | 'chaotic' in Font

keyword 'caos' | 'caotico' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, transitions, dissipation, 
dissipative systems, chaos, saddle, chaotic saddle, crisis, interior crisis, intermittency

lunedì 10 ottobre 2022

# gst: apropos of transitions, escape inside a noisy layered system

<< Noisy layered systems can exhibit amplified fluctuation patterns depending on their connectivity. Here (AA) showed that noise originally injected in one layer may induce faster basin escape in connected layers. This is both due to the amplification of the noise amplitude and the system specific correlations that the noise acquire while going through the first layer. Indeed, (..) one sees that the noise in the second is correlated in both space and time with clear dependence on the network structure. For networks with low algebraic connectivity, (AA) numerically showed that the first escape time is shorter in the two cases where (i) fluctuations are amplified in the second layer and (ii) noise in the second layer is rescaled in order to have the same variance in both layers. While point (i) is rather intuitive, i.e. larger fluctuations lead to shorter first escape times, point (ii) is more involved. Indeed, this indicates that noise with spatial and temporal correlations (..) selects directions that enable faster exits from the initial basin of attraction. >>

Melvyn Tyloo. Faster network disruption from layered oscillatory dynamics. arXiv: 2210.01180v1 [nlin.AO]. Oct 3, 2022. 


keyword 'escape' in FonT

keyword 'escape' | 'fuga' in Notes 
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, transitions, escape, noise, noisy layered systems 

mercoledì 17 agosto 2022

# gst: rare transitions in noisy net scenarios

AA << study small white noise perturbations of planar dynamical systems with heteroclinic networks in the limit of vanishing noise. (They)  show that the probabilities of transitions between various cells that the network tessellates the plane into decay as powers of the noise magnitude. (They) show that the most likely scenario for the realization of these rare transition events involves spending atypically long times in the neighborhoods of certain saddle points of the network. >>️

Yuri Bakhtin, Hong-Bin Chen, Zsolt Pajor-Gyulai. Rare transitions in noisy heteroclinic networks. arXiv: 2205.00326v1 [math.PR]. Apr 30, 2022.


keyword 'noise'  in FonT 

keyword 'rumore'  in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, transitions, networks, heteroclinic networks, noise

mercoledì 20 aprile 2022

# life: apropos of transitions, a leap from chemistry to biology, the hypothesis of self-assembling droplets, the 'droplet world'.

AA << identify conditions suitable for concurrent peptide generation and self-assembly, and (..) show how a proliferating peptide-based droplet could be created by using synthesised amino acid thioesters as prebiotic monomers. Oligopeptides generated from the monomers spontaneously formed droplets through liquid–liquid phase separation in water. The droplets underwent a steady growth–division cycle by periodic addition of monomers through autocatalytic self-reproduction. Heterogeneous enrichment of RNA and lipids within droplets enabled RNA to protect the droplet from dissolution by lipids. >>

Matsuo, M., Kurihara, K. Proliferating coacervate droplets as the missing link between chemistry and biology in the origins of life. Nat Commun 12, 5487. doi: 10.1038/ s41467-021-25530-6. Sep 24,  2021.

<< By constructing peptide droplets that proliferate with feeding on novel amino acid derivatives, we have experimentally elucidated the long-standing mystery of how prebiotic ancestors were able to proliferate and survive by selectively concentrating prebiotic chemicals, (..) Rather than an RNA world, we found that 'droplet world' may be a more accurate description, as our results suggest that droplets became evolvable molecular aggregates—one of which became our common ancestor. >> Muneyuki Matsuo.

Answering a century-old question on the origins of life. Hiroshima University. Sep 27, 2021. 


keyword 'drop' | 'droplet' in FonT

keyword 'transition' in FonT

keyword 'transizione' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry): 

keywords: life, originsoflife, transitions, drop, droplet

sabato 26 marzo 2022

# gst life: apropos of critical points, love (at first sight and love from liking or friendship) might be a second-order phase transition.

<< The hypothesis of the human brain operation in vicinity of a critical point has been a matter of a hot debate in the recent years. >>

<< In this work, (AA) suggest that love might be an example of a second-order phase transition occurring in the brain. (They) show that this hypothesis explains a lot of well-known properties of love. Analyzing several most famous literature examples and a private diary, (they) show that the intensity of feelings exhibits a universal scaling behavior, distinguishing two cases: love at first sight and love developing from liking or friendship (friends first), both being studied in psychology. >>

The theory of second-order phase transitions developed by L.D. Landau (1980) << has inspired a lot of activity in physics, because it turned out that such transitions are characterized by a universal scaling behavior. Independently of the nature of the system, their parameters exhibit power law dependencies on the dimensionless parameter (temperature). >>

<< The key hypothesis of the present work is that love is a second-order phase transition occurring in the human brain under the influence of hormones, such as dopamine and serotonin (..). The brain switches from the normal operation in the critical regime to the supercritical regime because of the increase of the excitation (more dopamine) and reduction of the inhibition (less serotonin) (..). The order parameter of the transition is the intensity of feelings: before the transition, the subject has no particular feelings, while after the transition the feelings are non-zero. The most direct consequence is that the order parameter should exhibit a universal power law behavior: the feelings should grow as a square root of time α ∼√ >>

<< Since it is impossible to analyze the human feelings directly during such uncontrollable phenomenon as ”love at first sight”, (AA) have decided to perform a quantitative study of the intensity of feelings depicted in the literature. (..) (They) have chosen three well-known books for this analysis: ”Romeo and Juliet” (W. Shakespeare), ”The Lily of the Valley” (H. de Balzac, (..)), and ”Martin Eden” (J. London). >>

<< the case of a non-zero external ”bias”, which is a situation that occurs more often than love at first sight. Indeed, one usually knows several persons better than all the others, and thus some positive feelings towards some of them can be present before the transition occurs. (..) To study this transition quantitatively, (AA) have chosen another well-known book, ”Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte. This books is also quite autobiographic, and famous for the psychological details, that got its author the title of ”first historian of the private consciousness”. The delay between the initial acquaintance and love is now of several weeks (about 45 days).

Dmitry Solnyshkov, Guillaume Malpuech. Love might be a second-order phase transition. arXiv: 2203.13246v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech]. Mar 24, 2022. 


keyword 'transition' in FonT

keyword 'transizione' | 'transition' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry): 

keywords: gst, life, love, transitions,  critical point, phasetransition, second-order phase transition, brain, mind, behavior.

martedì 23 novembre 2021

# gst: apropos of transitions, when collisions can induce coherent dynamics.

<< In this paper (AA)  demonstrate a route to develop coherence in a system of non-driven oscillators. Here, the coherence is brought about via physical collisions through which the oscillators exchange energy. While coherence in the classical situations occurs due to sustained coupling terms in the dynamical equations, collision induced coherence is enabled solely through strong interactions that are of intermittent nature! >>

<< Very few studies (..) have attempted to study the contact dynamics during a collision. (AA) have generalized the framework of these experiments to demonstrate the collision-induced development of coherent dynamics in the simple one-dimensional arrangement of balls known as the Newton’s cradle. >>

Ayanesh Maiti, Shankar Ghosh. Collision-induced coherent dynamics. arXiv:2111.08902v1 [nlin.CD]. Nov 17, 2021. 

keywords: gst, transitions, oscillation, collision 

venerdì 3 settembre 2021

# gst: apropos of transitions, when a liquid droplet takes a turn (as a swimming behavior of amoebas)

Masatoshi Ichikawa and coll.  << have analyzed the conditions that cause self-propelling droplets to take linear or curved trajectories. The team studied water droplets between 60 and 800 μm across as they moved through oil that contained a surfactant. The droplets moved as a result of the Marangoni effect, in which an unequal distribution of surfactant molecules on the surface of each droplet creates a surface-tension gradient. (They) found that larger droplets tended to follow more tightly curved paths than smaller droplets. To understand the cause of this difference, Ichikawa and coll.  created a 3D model describing the concentration of surfactant on the surface of the droplets. They also studied the droplets’ internal flow, by observing the paths of small tracer particles. They characterized this flow as the sum of multiple patterns of fluid motion present in each droplet, including radial, dipolar, and quadrupolar motion. These patterns of motion were determined by the surface-tension gradients created by the uneven surfactant distribution on each droplet. In turn, such patterns controlled how the droplets moved. In particular, the team found that the angular difference between the dipolar and quadrupolar flows within droplets was strongly correlated with more curved droplet trajectories. In larger droplets, this angle changed more easily, causing the tightly curved trajectories. The researchers say that this fundamental mechanism may also influence the swimming behavior of amoebas.  >>️

Sophia Chen. When Liquid Droplets Take a Turn. Physics 14, s109. Aug 19, 2021.

Saori Suda, Tomoharu Suda, et al. Straight-to-Curvilinear Motion Transition of a Swimming Droplet Caused by the Susceptibility to Fluctuations. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 088005. Aug 19, 2021.

sabato 14 agosto 2021

# gst: asymmetric ferroelectric bi-stability with two unequal stable polarization states by broken inversion symmetry

AA << demonstrated this phenomenon for the first time in engineered two-dimensional crystals. (..) These engineered crystals lead to an asymmetric bi-stability with two unequal stable polarization states in contrast to a natural ferroelectric. >>

New electronic phenomenon discovered. University of North Florida. Aug 11, 2021. 

<< In atomic-layer superlattices constructed using three constituent phases, (..) the stacking sequence of the atomic layers is found to control the symmetry of the high-temperature dielectric response. In such a superlattice when a nanostructured asymmetric strain is programmed into the lattice via the stacking order, the natural symmetry at high temperatures is removed and a polarized sample is obtained in which the polarization increases as the temperature is lowered. In contrast to a ferroelectric characterized by a bistable ground state with two equal and opposite electronic polarizations, (they)  experiments show evidence of asymmetric ferroelectric correlations that set in when such a sample becomes hysteretic below a temperature Tx, with two unequal polarization states. >>

Maitri P. Warusawithana, Caitlin S. Kengle, et al. Asymmetric ferroelectricity by design in atomic-layer superlattices with broken inversion symmetry.  Phys. Rev. B 104, 085103. Aug 4,  2021.

mercoledì 30 giugno 2021

# gst: weird Nature; randomly arranged nanowire networks seem to behave, at the edge of chaos, like cortical neuronal cultures

<< an artificial network of nanowires can be tuned to respond in a brain-like way when electrically stimulated. >>️

<< If the signal stimulating the network was too low, then the pathways were too predictable and orderly and did not produce complex enough outputs to be useful. If the electrical signal overwhelmed the network, the output was completely chaotic and useless for problem solving. The optimal signal for producing a useful output was at the edge of this chaotic state. >>️

<< Some theories in neuroscience suggest the human mind could operate at this edge of chaos, or what is called the critical state, (..) Some neuroscientists think it is in this state where we achieve maximal brain performance. (..) What's so exciting about this result is that it suggests that these types of nanowire networks can be tuned into regimes with diverse, brain-like collective dynamics, which can be leveraged to optimize information processing. >> Zdenka Kuncic.️

<< In the nanowire network the junctions between the wires allow the system to incorporate memory and operations into a single system. This is unlike standard computers, which separate memory (RAM) and operations (CPUs). >>

<< These junctions act like computer transistors but with the additional property of remembering that signals have traveled that pathway before. As such, they are called 'memristors', >> Joel Hochstetter.
'Edge of chaos' opens pathway to artificial intelligence discoveries. University of Sydney. Jun 29, 2021.

Joel Hochstetter, Ruomin Zhu, et al. Avalanches and edge-of-chaos learning in neuromorphic nanowire networks. Nat Commun 12, 4008. doi: 10.1038/ s41467-021-24260-z. Jun 29, 2021.

giovedì 8 ottobre 2020

# gst: observing the crystallization process in a droplet

<< Crystallization is the assembly of atoms or molecules into highly ordered solid crystals, which occurs in natural, biological, and artificial systems. However, crystallization in confined spaces, such as the formation of the protein shell of a virus, is poorly understood. Researchers are trying to control the structure of the final crystal formed in a confined space to obtain crystals with desired properties, which requires thorough knowledge of the crystallization process. >>

AA << used a droplet of a colloid—a dispersion of liquid particles in another liquid, like milk—as a model for single atoms or molecules in a sphere. Unlike single atoms or molecules, which are too small to easily observe, the colloid particles were large enough to visualize using a microscope. This allowed the researchers to track the ordering of single particles in real time during crystallization. >>

<< We visualized the organization process of colloid particles in numerous droplets under different conditions to provide a picture of the crystallization process in a sphere, >> Peng Tan

<< Based on their observations, the team proposed that the crystallization process involved three stages: initial ordering on the surface "skin" of the droplet, nucleation and growth in the core of the droplet, and then slow ripening of the whole structure. First, a skin consisting of a single layer of ordered colloid particles rapidly formed on the droplet surface. Next, crystallization occurred in the core of the droplet, far from the crystallized skin. The competition between crystallization in these two regions controlled the structure of the final crystal. The researchers found that the "soft" (long-range) interactions between the negatively charged colloid particles affected their organization and the resulting crystal structure. These soft interactions are dominated by kinetics, that is, the interactions that form the fastest, rather than those that use the least energy to give the thermodynamically stable structure, illustrating that kinetics plays an important role in crystallization in a confined space. It was already known that thermodynamics contributes strongly to the final structure of crystals. >>

Having a ball: Crystallization in a sphere. University of Tokyo. Sep 21, 2020.

Chen Y., Yao Z., et al. Morphology selection kinetics of crystallization in a sphere. Nat. Phys. doi: 10.1038/ s41567-020-0991-9. Sep 21, 2020.


Control of material crystallization by agitation. Osaka University. Jun 08, 2017.

keyword 'drop' or 'droplet' in FonT