
Visualizzazione post con etichetta dance. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta dance. Mostra tutti i post

sabato 1 marzo 2025

# behav: locomotion-dependent auditory gating to the parietal cortex guides multisensory decisions

<< Decision-making in mammals fundamentally relies on integrating multiple sensory inputs, with conflicting information resolved flexibly based on a dominant sensory modality. However, the neural mechanisms underlying state-dependent changes in sensory dominance remain poorly understood. >>

 AA << study demonstrates that locomotion in mice shifts auditory-dominant decisions toward visual dominance during audiovisual conflicts. Using circuit-specific calcium imaging and optogenetic manipulations, (They) found that weakened visual representation in the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) leads to auditory-dominant decisions in stationary mice. >>

<< Prolonged locomotion, however, promotes visual dominance by inhibiting auditory cortical neurons projecting to the PPC (ACPPC). This shift is mediated by secondary motor cortical neurons projecting to the auditory cortex (M2AC), which specifically inhibit ACPPC neurons without affecting auditory cortical projections to the striatum (ACSTR). >>

AA << findings reveal the neural circuit mechanisms underlying auditory gating to the association cortex depending on locomotion states, providing insights into the state-dependent changes in sensory dominance during multisensory decision-making. >>️

Ilsong Choi, Seung-Hee Lee. Locomotion-dependent auditory gating to the parietal cortex guides multisensory decisions. biorxiv. doi: 10.1101/ 2024.02.14.580296. Jan 24, 2025.

Also: Inchingolo G. Cultural transitions and epidemiology. Proceedings of the 13th Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association - IEA, Sydney, Australia, Sept 26--29, 1993: 129. Med Hypotheses 1994; 43(4): 201-206.     Inchingolo G. Placebo effects via deterministic chaos during traditional dances. Genova, 7 Marzo 1995: abstract. Proceedings of the 6th Congress of the International Association of Biomedical Gerontology - IABG, (Part 1, Oriental Medicine), Makuhari, Japan, August 20-26, 1995. INRCA, Technical Report, Genova, 18 August 1995: 1-26. 

Also: behav, dance, transition, brain, sound, ethno, in 

Keywords: behavior, dance, transition, brain, sound, ethno

sabato 15 febbraio 2025

# life: oops! It would appear that Mr. Donald intends to open hunt for Academics as well ... maybe these people are penniless immigrants too?

<< A prominent US scientific society altered its website to remove references to diversity and equity ― terms targeted by the administration of US President Donald Trump. Articles about scientists who are members of under-represented groups also temporarily vanished from the site, although they have since reappeared. >>

<< In an e-mail, ASM (Am Soc for Microbiol) president Theresa Koehler told Nature that the organization had followed legal advice to review all of its webpages, in the hope of protecting its federally funded programmes. >>️

Humberto Basilio. ‘We are a target’: scientific society under pressure after Trump DEI crackdown. Nature. doi: 10.1038/ d41586-025-00372-0. Feb 7, 2025. 

Also: A new exception within the FDA Cures Act Informed Consent, the intriguing concept of 'Minimal Risk Clinical Investigations'. FonT. Feb 1, 2024. 

Also: ️<< You should never be comfortable, man. Being comfortable fouled up a lot of musicians. >> Miles Davis. 

Also: oops, Mr. Donald, forms of power, virus, sars* covid* (aka 1or2achoos), dance, are you ready for all this, in 

Keywords: life, oops, Mr. Donald, forms of power, acad, virus, sars, covid, 1or2achoos, dance, are you ready for all this

domenica 9 febbraio 2025

# life: apropos of singular bizarre synchronies and extreme syntheses

(●) Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, et al. Back to the Beginning. Birmingham Villa Park. Saturday Doors: 12:00

(●) << Learn 2 chords and then get a good lawyer before learning the 3rd. >>. Tony Iommi

Also: music, jazz, dance, three balls, in 

Keywords: life, music, jazz, dance, three balls, Ozzy

martedì 21 gennaio 2025

# life: dear Mr. Donald, fuzzy evidence should be sharper, sooner or later, by Nature

       Nature | 637 | 16 Jan 2025 | 517

<< Mr President-elect, science is a self-correcting process in which bad actors and wrong ideas sooner or later get rooted out and fuzzy evidence becomes sharper. That is the joy and the beauty of the method that has made the modern world what it is. >>️

Editorial. Dear Donald Trump: A letter from Nature on how to make science thrive. Nature 637, 517. Jan 15, 2025.

Also: Mr. Donald, forms of power, virus, sars* covid* (aka 1or2achoos), dance, are you ready for all this, in 

Also: A new exception within the FDA Cures Act Informed Consent, the intriguing concept of 'Minimal Risk Clinical Investigations'. FonT. Feb 1, 2024. 

Also: 'acad' in FonT    in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry) 

Keywords: life, Mr. Donald, forms of power, virus, sars, covid, 1or2achoos, acad, dance, are you ready

giovedì 19 dicembre 2024

# life: They woke up in a body bag, by Van.

<< 'We woke up in a body bag': Van Jones makes stunning admission about why Trump steamrolled the establishment. >>️

Van Jones, << a former Obama adviser who had several weeks to get over his election-night despair, was particularly candid about how President-elect Donald Trump was able to electorally crush ... >>
<< After suggesting that the liberal political establishment is "all screwed up" and detached from the electorate and its wants and needs, Jones likened the media's predictions in the lead-up to the election to the ancient practice whereby a haruspex would read omens from animal entrails. >>️

<< 'We look like idiots.' >> Van Jones.
Joseph MacKinnon. 'We woke up in a body bag'. Blaze Media LLC. Dec 16, 2024. 

Chris Cillizza. Van Jones is the most honest man in politics. Dec 13, 2024. 

Also: Mr. Donald, RAG-time, dance, in 

Keywords: life, ethno, dance, Donald, POTUS, POTUSrace, RAG-time

martedì 17 dicembre 2024

# gst: vortex-pair dance and oscillation

       Fig. 4

This AA study << focuses on fundamental dynamics of vortex-pair fields, specifically known as vortex-pair beams (VPBs) in optics. VPBs have gained increasing attention due to their unique properties, including vortex attraction and repulsion. Here, (AA)  explore the dynamics of pure-phase VPBs (PPVPBs) and observe intriguing helical and intertwined behaviors of vortices, resembling a vortex-pair dance. >>

They << uncover the oscillation property of the intervortex distance for PPVPBs in free space. The observed dancing and oscillation phenomena are intricately tied to the initial intervortex distance and can be explained well in the hydrodynamic picture. Notably, the vortex dancing and oscillation alter the process of vortex-pair annihilation, extending the survival range for opposite vortices. >>

<< This discovery enhances our understanding of vortex interactions and sheds light on the intricate dynamics of both vortex-vortex and vortex-antivortex interactions. >>

Dadong Liu, Lai Chen, Li-Gang Wang. Observation of vortex-pair dance and oscillation. arXiv: 2412.06634v1 [physics.optics]. Dec 9, 2024.

Also: vortex, dance, in 

Keywords: gst, vortex, dance 

lunedì 25 novembre 2024

# gst: apropos of dances, drops that dance following snake- and ouroboros-shaped trajectories on lubricated surfaces.

<< Recently, (AA) observed a curious breath figure pattern when water condenses on solid surfaces coated with a thin lubricant oil film. Water drops of various sizes, ranging from tens of microns to several millimetres, start to perform a self-avoiding, serpentinelike dance. As the drop moves, it consumes smaller droplets along its path, converting interfacial energy into kinetic energy to sustain its motion. These self-avoiding drops preferentially avoid crossing their own paths as well as the paths of other drops; they can only intersect their previous paths once sufficient recondensation has occurred. This self-avoiding behavior arises because the previous path (..) contains little to no water content to fuel self-propulsion, so the drops continually seek areas with higher local water content. >>️

<< This intricate serpentine dance is driven by short-range interactions between droplets, mediated by overlapping menisci, similar to the Cheerios effect. Remarkably, long-range order spontaneously emerges from these short-range interactions, with the collective motion exhibiting self-similarity—breath figure patterns appear roughly similar across different scales. >>

<< The serpentine motions of the drops, which can span distances many times their diameters, eventually deplete the local lubricant film, causing a transition from serpentine to circular motion. This circular motion can be seen as a unique form of serpentine motion occurring in lubricant-poor regions. As the drops move, they continually redistribute the lubricant across the substrate, leading to a dynamic interplay between serpentine and circular motions. This ongoing redistribution can be visualized by illuminating the surface with diffused white light and capturing the resulting interference patterns with a digital camera. Variations in lubricant thickness produce different hues, creating a vibrant, colorful canvas and an intricate dance floor for the condensing drops. >>️

<< The phenomenon described in (AA) paper represents a fascinating example of active matter driven by condensation, rather than the more commonly observed chemical reactions or Marangoni effects. >>

Marcus Lin, Fauzia Wardani, Dan Daniel. Dancing drops on lubricated surfaces. Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 110504. Nov 22, 2024.

Marcus Lin, Solomon Adera, Joanna Aizenberg, Yao Xi, Dan Daniel. V0030: Serpents and Ouroboros: Emergent collective motion of condensate droplets. 76th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Nov 19-21, 2023.

Also: drop, droplet, droploid, dance, in 

Keywords: gst, drop, droplet, droploid, dance

venerdì 10 febbraio 2023

# gst: apropos of transitions, a perpetual dance between states of meta-stability and chaos (in brain).

<< Hello! Today: new research is shining a light on how our brains flit between states of stability and chaos, depending on what we’re doing. >>

<< Our brains exist in a state somewhere between stability and chaos as they help us make sense of the world, according to recordings of brain activity taken from volunteers over the course of a week. >>

<< As we go from reading a book to chatting with a friend, for example, our brains shift from one semi-stable state to another—but only after chaotically zipping through multiple other states in a pattern that looks completely random. >>

<< Understanding how our brains restore some degree of stability after chaos could help us work out how to treat disorders at either end of this spectrum. Too much chaos is probably what happens when a person has a seizure, whereas too much stability might leave a person comatose. >>

Jessica Hamzelou. Neuroscientists listened in on people’s brains for a week. They found order and chaos. Rhiannon Williams. MIT Download. Feb 8, 2023.

<< The team (Avniel Ghuman, Maxwell Wang, et al.) found some surprising patterns in brain activity over the course of the week. Specific brain networks seemed to communicate with each other in what looked like a “dance,” with one region appearing to “listen” while the other “spoke,” say the researchers, who presented their findings at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in San Diego last year. >>

Jessica Hamzelou. MIT Tech Rev. Feb 7, 2023. 


keyword 'danza' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'dance' in FonT

keyword 'cervello' | 'brain' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

keyword 'brain' in FonT

keyword 'chaos' | 'chaotic' in Font

keyword 'caos' | 'caotico' in Notes (quasi-stochastic poetry)

<< Amico, qualunque  cosa suonerai . . . >>  Jelly Roll Morton. cit.: 2113 - soniche a ramulo. Jan 28, 2007

Keywords: gst, brain, transition, chaos, dance

domenica 13 novembre 2022

# life: Banksy, Banksy type dancers

<< Graffiti of a woman in a leotard doing a handstand is seen on the wall of a destroyed building in Borodyanka on Friday in Kyiv Region, Ukraine. Banksy later confirmed on their Instagram account that this piece was their work. Ed Ram/Getty Images >>️

<< Other new murals with a similar style have been spotted in the area and are suspected to have been created by Banksy, but the British artist has not publicly claimed credit. >>

Ashley Ahn. A new Banksy mural adorns a destroyed building in Ukraine. Nov 12, 2022. 10:56 AM ET.


(-) 'danza' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

(-) 'dance' in FonT

(-) 'vladimir' in FonT

Keywords: life, art, arts, paintings, music, jazz, dance, dancer

lunedì 25 gennaio 2021

# gst: apropos of the structure of natural codes, a RNA folding knot (origami-style) dance

 << Every second, a myriad of shapeless strands of RNA fold, origami-style, into intricate structures inside living cells. Now, for the first time, researchers can watch a data-driven video of this folding as RNA molecules are made by the cellular machinery. >> 

<< as the RNA strand grows, it twists, forming knot-like structures. But as more RNA building blocks are added to the strand, the knots unravel, allowing the molecule’s structure to emerge. >> 

Ground-breaking films show RNA’s complex curves take shape. Experimental data and predictive algorithms combine to reveal the essential biomolecule’s shape-shifting.
Nature. Jan 19, 2021. 

AA << model the folding of an RNA called SRP, an ancient RNA found in all kingdoms of life. The molecule is well-known for its signature hairpin shape. When watching the videos, the researchers discovered that the molecule ties itself into a knot and unties itself very quickly. Then it suddenly flips into the correct hairpin-like structure using an elegant folding pathway called toehold mediated strand displacement. >>

<< To the best of our knowledge, this has never been seen in nature, (..) We think the RNA has evolved to untie itself from knots because if knots persist, it can render the RNA nonfunctional. The structure is so essential to life that it had to evolve to find a way to get out of a knot. >> Julius Lucks. 

Amanda Morris. New Videos Show RNA as it's Never Been Seen. First-ever data-driven movies illuminate RNA's mysterious folding process.  McCormick School of Engineering. Jan 15, 2021.

Angela M Yu, Paul M. Gasper, et al. Computationally reconstructing cotranscriptional RNA folding from experimental data reveals rearrangement of non-native folding intermediates. Molecular Cell. doi: 10.1016/ j.molcel.2020.12.017
Jan 15, 2021. 

lunedì 6 aprile 2020

# gst: apropos of slipping, the motion on a deformable ground under fast-moving sheets

<< Backed by experimental data from a laboratory machine that simulates the huge forces involved in glacier flow, glaciologists have written an equation that accounts for the motion of ice that rests on the soft, deformable ground underneath unusually fast-moving parts of ice sheets. >>

<< That equation - or "slip law" - is a tool that scientists can include in computer models of glacier movement over the deformable beds of mud, sand, pebbles, rocks and boulders under glaciers such as the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, >> Neal Iverson

<< Models using the new slip law could better predict how quickly glaciers are sliding, how much ice they're sending to oceans and how that would affect sea-level rise. >>

Neal Iverson. Experiments lead to slip law for better forecasts of glacier speed, sea-level rise. Iowa State University. Apr 2, 2020.

<< These observations should help to solve the long-standing problem of constructing a generalized slip law that combines the processes of hard-bedded sliding and bed deformation. >>

Lucas K. Zoet, Neal R. Iverson. A slip law for glaciers on deformable beds.  Science. Vol. 368, Issue 6486, pp. 76-78 doi: 10.1126/science.aaz1183.  Apr 3, 2020.

sabato 4 aprile 2020

# life: 27 proteins to confine a world to a (complex 3D) virus dance

<< The novel coronavirus sweeping the globe packs 27 proteins, each adopting a unique, often incredibly complex 3D structure. 
Each protein is part of the molecular toolkit that the virus uses to infect, replicate, and spread. >>

Tom Rickey. Scientists Take Aim at the Coronavirus Toolkit. PNNL. Mar 31, 2020.


keyword 'dance' in FonT

Also (quasi-stochastic poetry)

Catalisi d'astrattivo Tao. FonT.  Jan 22, 2005.

sabato 10 agosto 2019

# behav: the sophisticated dance of the sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua galerita eleonora)

<< Spontaneous movement to music occurs in every human culture and is a foundation of dance. This response to music is absent in most species (including monkeys), yet it occurs in parrots, perhaps because they (like humans, and unlike monkeys) are vocal learners whose brains contain strong auditory–motor connections, conferring sophisticated audiomotor processing abilities. >>

AA << report that a sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua galerita eleonora) responds to music with remarkably diverse spontaneous movements employing a variety of body parts, and suggest why parrots share this response with humans.  >>

R. Joanne Jao Keehn, John R. Iversen, et al. Spontaneity and diversity of movement to music are not uniquely human. Current Biology. Volume 29, Issue 13, PR621-R622. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.05.035. Jul 08, 2019.  

Ed Yong. Not a Human, but a Dancer. What Snowball the parrot’s spontaneous moves teach us about ourselves. Jul 8, 2019   


"Dance", in "Notes"

"Dance", in "FonT"