
Visualizzazione post con etichetta ethno. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta ethno. Mostra tutti i post

sabato 1 marzo 2025

# behav: locomotion-dependent auditory gating to the parietal cortex guides multisensory decisions

<< Decision-making in mammals fundamentally relies on integrating multiple sensory inputs, with conflicting information resolved flexibly based on a dominant sensory modality. However, the neural mechanisms underlying state-dependent changes in sensory dominance remain poorly understood. >>

 AA << study demonstrates that locomotion in mice shifts auditory-dominant decisions toward visual dominance during audiovisual conflicts. Using circuit-specific calcium imaging and optogenetic manipulations, (They) found that weakened visual representation in the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) leads to auditory-dominant decisions in stationary mice. >>

<< Prolonged locomotion, however, promotes visual dominance by inhibiting auditory cortical neurons projecting to the PPC (ACPPC). This shift is mediated by secondary motor cortical neurons projecting to the auditory cortex (M2AC), which specifically inhibit ACPPC neurons without affecting auditory cortical projections to the striatum (ACSTR). >>

AA << findings reveal the neural circuit mechanisms underlying auditory gating to the association cortex depending on locomotion states, providing insights into the state-dependent changes in sensory dominance during multisensory decision-making. >>️

Ilsong Choi, Seung-Hee Lee. Locomotion-dependent auditory gating to the parietal cortex guides multisensory decisions. biorxiv. doi: 10.1101/ 2024.02.14.580296. Jan 24, 2025.

Also: Inchingolo G. Cultural transitions and epidemiology. Proceedings of the 13th Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association - IEA, Sydney, Australia, Sept 26--29, 1993: 129. Med Hypotheses 1994; 43(4): 201-206.     Inchingolo G. Placebo effects via deterministic chaos during traditional dances. Genova, 7 Marzo 1995: abstract. Proceedings of the 6th Congress of the International Association of Biomedical Gerontology - IABG, (Part 1, Oriental Medicine), Makuhari, Japan, August 20-26, 1995. INRCA, Technical Report, Genova, 18 August 1995: 1-26. 

Also: behav, dance, transition, brain, sound, ethno, in 

Keywords: behavior, dance, transition, brain, sound, ethno

giovedì 19 dicembre 2024

# life: They woke up in a body bag, by Van.

<< 'We woke up in a body bag': Van Jones makes stunning admission about why Trump steamrolled the establishment. >>️

Van Jones, << a former Obama adviser who had several weeks to get over his election-night despair, was particularly candid about how President-elect Donald Trump was able to electorally crush ... >>
<< After suggesting that the liberal political establishment is "all screwed up" and detached from the electorate and its wants and needs, Jones likened the media's predictions in the lead-up to the election to the ancient practice whereby a haruspex would read omens from animal entrails. >>️

<< 'We look like idiots.' >> Van Jones.
Joseph MacKinnon. 'We woke up in a body bag'. Blaze Media LLC. Dec 16, 2024. 

Chris Cillizza. Van Jones is the most honest man in politics. Dec 13, 2024. 

Also: Mr. Donald, RAG-time, dance, in 

Keywords: life, ethno, dance, Donald, POTUS, POTUSrace, RAG-time

mercoledì 4 dicembre 2024

# life: apropos of saliva healers, herd immunity revisited and now hypothetically approachable even within NIH

<< President-elect Donald Trump is tapping Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a Stanford University health researcher, to be the next director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). >>
<< Bhattacharya was one of three authors of the document (#1). The declaration called for speeding herd immunity by allowing people at low risk to get infected while protecting those most vulnerable, like the elderly. >>

Rob Stein. Trump turns to critic of COVID mandates to run NIH. 
Nov 26, 2024. 

<< The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection. >>
(#1) - Martin Kulldorff, Sunetra Gupta, Jay Bhattacharya. Great Barrington Declaration. Oct 4, 2020.

From my point of view 'herd immunity'  can be engineered if and only if, even in the case of sars-covid-19 or flu, simultaneous protection is used with an effective, easy available, antiviral drug.

In this regard, a non-compassionate but logical easy approach could be the indirect inhalation of alcohol ~70% already at the first signs of rhinorrhea, as follows:

(-) start self-treatment (spray plus cotton mask):

(-) outcomes

Ultimately, here it could hypothesize a case of historic, singular checkmate of 'one against all'. Anzicheforse?

Also: drop, saliva, sars* covid* (aka 1or2achoos), virus, ethno, Mr. Donald, POTUS, tit-for-tat, game, in 

Keywords: life, drop, saliva, saliva healers, herd immunity, sars, mers, 2019ncov, sarscov2, covid19, coronavirus, 1or2achoos, virus, ethno, ethnomedicine, Donald, POTUS, tit-for-tat, game

PS: I couldn't say why, but in certain contexts, the incipit of an answer that the physicist Enrico Fermi  gave to a journalist always comes back to my mind: 'the physics that is done in our laboratory ...' . 

An example of exceptional, clear, even poetic analysis and synthesis skills (in only 8 words).

mercoledì 30 ottobre 2024

# life: ghostly psyche revisited; ghosts, zombies, gris-gris, and so on ...

<< Most people imagine philosophers as rational thinkers who spend their time developing abstract logical theories and strongly reject superstitious beliefs. But several 20th-century philosophers actively investigated spooky topics such as clairvoyance, telepathy – even ghosts.
Many of these philosophers, including Henri Bergson and William James, were interested in what was called “psychical research”. This was the academic study of paranormal phenomena including telepathy, telekinesis and other-worldly spirits. These thinkers attended seances and were attempting to develop theories about ghosts, life after death and the powers exhibited by mediums in trances. >>

AA << recent archival research has been looking at how these topics shaped 20th-century philosophy. >>️

Matyas Moravec. Many important 20th-century philosophers investigated ghosts – here’s how they explained them. Oct 24, 2024. 

Also: ethno, gris-gris, neuro, zombie, perception, psychedelic, delirium, in 

Keywords: ethno, gris-gris, neuro, zombie, perception, psychedelic, delirium 

FonT: even G.A. Romero's zombie filmography - which, as with other "spooky" themes, I have always marginalized - still seems relevant.

giovedì 18 luglio 2024

# ethno: apropos of Nomads, an Aboriginal ritual passed down for 500 generations.

AA << excavated at Cloggs Cave near Buchan, in the foothills of the high country near the Snowy River in East Gippsland, Victoria. >>️

<< What (AA) found was extraordinary. Under the low, subdued light in the depth of the cave, buried under layers of ash and silt, two unusual fireplaces were revealed by the tip of the trowel. They each contained a single trimmed stick associated with a tiny patch of ash. >>️

<< The role of these fireplaces in ritual
Local 19th-century ethnography has good descriptions of such fireplaces, so (AA) know they were made for ritual practices performed by mulla-mullung, powerful GunaiKurnai medicine men and women. >>️

<< The Kurnai practice is to fasten the article [something that belonged to the victim] to the end of a throwing stick, together with some eaglehawk feathers, and some human or kangaroo fat. The throwing stick is then stuck slanting in the ground before a fire, and it is of course placed in such a position that by-and-by it falls down. The wizard has during this time been singing his charm; as it is usually expressed, he ‘sings the man’s name,’ and when the stick falls the charm is complete. The practice still exists. >>️

<< Nowhere else on Earth have archaeological expressions of a very specific cultural practice known from ethnography, yet traceable so far back, previously been found. >>️

Russell Mullett, Ashleigh Rogers, et al. Oldest living culture: our new research shows an Indigenous ritual passed down for 500 generations. Jul 1, 2024. 

Bruno David, Russell Mullett, et al. 
Archaeological evidence of an ethnographically documented Australian Aboriginal ritual dated to the last ice age. Nat Hum Behav. doi: 10.1038/ s41562-024-01912-w. Jul 1,  2024. 

Also: ethno, Nomads, gris-gris, behav, in 

Keywords: ethno, Nomads, gris-gris, behaviors

FonT: the image cited regarding mulla-mullung entities is very intriguing ... 

sabato 27 aprile 2024

# ethno: cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries.

<< Music is present in every known society but varies from place to place. What, if anything, is universal to music cognition? (AA) measured a signature of mental representations of rhythm in 39 participant groups in 15 countries, spanning urban societies and Indigenous populations. >>️

Their << results suggest a common feature of music cognition: discrete rhythm ‘categories’ at small-integer ratios. These discrete representations plausibly stabilize musical systems in the face of cultural transmission but interact with culture-specific traditions to yield the diversity that is evident when mental representations are probed across many cultures. >>️

Nori Jacoby, Rainer Polak, et al. Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries. Nat Hum Behav.  doi: 10.1038/ s41562-023-01800-9. March 4, 2024. 

Also: ethno, music, jazz, behav, in 

Keywords: ethno, music, jazz, behavior