
Visualizzazione post con etichetta sound. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta sound. Mostra tutti i post

sabato 1 marzo 2025

# behav: locomotion-dependent auditory gating to the parietal cortex guides multisensory decisions

<< Decision-making in mammals fundamentally relies on integrating multiple sensory inputs, with conflicting information resolved flexibly based on a dominant sensory modality. However, the neural mechanisms underlying state-dependent changes in sensory dominance remain poorly understood. >>

 AA << study demonstrates that locomotion in mice shifts auditory-dominant decisions toward visual dominance during audiovisual conflicts. Using circuit-specific calcium imaging and optogenetic manipulations, (They) found that weakened visual representation in the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) leads to auditory-dominant decisions in stationary mice. >>

<< Prolonged locomotion, however, promotes visual dominance by inhibiting auditory cortical neurons projecting to the PPC (ACPPC). This shift is mediated by secondary motor cortical neurons projecting to the auditory cortex (M2AC), which specifically inhibit ACPPC neurons without affecting auditory cortical projections to the striatum (ACSTR). >>

AA << findings reveal the neural circuit mechanisms underlying auditory gating to the association cortex depending on locomotion states, providing insights into the state-dependent changes in sensory dominance during multisensory decision-making. >>️

Ilsong Choi, Seung-Hee Lee. Locomotion-dependent auditory gating to the parietal cortex guides multisensory decisions. biorxiv. doi: 10.1101/ 2024.02.14.580296. Jan 24, 2025.

Also: Inchingolo G. Cultural transitions and epidemiology. Proceedings of the 13th Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association - IEA, Sydney, Australia, Sept 26--29, 1993: 129. Med Hypotheses 1994; 43(4): 201-206.     Inchingolo G. Placebo effects via deterministic chaos during traditional dances. Genova, 7 Marzo 1995: abstract. Proceedings of the 6th Congress of the International Association of Biomedical Gerontology - IABG, (Part 1, Oriental Medicine), Makuhari, Japan, August 20-26, 1995. INRCA, Technical Report, Genova, 18 August 1995: 1-26. 

Also: behav, dance, transition, brain, sound, ethno, in 

Keywords: behavior, dance, transition, brain, sound, ethno

martedì 28 gennaio 2025

# gst: tuning to the edge of instability (in the cochlea)

<< Sound produces surface waves along the cochlea's basilar membrane. To achieve the ear's astonishing frequency resolution and sensitivity to faint sounds, dissipation in the cochlea must be canceled via active processes in hair cells, effectively bringing the cochlea to the edge of instability. But how can the cochlea be globally tuned to the edge of instability with only local feedback? >>

<< Surprisingly, (AA) find the basilar membrane supports two qualitatively distinct sets of modes: a continuum of localized modes and a small number of collective extended modes. Localized modes sharply peak at their resonant position and are largely uncoupled. As a result, they can be amplified almost independently from each other by local hair cells via feedback reminiscent of self-organized criticality. >>

<< However, this amplification can destabilize the collective extended modes; avoiding such instabilities places limits on possible molecular mechanisms for active feedback in hair cells. >>

AA << work illuminates how and under what conditions individual hair cells can collectively create a critical cochlea. >>️

Asheesh S. Momi, Michael C. Abbott, et al. Hair Cells in the Cochlea Must Tune Resonant Modes to the Edge of Instability without Destabilizing Collective Modes. PRX Life 3, 013001. Jan 2, 2025.

Also: sound, music, pause, silence, instability, in 

Keywords: gst, acoustics, bifurcations, sensory processes, sound detection, auditory system, ear, criticality, self-organized criticality, sound, music, pause, silence, instability

sabato 15 luglio 2023

# brain: the sense of hearing, the sense of silence.

<< Do we only hear sounds? Or can we also hear silence? These questions are the subject of a centuries-old philosophical debate between two camps: the perceptual view (we literally hear silence), and the cognitive view (we only judge or infer silence). >>

<< In all cases (concerning seven experiments), silences elicited temporal distortions perfectly analogous to their sound-based counterparts, suggesting that auditory processing treats moments of silence the way it treats sounds. Silence is truly perceived, not merely inferred. >>️
Rui Zhe Goh, Ian B. Phillips, Chaz Firestone. The perception of silence. 
PNAS. 120 (29) e2301463120. Jul 10, 2023. 

Roberto Molar Candanosa. The sound of silence? Researchers prove we can  hear it. Johns Hopkins University - HUB. Jul 11, 2023. 

Researchers Prove We Hear the 
Sound of Silence. Jul 10, 2023. 

Also: silence, pause, sound, noise, perception, brain, in 

Keywords:  brain, perception, sound, noise, pause, silence

venerdì 14 aprile 2023

# gst: even a single bubble can produce creative musical outcomes

<< Producing original and arranging existing musical outcomes is an art that takes years of learning and practice to master. Yet, despite the constant advances in the field of AI-powered musical creativity, production of quality musical outcomes remains a prerogative of the humans. Here we demonstrate that a single bubble in water can be used to produce creative musical outcomes, when it nonlinearly oscillates under an acoustic pressure signal that encodes a piece of classical music. >>️

Ivan S. Maksymov. Musical creativity enabled by nonlinear oscillations of a bubble in water. arXiv:2304.00822v1 [cs.SD]. Apr 3, 2023. 

keyword "bubble" in FonT

Keywords: gst, ai, fluid dynamics, bubble, sound, music, audio processing

mercoledì 6 aprile 2022

# astro: going beyond a performance by Frank Zappa (or a speech by – for example – a political entity), two speeds of sound found on Mars

AA << find that atmospheric sounds extend measurements of pressure variations down to 1,000 times smaller scales than ever observed before, revealing a dissipative regime extending over 5 orders of magnitude in energy. Using point sources of sound (Ingenuity rotorcraft, laser-induced sparks), (AA) highlight two distinct values for the speed of sound that are ~10 m/s apart below and above 240 Hz, a unique characteristic of low-pressure CO2-dominated atmosphere. (They) also provide the acoustic attenuation with distance above 2 kHz, allowing to elucidate the large contribution of the CO2 vibrational relaxation in the audible range. >>

Maurice, S., Chide, B., Murdoch, N. et al. In situ recording of Mars soundscape. Nature. doi: 10.1038/ s41586-022-04679-0. Apr 1, 2022. 

<< All of these factors would make it difficult for two people to have a conversation only five meters (16 feet) apart >> Sylvestre Maurice.

Juliette Collen and Daniel Lawler. First audio recorded on Mars reveals two speeds of sound. Apr 1, 2022. 

NASA Perseverance Rover Captures 
Puff, Whir, Zap Sounds from Mars 


Frank Zappa 

image from  

keywords: astro, mars, acoustics, sound, speed of sound, dissipative regimes, music, jazz, freejazz

martedì 11 gennaio 2022

# gst: apropos of discomfort tolerances, maximize a sweet spot (of a sound zone)

AA << considered the sweet spot as the region where the a sound scene is psycho-acoustically close to a desired auditory scene. >>

They << developed a method (SWEET-ReLU algorithm) that generates a sound scene that maximizes this sweet spot while guaranteeing no discomfort over a spatial region of interest. (..) the sweet spot and the discomfort tolerance can be modeled within a flexible monaural psycho-acoustic framework. >>

Pedro Izquierdo Lehmann, Rodrigo F. Cadiz, Carlos A. Sing Long. Maximizing the Psycho-Acoustic Sweet Spot. arXiv: 2201.01461v1 [eess.AS]. Jan 5, 2022.

Keywords: sound, psycho-acoustics, discomfort tolerance

mercoledì 5 maggio 2021

# gst: when and how a levitating droplet sings (as a pipe)

<< Sprinkle water onto a very hot pan, and you may notice that the droplets evaporate surprisingly slowly. They stick around because of what’s called the Leidenfrost effect—a thin layer of vapor forms between the droplets and the hot surface, insulating them from the heat, and keeping them from boiling off immediately. (..) droplets of water in this Leidenfrost regime emit periodic sounds, or beats.  >>️

<< While emitting sounds, the droplets oscillated as pulsing stars whose points moved radially in and out. (..) this vapor-layer frequency matched the period of the beats, and (AA) therefore concluded that vapor escaping from beneath the droplet was responsible for producing the periodic sounds. >>️

<< the frequency of the sounds made by a droplet depended on the droplet’s size—following the model of an organ pipe, whose tone depends on the velocity of sound and the length of the pipe. This implies that the sound production mechanism in a Leidenfrost droplet is similar to that of a wind instrument. >>
Erika K. Carlson. The Sounds of Levitating Water Droplets. Physics 13, s148. Nov 19, 2020.

Tanu Singla,  Marco Rivera. Sounds of Leidenfrost drops. Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 113604. doi: 10.1103/ PhysRevFluids.5.113604. Nov 19, 2020.

venerdì 28 agosto 2020

# gst: self-assembly of chemistry with music

<< audible sound can control chemical reactions in solution by continuously supplying energy sources into the interface between air and the solution.  The sound-controlled air-liquid chemical interactions 'painted' intriguing and aesthetic patterns on the surface and bulk of the solution.>>

<< The Pied Piper of Hamelin tells the mythological story of a pied piper who lured rats away from the city of Hamelin by enchanting them with the music from his magical pipe. With music working like a fuel for such artistic control in chemistry, our study has shown that even synthetic molecules can exhibit life-like behavior—listening and following a musical track, >> Rahul Dev Mukhopadhyay. 

Seeing chemical reactions with music. Institute for Basic Science. Aug 10, 2020.

<< the patterns obtained from artificially designed out-of-equilibrium chemical oscillating networks (such as the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction for example) are unpredictable and difficult to control spatiotemporally, albeit reproducible over subsequent cycles. Here, (AA) show that it is possible to generate reproducible spatiotemporal patterns in out-of-equilibrium chemical reactions and self-assembling systems in water in the presence of sound waves, which act as a guiding physical stimulus. >>

Hwang, I., Mukhopadhyay, R.D., Dhasaiyan, P. et al. Audible sound-controlled spatiotemporal patterns in out-of-equilibrium systems. Nat. Chem. 12, 808–813 (2020). doi: 10.1038/ s41557-020-0516-2. Aug 10, 2020.