
sabato 15 luglio 2023

# brain: the sense of hearing, the sense of silence.

<< Do we only hear sounds? Or can we also hear silence? These questions are the subject of a centuries-old philosophical debate between two camps: the perceptual view (we literally hear silence), and the cognitive view (we only judge or infer silence). >>

<< In all cases (concerning seven experiments), silences elicited temporal distortions perfectly analogous to their sound-based counterparts, suggesting that auditory processing treats moments of silence the way it treats sounds. Silence is truly perceived, not merely inferred. >>️
Rui Zhe Goh, Ian B. Phillips, Chaz Firestone. The perception of silence. 
PNAS. 120 (29) e2301463120. Jul 10, 2023. 

Roberto Molar Candanosa. The sound of silence? Researchers prove we can  hear it. Johns Hopkins University - HUB. Jul 11, 2023. 

Researchers Prove We Hear the 
Sound of Silence. Jul 10, 2023. 

Also: silence, pause, sound, noise, perception, brain, in 

Keywords:  brain, perception, sound, noise, pause, silence

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