
Visualizzazione post con etichetta bubble. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta bubble. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 20 febbraio 2025

# gst: friction-induced bubble edge curvature in flowing 2D confined foams

AA << investigate the flow of quasi-2D liquid foams, composed of a single monolayer of bubbles in close contact and confined between two glass plates in a Hele-Shaw cell, with a specific emphasis on understanding how bubble shapes evolve in response to varying flow speeds. Utilizing an experimental setup capable of displacing a substantial number of bubbles in the spanwise direction, while the bubble shapes remain stationary as the bubbles themselves are advected in a plug flow, (They) reveal an average bubble anisotropy characterized by elongated bubbles in the streamwise direction and curved bubble edges in a preferential orientation. >>

<< Notably, these effects intensify with increasing flow speeds. While the bubble anisotropy is created at the entrance of the cell, (AA) study establishes a clear connection between bubble edge curvature and orientation, confinement thickness, frictional forces with the plates, and the inherent anisotropy of the bubbles. >>

Christophe Raufaste, Lauren Rose, et al. Friction-induced bubble edge curvature in flowing two-dimensional confined foams. Phys. Rev. Fluids 10, 023301. Feb 5, 2025. 

Also: bubble, foam, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, foam, friction, surface tension

giovedì 9 gennaio 2025

# gst: equilibrium and breakup regimes of stretched soap bubbles

AA << combine experiments and theoretical derivations to study the evolution of a stretched soap bubble and compare it with an open film to highlight the effect of volume conservation. (They) identify a critical length for both surfaces, beyond which a bottleneck develops in the middle and begins to shrink irreversibly, ultimately pinching off into multiple compartments. >>

<< Before leaving the equilibrium regime, surface energy minimization governs the shape, which can be addressed theoretically via the variational method. In contrast to open films, soap bubble volume conservation introduces a Lagrange multiplier, analogous to a pressure difference, mediating long-range shape evolution. >>

<< By examining how boundary constraints influence deformation, (AA) contrast the bubble's convex-to-concave transition with the behavior of soap films under similar conditions. (Their) analysis of equilibrium and breakup regimes reveals critical differences between bubble and film stability profiles, shedding light on universal behaviors in non-equilibrium fluid mechanics, with implications for biological and material sciences.

Wei-Chih Li, Chih-Yao Shih, et al. How soap bubbles change shape while maintaining a fixed volume of air? arXiv: 2412.17870v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Dec 21, 2024. 

Also: bubble, drop, droplet, droploidtransition, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, drop, droplet, droploid, transition

giovedì 5 dicembre 2024

# gst: intermittency of bubble deformation in turbulence.

<< The deformation of finite-sized bubbles in intense turbulence exhibits complex geometries beyond simple spheroids as the bubbles exchange energy with the surrounding eddies across a wide range of scales. (AA)  study investigates deformation via the velocity of the most stretched tip of the deformed bubble in three dimensions, as the tip extension results from the compression of the rest of the interface by surrounding eddies. >>

<< The results show that the power spectrum based on the tip velocity exhibits a scaling akin to that of the Lagrangian statistics of fluid elements, but decays with a distinct timescale and magnitude modulated by the Weber number based on the bubble size. This indicates that the interfacial energy is primarily siphoned from eddies of similar sizes as the bubble. >>

<< Moreover, the tip velocity appears much more intermittent than the velocity increment, and its distribution near the extreme tails can be explained by the proposed model that accounts for the fact that small eddies with sufficient energy can contribute to extreme deformation. >>

<< These findings provide a framework for understanding the energy transfer between deformable objects and multiscale eddies in intense turbulence. >>

Xu Xu, Yinghe Qi, et al. Intermittency of Bubble Deformation in Turbulence. Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 214001. Nov 19, 2024.

Also: bubble, turbulence, intermittency, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, turbulence, intermittency

lunedì 11 novembre 2024

# gst: apropos of bubbles, the case of bubbles collapsing near a wall.

AA << study examines the pressure exerted by a cavitation bubble collapsing near a rigid wall. A laser-generated bubble in a water basin undergoes growth, collapse, second growth, and final collapse. Shock waves and liquid jets from non-spherical collapses are influenced by the stand-off ratio γ, defined as the bubble centroid distance from the wall divided by the bubble radius. (AA) detail shock mechanisms, such as tip or torus collapse, for various γ values. High-speed and Schlieren imaging visualize the microjet and shock waves. The microjet's evolution is tracked for large γ, while shock waves are captured in composite images showing multiple shock positions. Quantitative analyses of the microjet interface, shock wave velocities, and impact times are reported. Wall-mounted sensors and a needle hydrophone measure pressure and compare with high-speed observations to assess the dominant contributions to pressure changes with γ, revealing implications for cavitation erosion mechanisms. >>️

Roshan Kumar Subramanian, Zhidian Yang, et al. Bubble collapse near a wall. Part 1: An experimental study on the impact of shock waves and microjet on the wall pressure. arXiv: 2408.03479v2 [physics.flu-dyn]. Aug 8, 2024. 

Also: bubble, drop, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, bubble collapse 

giovedì 19 settembre 2024

# gst: vortex structures under dimples and scars in turbulent free-surface flows

<< Turbulence beneath a free surface leaves characteristic long-lived signatures on the surface, such as upwelling 'boils', near-circular 'dimples' and elongated 'scars', easily identifiable by eye, e.g., in riverine flows. >>️

AA << explore the connection between these surface signatures and the underlying vortical structures. We investigate dimples, known to be imprints of surface-attached vortices, and scars, which have yet to be extensively studied, by analysing the conditional probabilities that a point beneath a signature is within a vortex core as well as the inclination angles of sub-signature vorticity. >>️

<< The analysis shows that the likelihood of vortex presence beneath a dimple decreases from the surface down through the viscous and blockage layers in a near-Gaussian manner, influenced by the dimple's size and the bulk turbulence. When expressed as a function of depth over the Taylor microscale λT, this probability is independent of Reynolds and Weber number. >>️

<< Conversely, the probability of finding a vortex beneath a scar increases sharply from the surface to a peak at the edge of the viscous layer, at a depth of approximately λT/4. Distributions of vortical orientation also show a clear pattern: a strong preference for vertical alignment below dimples and an equally strong preference for horizontal alignment below scars. >>️

AA << findings suggest that scars can be defined as imprints of horizontal vortices approximately a quarter of the Taylor microscale beneath the surface, analogous to how dimples can be defined as imprints of surface-attached vertical vortex tubes. >>

Jørgen R. Aarnes, Omer Babiker, et al. Vortex structures under dimples and scars in turbulent free-surface flows. arXiv: 2409.05409v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. 
9 Sep 2024.

Also: vortex, turbulence, waves, bubble, drop, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, vortex, turbulence, waves, bubble, drop, transition

mercoledì 28 agosto 2024

# gst: dynamics of small droplets in turbulent multiphase flows

AA << show unambiguously that the formation of small droplets is governed by the internal dynamics which occurs during the breakup of large drops and that the high vorticity and the extreme dissipation associated to these events are the consequence and not the cause of the breakup. >>️

M. Crialesi-Esposito, G. Boffetta, L. Brandt, et al. How small droplets form in turbulent multiphase flows. Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, L072301. Jul 29, 2024. 

Also: drop, bubble, transition, turbulence, intermittency, in 

Keywords: gst, drop, droplet, droploid,  bubble, transition, turbulence, intermittency

martedì 30 luglio 2024

# gst: collapse of a toroidal bubble inducing shock waves

<< When bubbles collapse near a wall, they typically experience an asymmetric deformation. This collapse leads to the creation of a jet that strikes the bubble interface, causing the formation of a toroidal bubble and the subsequent release of a water-hammer shock. >>️

AA << findings demonstrate that shock waves emitted from the toroidal bubble consistently propagate toward the central axis of the torus, resulting in significant pressure shocks along the axis, similar to the water-hammer shock formed during the collapse of a spherical bubble. >>️

<< In contrast, weak pressure waves are generated in the transverse directions, leading to relatively weaker pressure peaks. Furthermore, the wall-pressure peak induced by the toroidal bubble is approximately three times higher than that induced by the spherical bubble. >>️

Cheng Liu, Xiaobin Yang, et al. Investigations on the shock wave induced by collapse of a toroidal bubble. Phys. Rev. E 110, 015103. Jul 16, 2024. 

Also: bubble, drop, waves, collapse, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, drop, waves, collapse

lunedì 24 giugno 2024

# gst: buckling instability in a chain of sticky bubbles

<< A slender object undergoing an axial compression will buckle to alleviate the stress. Typically the morphology of the deformed object depends on the bending stiffness for solids, or the viscoelastic properties for liquid threads. >>️

AA << study a chain of uniform sticky air bubbles that rise due to buoyancy through an aqueous bath. A buckling instability of the bubble chain with a characteristic wavelength is observed.  >>️

<< If a chain of bubbles is produced faster than it is able to rise, the dominance of viscous drag over buoyancy results in a compressive stress that is alleviated by buckling the bubble chain. >>️

<< Unlike other systems, in which buckling arises from a cost associ­ated with bending, to our knowledge this is the first study of drag-induced buckling with no intrinsic cost to bending—a buckling instability with a characteristic lengthscale emerges as a result of hydrodynamics. >>
Carmen L. Lee and Kari Dalnoki-Veress. Buckling instability in a chain of sticky bubbles. Phys. Rev. Research 6, L022062. Jun 14, 2024. 

Also: bubble, instability, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, instability, drop, droplet, droploid, transition 

giovedì 9 maggio 2024

# gst: bubble phases sliding over periodically modulated substrates

AA << analyze a bubble-forming system composed of particles with competing long-range repulsive and short-range attractive interactions driven over a quasi-one-dimensional periodic substrate. >>️

They << find various pinned and sliding phases as a function of substrate strength and drive amplitude. When the substrate is weak, a pinned bubble phase appears that depins elastically into a sliding bubble lattice. For stronger substrates, (AA) find anisotropic bubbles, disordered bubbles, and stripe phases. Plastic depinning occurs via the hopping of individual particles from one bubble to the next in a pinned bubble lattice, and as the drive increases, there is a transition to a state where all of the bubbles are moving but are continuously shedding and absorbing individual particles. This is followed at high drives by a moving bubble lattice in which the particles can no longer escape their individual bubbles. >>️

<< When the bubbles shrink due to an increase in the attractive interaction term, they fit better inside the pinning troughs and become more strongly pinned, leading to a reentrant pinning phase. For weaker attractive terms, the size of the bubbles becomes greater than the width of the pinning troughs and the depinning becomes elastic with a reduced depinning threshold. >>
C. Reichhardt, C.J.O. Reichhardt. Sliding dynamics for bubble phases on periodic modulated substrates. Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023116. May 2, 2024.

Also: bubble, elastic, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, pinned bubble, elastic, transition

sabato 20 aprile 2024

# gst: apropos of synchronization of large bubble clouds, self-oscillating acoustic bubbles that bounce

<< Self-oscillations underlie many natural phenomena such as heartbeat, ocean waves, and the pulsation of variable stars. (..) In this study, (AA) consider two closely spaced bubbles pulsating in the kHz range in response to ultrasonic excitation. A translational bouncing motion emerges from their interaction with a much lower frequency than the bubble pulsation frequency. >>

Their analysis << reveals that the observed bubble bouncing exhibits the main features of self-oscillation, such as negative damping and the emergence of a limit cycle. These results highlight unexpected nonlinear effects in the field of microbubbles and give insights into the understanding of synchronization in large bubble clouds. >>️

Gabriel Regnault, Alexander A Doinikov, et al. Phenomenon of self-oscillation in bubble dynamics: Bouncing acoustic bubbles. arXiv: 2404.05822v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Apr 8, 2024.

Also: bubble, bouncing, behav, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, self-oscillation, bouncing, behavior, collective behavior, bouncing motion, synchronization

mercoledì 21 febbraio 2024

# gst: when volatile droplets dance across a surface erratically (along random trajectories)

<< When a drop of a volatile liquid is deposited on a uniformly heated wettable, thermally conducting substrate, one expects to see it spread into a thin film and evaporate. >>️

<< Contrary to this intuition, due to thermal Marangoni contraction, the deposited drop contracts into a spherical-cap-shaped puddle, with a finite apparent contact angle. Strikingly, this contracted droplet, above a threshold temperature, well below the boiling point of the liquid, starts to spontaneously move on the substrate in an apparently erratic way. >>️

Pallav Kant, Mathieu Souzy, et al. Autothermotaxis of volatile drops. Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, L012001. Jan 31, 2024. 

Rachel Berkowitz. Hot Surfaces Make Droplets Move Erratically. Physics 17, s14. Jan 31, 2024. 

Also: drop, bubble, erratic

Keywords: gst, drop, bubble, erratic, thermotaxis, autothermotaxis

giovedì 15 febbraio 2024

# gst: droplets scoot like caterpillars.

<< From swells in an ocean to ripples in a puddle, the shearing effect of wind blowing over a liquid is visible at all scales. This shear determines the interactions between Earth’s atmosphere and its surface water and, researchers now explain, the movement of liquid droplets that crawl up and down the window of a moving car in the rain. In a series of experiments, (AA) show that airflow triggers surface waves that cause such droplets to crawl like caterpillars before they break apart. >>️

<< At first, the airflow across the droplet’s surface caused the droplet to extend into an oval shape. The droplet also began to tilt, with the liquid piling up at the droplet’s downwind edge. When the drag force exerted by the airflow overcame the capillary force between the glycerin and the glass, the droplet began to slide and to stretch out even more. Surface waves then developed on the elongated droplet and traveled toward its leading edge. The waves induced a stable caterpillar-like motion, with the droplet stretching and contracting along its length. Eventually, beyond a threshold length that depended on the droplet’s volume, the caterpillar was no longer able to withstand the shearing force and broke into several droplets. >>️

AA << say that the behavior follows the same pattern as that of an elongated droplet sliding along an incline. >>
Rachel Berkowitz. Droplets Scoot Like Caterpillars. Physics 16, s110. Sep 1, 2023.

A. Chahine, J. Sebilleau, R. Mathis, D. Legendre. Caterpillar like motion of droplet in a shear flow. Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, 093601. Sep 1, 2023.

Also: drop, bubble, transition, in 

Keywords: gst, drop, droplet, droploid, bubble, transition

sabato 9 dicembre 2023

# gst: buckling instability of sticky bubbles.

<< A slender object undergoing an axial compression will buckle to alleviate the stress. Typically the morphology of the deformed object depends on the bending stiffness for solids, or the viscoelastic properties for liquid threads. >>️

AA << study a chain of uniform sticky air bubbles in an aqueous bath that rise due to buoyancy. A buckling instability of the bubble chain, with a characteristic wavelength, is observed in the absence of a bending stiffness. If a chain of bubbles is produced faster than it is able to rise, the dominance of viscous drag over buoyancy results in a compressive stress that is alleviated by buckling the bubble chain. >>
Carmen L. Lee, Kari Dalnoki-Veress. Buckling instability in a chain of sticky bubbles. arXiv: 2311.15452v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Nov 26, 2023.

Also: bubble, instability, in 

Keywords: gst, bubble, instability, buckling instability

venerdì 4 agosto 2023

# gst: dynamics and interactions of multiple bright droplets and bubbles, and interactions of kinks with droplets and with antikinks.

<< Droplets bearing different chemical potentials experience mass-exchange phenomena. Individual bubbles exhibit core expansion and mutual attraction prior to their destabilization. Droplets interacting with kinks are absorbed by them, a process accompanied by the emission of dispersive shock waves and gray solitons. Kink-antikink interactions are repulsive, generating counter-propagating shock waves. >> 
G. C. Katsimiga, S. I. Mistakidis, et al. Interactions and dynamics of one-dimensional droplets, bubbles and kinks. arXiv: 2306.07055v2 [cond-mat.quant-gas]. Jul 26, 2023.

Also: drop, bubble, waves, soliton, in

Keywords: gst, drop, bubble, kink, wave, soliton, homoclinic orbits

mercoledì 14 giugno 2023

# gst: apropos of transitions, droplet trajectories during single and collective bursting bubbles

<< Mechanisms of droplet production from bursting bubbles have been extensively studied for single bubbles, but remain sparsely investigated in more complex collective settings. >>️

<< In the collective bubbling experiment, subsurface quasimonodisperse bubbles are rising up to the surface where, depending on the surfactant concentration, they can either merge or assemble in rafts of monodisperse bubbles. Drop trajectories are recorded, analyzed, and shown to exhibit uniquely distinctive features for the different production mechanisms: centrifuge film drops are ejected sideways, and jet drops are ejected vertically. Different single-burst scalings are finally compared to the experimental size-velocity relationships, and reveal that drops coming from collective bubble bursting appear slower and more scattered than when coming from single bursting bubbles. >>️

B. Neel and L. Deike. Velocity and size quantification of drops in single and collective bursting bubbles experiments. Phys. Rev. Fluids 7, 103603. Oct 5, 2022. 

Also: 'when a superbubble can generate trains of shock waves'. Mar 6, 2019.

Also: 'transition', 'droplet', 'droploid', 'bubble', in:

Keywords: gst, transition, drop, droplet, droploid, bubble, collective dynamics,  fluid dynamics

PS: << they can either merge or assemble in rafts of monodisperse bubbles >> ; this is poetry, without unnecessary adjectives, anzicheforse ... FonT. Wed June 14, 2023 16:58 (cest)

venerdì 14 aprile 2023

# gst: even a single bubble can produce creative musical outcomes

<< Producing original and arranging existing musical outcomes is an art that takes years of learning and practice to master. Yet, despite the constant advances in the field of AI-powered musical creativity, production of quality musical outcomes remains a prerogative of the humans. Here we demonstrate that a single bubble in water can be used to produce creative musical outcomes, when it nonlinearly oscillates under an acoustic pressure signal that encodes a piece of classical music. >>️

Ivan S. Maksymov. Musical creativity enabled by nonlinear oscillations of a bubble in water. arXiv:2304.00822v1 [cs.SD]. Apr 3, 2023. 

keyword "bubble" in FonT

Keywords: gst, ai, fluid dynamics, bubble, sound, music, audio processing

lunedì 16 gennaio 2023

# gst: diffusivity of ordered and freely evolving bubbly suspensions.

AA << investigate the dispersion of a passive scalar such as the concentration of a chemical species, or temperature, in homogeneous bubbly suspensions, by determining an effective diffusivity tensor. Defining the longitudinal and transverse components of this tensor with respect to the direction of averaged bubble rise velocity in a zero mixture velocity frame of reference, (AA) focus on the convective contribution thereof, this being expected to be dominant in commonly encountered bubbly flows. >>

<< In the limits of low and of high Péclet number, including inertial effect of the flow does not affect the scaling of the effective diffusivity with respect to the Péclet number. These results are confirmed by direct numerical simulations performed in different flow regimes, for spherical or very deformed bubbles and from vanishingly small to moderate values of the Reynolds number. Scalar transport in arrays of freely rising bubbles is considered by us subsequently, using numerical simulations. In this case, the dispersion is found to be convectively enhanced at low Péclet number, like in ordered arrays. At high Péclet number, the Taylor dispersion scaling obtained for ordered configurations is replaced by the one characterizing a purely mechanical dispersion, like in random media, even if the level of disorder is very low. >>️

Aurore Loisy, Aurore Naso, Peter D. M. Spelt. The effective diffusivity of ordered and freely evolving bubbly suspensions. arXiv:2301.00028v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Dec 30, 2022. 


keyword "bubble" in FonT

keyword "bolla" | "bolle" in Notes (quasistochastic-poetry): 

Keywords: gst, bubble, bubbly suspensions, diffusion, fluctuation

lunedì 9 gennaio 2023

# gst: apropos of instability, bubbles may have unexpected chills

<< Bubbles are ubiquitous, existing in everything from the foam on a beer to party toys for children. Despite this pervasiveness, there are open questions on the behavior of bubbles, such as why some bubbles are more resistant to bursting than others. >>️

AA << created a soap bubble from a mixture made of dishwashing liquid, water, and glycerol. They then measured the soap film’s temperature under a variety of environmental conditions. They found that the film could be up to 8 °C colder than the surrounding air. They also found that glycerol content of the soap film impacted this temperature difference, with films containing more glycerol having higher temperatures. Boulogne (Francois Boulogne) says that such a large temperature difference could impact bubble stability.  >>️

Anna Napolitano. Bubbles Have an Unexpected Chill. Physics 15, s173. Dec 19, 2022. 

Francois Boulogne, Frederic Restagno, Emmanuelle Rio. Measurement of the Temperature Decrease in Evaporating Soap Films. Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 268001. Dec 19, 2022.


keyword "bubble" in FonT

keyword "bolla" | "bolle" in Notes (quasistochastic-poetry): 

Keywords: gst, bubble, stability, evaporation, burst

lunedì 12 settembre 2022

# gst: a backflipping behavior of air bubbles when they collide with a tilted surface

AA << observe that air bubbles exhibit a backflipping behavior when they collide with a tilted surface. >>

<< Particle image velocimetry reveals that the backflipping behavior is caused by wake-induced circulation around the bubble, which applies a lift force on the bubble. >>

<< The theoretical results are in good agreement with the experiments confirming the key role of the wake-induced lift force in backflipping. >>

Alireza Hooshanginejad, Anuj Baskota, Sunghwan Jung. Backflipping motion of air bubbles colliding with a tilted wall. arXiv: 2208.14486v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Aug 30, 2022.

keyword "bubble" in FonT

keyword "bolla" | "bolle" in Notes (quasistochastic-poetry)

Keywords: gst, bubble, behavior, backflipping behavior, oblique collisions

martedì 30 agosto 2022

# gst: size, location and shape of interfacial nanobubbles can be tuned by nanostructures.

<< the nucleation mechanism of spontaneously generated NBs (nanobubbles) at solid-liquid interfaces of immersed nanostructured hydrophobic surfaces is studied. Depending on the size and density of the surface nanostructures, NBs with different size and density were reproducibly and deterministically obtained. >>️

moreover, << air entrapment experiments on a porous PS (coated polystyrene) surface covered with irregular nanopores show that also the shape of NBs can also be tuned by surface nanostructures, due to their pinning effect. It is thus feasible to tune NB size, position, and even morphology by varying surface nanostructures. >>️

Yuliang Wang, Xiaolai Li, et al. Entrapment of Interfacial Nanobubbles on Nano Structured Surfaces. arXiv:2208.08181v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Aug 17, 2022.


keyword "bubble" in FonT

Keywords: gst, nano, bubble, tune, pinning effect️