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Visualizzazione post con etichetta soliton. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 30 dicembre 2024

# gst: nascent water waves induced by the impulsive motion of a solid wall; an unsteady hydraulic jump theory

Fig. 2: Representative cases of the different regimes of impulse waves observed: (a) dispersive wave; (b) solitary-like wave; (c) plunging breaking bore; (d) water jet 

AA << investigated the generation phase of laboratory-scale water waves induced by the impulsive motion of a rigid piston, whose maximum velocity U and total stroke L are independently varied, as well as the initial liquid depth h. By doing so, the influence of two dimensionless numbers is studied: the Froude number Frp (..), with g the gravitational acceleration, and the relative stroke Λp (..) of the piston. >>️

<< For large Froude numbers, an unsteady hydraulic jump theory is proposed, which accurately predicts the time evolution of the wave amplitude at the contact with the piston throughout the generation phase. At the end of the formation process, the dimensionless volume of the bump evolves linearly with Λp and the wave aspect ratio is found to be governed by the relative acceleration γ/g. As the piston begins its constant deceleration, the water bump evolves into a propagating wave and several regimes (such as dispersive, solitary-like and bore waves, as well as water jets) are then reported and mapped in a phase diagram in the (Frp, Λp) plane. While the transition from waves to water jets is observed if the typical acceleration of the piston is close enough to the gravitational acceleration g, the wave regimes are found to be mainly selected by the relative piston stroke Λp while the Froude number determines whether the generated wave breaks or not. >>️
Wladimir Sarlin, Zhaodong Niu, et al. Nascent water waves induced by the impulsive motion of a solid wall. arXiv: 2412.08216v1 [physics.flu-dyn]. Dec 11, 2024. 

Also: waves, soliton, in 

Keywords: gst, waves, soliton

lunedì 11 marzo 2024

# gst: self-trapped nonlinear waves with multiple phase singularities.

AA << investigate the existence of self-trapped nonlinear waves with multiple phase singularities. >>️

They << focus on configurations with an antivortex surrounded by a triangular arrangement of vortices within a hosting soliton. (AA) find stationary patterns that can be interpreted as stable self-trapped vortex crystals, constituting the first example of a configuration of this sort with space-independent potentials. Their stability is linked to their norm, transitioning from unstable to stable as their size increases, with an intermediate region where the structure is marginally unstable, undergoing a remarkable and puzzling self-reconstruction during its evolution. >>️

Angel Paredes and Humberto Michinel. Self-trapping of vortex crystals via competing nonlinearities.  Phys. Rev. E 109, 024216. Feb 22, 2024. 

Also: waves, soliton, vortex, in

Keywords: gst, waves, soliton, self-trapping, vortex 

martedì 13 febbraio 2024

# brain: arterial pressure pulsations could modulate neuronal activity.

<< Spontaneous slow oscillations have been described in the rat olfactory bulb local field potential, even in the absence of respiration. What is the origin of these oscillations? >>

AA << discovered a subpopulation of neurons within the olfactory bulb that can directly sense cardiovascular pressure pulsations (..). The modulation of their excitability is transduced by mechanosensitive ion channels. >>

<< Thus, there exists a fast pathway for the interoception of heartbeat whereby arterial pressure pulsations within the brain modulate neuronal activity. >> Peter Stern. ️

Luna Jammal Salameh, Sebastian H. Bitzenhofer, et al. Blood pressure pulsations modulate central neuronal activity via mechanosensitive ion channels. Science. Vol 383, Issue 6682. Feb 2, 2024. 

Also: brain, pnei, soliton, in  

Keywords: brain, pnei, olfactory bulb, spontaneous slow oscillations, wave, soliton

mercoledì 20 settembre 2023

# gst: apropos of collisions of a vortex dipoles, vortex unbinding, vortex pinning to the edge, and emission of rarefaction pulses.

<< Vortices and dark solitons are fundamental defects that appear in nonlinear physics at all scales, from nonlinear optics to cosmic fluids. In two or three dimensions, dark solitons are fundamentally connected to highly ordered vortex states through an intrinsic modulation instability in the surrounding matter. >>️

<< Here, [AA] report an experimental realization of ring dark soliton (RDS)  generation in a two-dimensional atomic superfluid trapped in a circular box. By quenching the confining box potential, [they] observe an RDS emitted from the edge and its peculiar signature in the radial motion. As an RDS evolves, [they] observe transverse modulations at discrete azimuthal angles, which clearly result in a patterned formation of a circular vortex dipole array. Through collisions of the vortex dipoles with the box trap, [they] observe vortex unbinding, vortex pinning to the edge, and emission of rarefaction pulses. >>

Hikaru Tamura, Cheng-An Chen, Chen-Lung Hung. Observation of Self-Patterned Defect Formation in Atomic Superfluids–from Ring Dark Solitons to Vortex Dipole Necklaces. Phys. Rev. X 13, 031029. Sep 14, 2023. 

Also: soliton, vortex, turbulence, waves, in:  

Keywords: gst, soliton, dark soliton, vortex, turbulence, waves. 

venerdì 4 agosto 2023

# gst: dynamics and interactions of multiple bright droplets and bubbles, and interactions of kinks with droplets and with antikinks.

<< Droplets bearing different chemical potentials experience mass-exchange phenomena. Individual bubbles exhibit core expansion and mutual attraction prior to their destabilization. Droplets interacting with kinks are absorbed by them, a process accompanied by the emission of dispersive shock waves and gray solitons. Kink-antikink interactions are repulsive, generating counter-propagating shock waves. >> 
G. C. Katsimiga, S. I. Mistakidis, et al. Interactions and dynamics of one-dimensional droplets, bubbles and kinks. arXiv: 2306.07055v2 [cond-mat.quant-gas]. Jul 26, 2023.

Also: drop, bubble, waves, soliton, in

Keywords: gst, drop, bubble, kink, wave, soliton, homoclinic orbits

mercoledì 10 maggio 2023

# gst: to find a separation between plunging and spilling wave breakers

<< While understanding breaking waves is crucial for the development of parametrizations used in ocean wave modeling for both deep and shallow water, the complete process of wave breaking is not well understood. Here (AA) present direct numerical simulations of two-dimensional solitary waves that shoal and break on a uniform beach in shallow water, with the presence of storm surge represented by an inshore region. >>️

They << classify wave breaker types and find a separation between plunging and spilling breakers when scaled by breaking amplitude and depth. (AA) compare energy dissipation during the breaking process with results from the literature without storm surge.  >>️

They << conclude that a previously developed shallow-water inertial dissipation model for wave breaking on a uniform slope can be extended to this storm surge environment with good data collapse, and further discuss possibilities for a general parametrization of wave breaking valid across different depth regimes. >>️

Hunter Boswell, Guirong Yan, Wouter Mostert. Characterizing energy dissipation of shallow-water wave breaking in a storm surge. Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, 054801. May 5, 2023. 

Also: waves, soliton, drop, in

Keywords: gst, waves, soliton, drop 

martedì 8 ottobre 2019

# gst: a cylindrical solitonlike that collapses into a spherical shape, and, along the filaments, central cores of matter exhibit fuzzies

In AA simulation, << the dark matter filaments show coherent interference patterns on the boson de Broglie scale and develop cylindrical solitonlike cores, which are unstable under gravity and collapse into kiloparsec-scale spherical solitons. Features of the dark matter distribution are largely unaffected by the baryonic feedback. On the contrary, the distributions of gas and stars, which do form along the entire filament, exhibit central cores imprinted by dark matter-a smoking gun signature of FDM ("fuzzy" dark matter). >>

Philip Mocz, Anastasia Fialkov, et al. First Star-Forming Structures in Fuzzy Cosmic Filaments. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 141301. Oct 2, 2019.  

Jennifer Chu. This is how a 'fuzzy' universe may have looked. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Oct 3, 2019   


intrigante qui come una simulazione di evoluzione cosmologica - filamenti strutturati a cilindro mutanti (collassanti) in strutture sferoidali (ma non a generica fluttuante frittella) formanti, nei filamenti di gas,  serie (sciami?) di kernel a dinamiche fuzzy - possa far immaginare generici contesti altri ...