lunedì 30 dicembre 2024
# gst: nascent water waves induced by the impulsive motion of a solid wall; an unsteady hydraulic jump theory
lunedì 11 marzo 2024
# gst: self-trapped nonlinear waves with multiple phase singularities.
martedì 13 febbraio 2024
# brain: arterial pressure pulsations could modulate neuronal activity.
mercoledì 20 settembre 2023
# gst: apropos of collisions of a vortex dipoles, vortex unbinding, vortex pinning to the edge, and emission of rarefaction pulses.
venerdì 4 agosto 2023
# gst: dynamics and interactions of multiple bright droplets and bubbles, and interactions of kinks with droplets and with antikinks.
mercoledì 10 maggio 2023
# gst: to find a separation between plunging and spilling wave breakers
martedì 8 ottobre 2019
# gst: a cylindrical solitonlike that collapses into a spherical shape, and, along the filaments, central cores of matter exhibit fuzzies
In AA simulation, << the dark matter filaments show coherent interference patterns on the boson de Broglie scale and develop cylindrical solitonlike cores, which are unstable under gravity and collapse into kiloparsec-scale spherical solitons. Features of the dark matter distribution are largely unaffected by the baryonic feedback. On the contrary, the distributions of gas and stars, which do form along the entire filament, exhibit central cores imprinted by dark matter-a smoking gun signature of FDM ("fuzzy" dark matter). >>
Philip Mocz, Anastasia Fialkov, et al. First Star-Forming Structures in Fuzzy Cosmic Filaments. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 141301. Oct 2, 2019.
Jennifer Chu. This is how a 'fuzzy' universe may have looked. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Oct 3, 2019
intrigante qui come una simulazione di evoluzione cosmologica - filamenti strutturati a cilindro mutanti (collassanti) in strutture sferoidali (ma non a generica fluttuante frittella) formanti, nei filamenti di gas, serie (sciami?) di kernel a dinamiche fuzzy - possa far immaginare generici contesti altri ...