
lunedì 9 gennaio 2023

# gst: apropos of instability, bubbles may have unexpected chills

<< Bubbles are ubiquitous, existing in everything from the foam on a beer to party toys for children. Despite this pervasiveness, there are open questions on the behavior of bubbles, such as why some bubbles are more resistant to bursting than others. >>️

AA << created a soap bubble from a mixture made of dishwashing liquid, water, and glycerol. They then measured the soap film’s temperature under a variety of environmental conditions. They found that the film could be up to 8 °C colder than the surrounding air. They also found that glycerol content of the soap film impacted this temperature difference, with films containing more glycerol having higher temperatures. Boulogne (Francois Boulogne) says that such a large temperature difference could impact bubble stability.  >>️

Anna Napolitano. Bubbles Have an Unexpected Chill. Physics 15, s173. Dec 19, 2022. 

Francois Boulogne, Frederic Restagno, Emmanuelle Rio. Measurement of the Temperature Decrease in Evaporating Soap Films. Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 268001. Dec 19, 2022.


keyword "bubble" in FonT

keyword "bolla" | "bolle" in Notes (quasistochastic-poetry): 

Keywords: gst, bubble, stability, evaporation, burst

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