AA << investigate the flow of quasi-2D liquid foams, composed of a single monolayer of bubbles in close contact and confined between two glass plates in a Hele-Shaw cell, with a specific emphasis on understanding how bubble shapes evolve in response to varying flow speeds. Utilizing an experimental setup capable of displacing a substantial number of bubbles in the spanwise direction, while the bubble shapes remain stationary as the bubbles themselves are advected in a plug flow, (They) reveal an average bubble anisotropy characterized by elongated bubbles in the streamwise direction and curved bubble edges in a preferential orientation. >>
<< Notably, these effects intensify with increasing flow speeds. While the bubble anisotropy is created at the entrance of the cell, (AA) study establishes a clear connection between bubble edge curvature and orientation, confinement thickness, frictional forces with the plates, and the inherent anisotropy of the bubbles. >>
Christophe Raufaste, Lauren Rose, et al. Friction-induced bubble edge curvature in flowing two-dimensional confined foams. Phys. Rev. Fluids 10, 023301. Feb 5, 2025.
Also: bubble, foam, in https://www.inkgmr.net/kwrds.html
Keywords: gst, bubble, foam, friction, surface tension