
Visualizzazione post con etichetta criticality. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta criticality. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 22 settembre 2020

# gst: near a critical point, switching between exploitation and exploration, to approach life with Lévy's (chaotic) walk

<< Lévy walks are common biological movements. However, the functional advantages of Lévy walks emerging near a critical point are poorly understood. >>

AA << showed that there could be functional advantages associated with Lévy walks emerging near a critical point, including a large dynamic range to stimuli and highly flexible switching between exploitation and exploration. >>

Masato S. Abe. Functional advantages of Lévy walks emerging near a critical point. PNAS.  doi: 10.1073/ pnas.2001548117.  Sep 14, 2020.

Chaotic 'Lévy walks' are a good strategy for animals. Riken. Sep 17, 2020.


Lévy flight hypothesis, not only for predation ...  Nov 22, 2015.

keyword 'Lévy' in FonT

giovedì 18 giugno 2020

# gst: critical points seem to act behind the complex behavior of collectives.

<< Current experiments support the controversial hypothesis that a well-known concept in physics—a critical point—is behind the striking behavior of collective animal systems. >>

AA << showed that light-controlled microswimming particles can be made to organize into collective states such as swarms and swirls. By studying the particles fluctuating between these states, they provide evidence for critical behavior—and support for a physical principle underlying the complex behavior of collectives.>>

<< What we observed is that the system can make sudden transitions from one state to the other, which demonstrates the flexibility needed to react to an external perturbation like a predator, (..) and provides clear evidence for a critical behavior. >> Clemens Bechinger

<< Through very simple interactions, they have shown that you can tune a physical system to a collective state - criticality - of balance between order and disorder. >> Iain Couzin

Physics principle explains order and disorder of swarms. University of Konstanz. Jun 11, 2020.

Bauerle T., Loffler R.C., Bechinger C. Formation of stable and responsive collective states in suspensions of active colloids. Nat Commun 11, 2547. doi: 10.1038/ s41467-020-16161-4. May 21, 2020.


keyword 'self-assembly' in FonT