
sabato 7 settembre 2024

# gst: phase transition of inertial self-propelled agents, a ‘inverse modeling’ approach.

AA << formulate and analyze a kinetic MFG (Mean-field Game) model for an interacting system of non-cooperative motile agents with inertial dynamics and finite-range interactions, where each agent is minimizing a biologically inspired cost function. >>️️

The << ‘inverse modelling’ approach is to stipulate that the collective behavior of a population of decision-making agents is a solution to a collective optimization or optimal control problem. (..) In a MFG system, the collective behavior is the result of each agent solving an optimal control problem that depends on its own state and control as well as the collective state. MFGs formulated in continuous state space and time are described by coupled set of forward-backward in time nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). >>

<< While standard kinetic or hydrodynamic equations used for modelling collective behavior are initial value problems (IVP or evolution PDEs), the MFG systems have a forward-backward in time structure, and hence consist of boundary value problem (BVP in time PDEs). >>

<< By analyzing the associated coupled forward-backward in time system of nonlinear Fokker-Planck and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations, (AA) obtain conditions for closed-loop linear stability of the spatially homogeneous MFG equilibrium that corresponds to an ordered state with non-zero mean speed. Using a combination of analysis and numerical simulations, (AA) show that when energetic cost of control is reduced below a critical value, this equilibrium loses stability, and the system transitions to a traveling wave solution. >>️
Piyush Grover, Mandy Huo. Phase transition in a kinetic mean-field game model of inertial self-propelled agents. arXiv: 2407.18400v1 [math.OC]. Jul 25, 2024. 

Also: transition, wave, game, in 

Keywords: gst, transition, criticality, bifurcations, wave, games

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