
Visualizzazione post con etichetta swarm. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta swarm. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 21 febbraio 2025

# gst: apropos of nuanced dependencies in intricately coupled network, attractive-repulsive challenge in swarmalators with time-dependent speed.

AA << examine a network of entities whose internal and external dynamics are intricately coupled, modeled through the concept of ``swarmalators'' as introduced by O'Keeffe et al. (Nat. Commun., 8(1):1–13, 2017). (They) investigate how the entities' natural velocities impact the network's collective dynamics and path to synchronization. >>

<< Specifically, (AA) analyze two scenarios: one in which each entity has an individual natural velocity, and another where a group velocity is defined by the average of all velocities. >> 

Their << findings reveal two distinct forms of phase synchronization -- static and rotational -- each preceded by a complex state of attractive-repulsive interactions between entities. This interaction phase, which depends sensitively on initial conditions, allows for selective modulation within the network. By adjusting initial parameters, (AA) can isolate specific entities to experience attractive-repulsive interactions distinct from the group, prior to the onset of full synchronization. >>

<< This nuanced dependency on initial conditions offers valuable insights into the role of natural velocities in tuning synchronization behavior within coupled dynamic networks. >>️

Steve J. Kongni, Thierry Njougouo, et al. Attractive-repulsive challenge in swarmalators with time-dependent speed. arXiv: 2501.06048v1 [nlin.AO]. Jan 10, 2025. 

Also: swarm, network, in 

Keywords: gst, swarm, swarmalators, network

martedì 14 gennaio 2025

# gst: dynamics of swarmalators in the presence of a contrarian.

<< Swarmalators are entities that combine the swarming behavior of particles with the oscillatory dynamics of coupled phase oscillators and represent a novel and rich area of study within the field of complex systems. >>

<< Unlike traditional models that treat spatial movement and phase synchronization separately, swarmalators exhibit a unique coupling between their positions and internal phases, leading to emergent behaviors that include clustering, pattern formation, and the coexistence of synchronized and desynchronized states, etc. >>

This AA paper << presents a comprehensive analysis of a two-dimensional swarmalator model in the presence of a predatorlike agent that (They) call a contrarian. The positions and the phases of the swarmalators are influenced by the contrarian and (They)  observe the emergence of intriguing collective states. >>

AA find << that swarmalator phases are synchronized even with negative coupling strength when their interaction with the contrarian is comparatively strong. Through a combination of analytical methods and simulations, (They) demonstrate how varying these parameters can lead to transitions between different collective states. >>

Gourab Kumar Sar, Sheida Ansarinasab, et al. Dynamics of swarmalators in the presence of a contrarian. Phys. Rev. E 111, 014209. Jan 7, 2025.

Also: swarm, swarmalators, transition, behav, in 

Keywords: gst, swarm, swarmalators, transitions, behavior, behaviour

sabato 3 agosto 2024

# behav: swarms and hybrids, an approach to create and control collective motions (on demand)

AA << demonstrate that it is possible to generate coordinated structures in collective behavior at desired moments with intended global patterns by fine-tuning an inter-agent interaction rule. (Their) strategy employs deep neural networks, obeying the laws of dynamics, to find interaction rules that command desired collective structures. The decomposition of interaction rules into distancing and aligning forces, expressed by polynomial series, facilitates the training of neural networks to propose desired interaction models. Presented examples include altering the mean radius and size of clusters in vortical swarms, timing of transitions from random to ordered states, and continuously shifting between typical modes of collective motions. This strategy can even be leveraged to superimpose collective modes, resulting in hitherto unexplored but highly practical hybrid collective patterns, such as protective security formations. >>

Dongjo Kim, Jeongsu Lee, Ho-Young Kim. Navigating the swarm: Deep neural networks command emergent behaviours. arXiv: 2407.11330v1 [cs.NE]. Jul 16, 2024.️

Also: swarm, flockbehav, AI (artificial intell), in 

Keywords: behav, swarm, flock, AI, artificial intelligence 

sabato 14 ottobre 2023

# gst: emergence of chimeras driven by non-normality

<< The emergence of order in nature manifests in different phenomena, with synchronization being one of the most representative examples. >>️

<< Particular attention has been paid to the emergence of chimera states, where subsets of synchronized oscillations coexist with asynchronous ones. Such coexistence of coherence and incoherence is a perfect example where order and disorder can persist in a long-lasting regime. >>

<< Based on a symmetry-breaking mechanism, in this paper, (AA) shed light on the role that non-normality, a ubiquitous structural property of real networks, has in the emergence of several diverse dynamical phenomena, e.g., amplitude chimeras or oscillon patterns. >>️

<< Specifically, (they) demonstrate that the prevalence of source or leader nodes in networks leads to the manifestation of phase chimera states. >>️

Riccardo Muolo, Joseph D. O'Brien, et al. Persistence of chimera states and the challenge for synchronization in real-world networks. arXiv: 2306.00237v1 [nlin.PS]. May 31, 2023.

Also: chimera, network, in:

Keywords: gst, chimera, network, synchronization, swarm, noise, order, disorder, normal

lunedì 26 giugno 2023

# gst: apropos of the shepherding problem, a collision-free model between sheep and shepherd

<< The shepherding problem refers to guiding a group of agents (called sheep) to a specific destination using an external agent with repulsive forces (called shepherd). Although various movement algorithms for the shepherd have been explored in the literature, there is a scarcity of methodologies for selective guidance, which is a key technology for precise swarm control. >>️

AA << study investigates the problem of guiding a single target sheep within a swarm to a given destination using a shepherd. (AA) first present (their) model of the dynamics of sheep agents and the interaction between sheep and shepherd agents. The model is shown to be well-defined with no collision if the interaction magnitude between sheep and shepherd is reasonably limited. Based on the analysis with Lyapunov stability principles, (AA) design a shepherd control law to guide the target sheep to the origin while avoiding collisions among sheep agents. >>️

Yaosheng Deng, Aiyi Li, Masaki Ogura, Naoki Wakamiya. Collision-Free Shepherding Control of a Single Target within a Swarm. arXiv: 2306.12044v1 [nlin.AO]. Jun 21, 2023.

Alsobehav, swarm, game, sadistic, ctz  in:

Keywords: gst, behav, swarm, game

giovedì 22 giugno 2023

# gst: the effects of order- disorder on a system of swarmalators that move on a one-dimensional ring.

<< Swarmalators are phase oscillators that cluster in space, like fireflies flashing on a swarm to attract mates. >>

<< In this work, (AA) explore the effects of disorder induced by phase frustration on a system of Swarmalators that move on a one-dimensional ring. >>

They find << numerically and analytically, the ordered and disordered states that emerge in the system. The active states, not present in the model without disorder, resemble states found previously in numerical studies for the 2D Swarmalators system. One of these states, in particular, shows similarities to turbulence generated in a flattened media. (AA) show that all ordered states can be generated for any values of the coupling constants by tuning the phase frustration parameters only. Moreover, many of these combinations display multi-stability. >>️

Joao U.F. Lizarraga, Marcus A.M. de Aguiar. Sakaguchi Swarmalators. arXiv: 2305.08615v1 [nlin.PS]. May 15, 2023. 

Also:  'swarm', 'turbulence', 'noise', 'particle' in:

Keywords: gst, swarm, turbulence, noise, particle

sabato 19 novembre 2022

# gst: apropos of swarms: local couplings, chirality, lattices of vortices, beating clusters, interacting phase waves among swarmalators.

AA << study the emergent behaviors of a population of swarming coupled oscillators, dubbed 'swarmalators'. (..)  Here (they) expand this work by adding more realistic features: local coupling, non-identical natural frequencies, and chirality. This more realistic model generates a variety of new behaviors including lattices of vortices, beating clusters, and interacting phase waves. Similar behaviors are found across natural and artificial micro-scale collective systems, including social slime mold, spermatozoa vortex arrays, and Quincke rollers. >>

Steven Ceron, Kevin O'Keeffe, Kirstin Petersen. Diverse Behaviors in Non-Uniform Chiral and Non-Chiral Swarmalators. arXiv: 2211.06439v1 [nlin.AO]. Nov 11, 2022.


keyword 'swarm' in FonT

keyword 'chiral' in FonT

keyword 'vortex' in FonT

keyword 'vortice' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, behav, behavior, behaviour, swarm, swarmalators, chirality, chiral swarmalators, non-chiral swarmalators, vortex, vortex array, vortices, vorticity, slime mold.

martedì 15 novembre 2022

# gst: self-buckling and self-writhing of semi-flexible Entities (among P. mirabilis)

<< Multi-flagellated microorganisms can buckle and writhe under their own activity as they swim through a viscous fluid. New equilibrium configurations and steady-state dynamics then emerge which depend on the organism's mechanical properties and on the oriented distribution of flagella along its surface. Modeling the cell body as a semi-flexible Kirchhoff rod and coupling the mechanics to a dynamically evolving flagellar orientation field, (AA) derive the Euler-Poincaré equations governing dynamics of the system, and rationalize experimental observations of buckling and writhing of elongated swarmer P. mirabilis cells. >>

<< A sequence of bifurcations is identified as the body is made more compliant, due to both buckling and torsional instabilities. The results suggest that swarmer cells invest no more resources in maintaining membrane integrity than is necessary to prevent self-buckling. >>
Wilson Lough, Douglas B. Weibel, et al. Self-buckling and self-writhing of semi-flexible microorganisms. arXiv: 2211.04381v1 [cond-mat.soft]. Nov 8, 2022. 


keyword 'swimming' in FonT

Keywords: gst, motility, swarm, swarming, swarmer, swim, swimming, swimmer, buckling, writhing. 

sabato 29 ottobre 2022

# gst: two steady collective states in swarmalators with delayed interactions

AA << investigate the effects of delayed interactions in a population of "swarmalators", generalizations of phase oscillators that both synchronize in time and swarm through space. >>

AA << discover two steady collective states: a state in which swarmalators are essentially motionless in a disk arranged in a pseudo-crystalline order, and a boiling state in which the swarmalators again form a disk, but now the swarmalators near the boundary perform boiling-like convective motions. >>️

Nicholas Blum, Andre Li, et al. Swarmalators with delayed interactions. arXiv: 2210.11417v1 [nlin.AO]. Oct 20, 2022.


keyword 'swarm' in FonT

keyword 'particle' | 'quasiparticle' in FonT

keyword 'particelle' in Notes
(quasi-stochastic poetry)

Keywords: gst, particle, swarm

martedì 13 settembre 2022

# gst: "birds of a feather flock together", the swarmalators

<< Swarmalators have emerged as a new paradigm for dynamical collective behavior of multi-agent systems due to the interplay of synchronization and swarming that they inherently incorporate. Their dynamics have been explored with different coupling topologies, interaction functions, external forcing, noise, competitive interactions, and from other important viewpoints. Here (AA) take a systematic approach and review the collective dynamics of swarmalators analytically and/or numerically. Long-term states of position aggregation and phase synchronization are revealed in this perspective with some future >>️

Gourab Kumar Sar, Dibakar Ghosh. Dynamics of swarmalators: A pedagogical review. arXiv: 2208.14803v1 [nlin.AO]. Jul 25, 2022. Europhysics Letters 139, 53001. 
doi: 10.1209/ 0295-5075/ac8445. 


Keyword 'swarm' in FonT

Keywords: gst, behavior, collective behavior, self-organization, synchronization, spontaneous synchronization, swarm, swarmalators.